Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 645


Chapter 645 Setting Up

"I'm too careless!"

Seng Jialan lay on the ground, only the rest Half body, missing from the waist down.

At this moment, he is exhausted.

The great formation of murderous intention is running, the Astral Fiend strikes together, and the infinite ultimate move is coming one after another.

Sangjialan was exhausted, the loose cultivator around him gradually withered away, and he was finally left alone.

In 'Three Good Roads', there is Asura Road, this is War God, good at fighting, fierce and bloodthirsty.

Sinhalese is possessed by Asura, which can be said to be like a hot knife through butter. With one punch, the thunderbolt is scattered, and the black wind is broken with one kick.

However, although the individual is strong, it cannot withstand the endless array.

Sinhala dashed back and forth, Unhindered Eight Directions on all sides, but couldn't find a way to break the array and go out.

According to his estimation, the farthest point has been rushed to a hundred miles away, and he has not yet escaped the shrouded range of the great formation.

However, from the outside, the five great formations add up to no more than ten miles.

That is to say, inside the Formation, there is the Illusion Technique of Shrinking the Earth into an Inch.

Sinhalese opened 'Heavenly Eye' successively, looking down at the array with Supreme attitude, but found that he was one foot tall, and the big array was one foot taller.

The great formation as the tide rises, the boat floats, with his Heavenly Eye line of sight, continues to rise upwards, and can never see the outside world.

Next, Sinhala performed the 'human form' to switch various forms.

Sometimes it turns into an eight-armed Dharani, moved towards all directions and emits a beam of light, trying to decipher the space Illusion Technique of the big array.

Sometimes it was Garuda, who had two pairs of flesh wings on his back, desperately flying into the sky, trying to escape from the great formation.

However, no matter how he tossed, the big array always wrapped him up.

On the contrary, Sinhalese tossed a lot and wasted a lot of energy.

The surrounding Formation's ultimate move is getting more and more dense.

There were many loose cultivators before, who shared the murderous intention of the big formation, but now they are all dead, and all the pressure is concentrated on Sinhalese.

The 'Asura battle body', which is invincible, has its attack power greatly reduced as its strength weakens.

Thunderbolt, black wind, fire and ice, getting closer and closer to the body of Sinhalese, looking around, all directions are.

"Could it be that I fell here today?"

Seng Jialan felt despair in his heart, if he died, all his ambitions would go with the wind.

He was at the border of despair when he suddenly heard a voice in his ear.

"You cultivation Three Good Roads, this is rare!"

Sangjialan was drunk, but what surprised him even more was that some people are still alive to this day .

A young monk, with a look of compassion, walked slowly to Seng Jialan.

The two stood there and started talking.

In fact, the five great formations can communicate with each other, and the daoists of all parties can also talk to each other.

At this moment, many eyes met and fell on the two of them.

From just now until now, tens of thousands of loose cultivators have entered the battle, and there are only two-digit remainders left.

Those who can last to the end are not simple people either because they have a profound cultivation base or have secret techniques.

However, no one is like ignorance, who can walk in the midst of the formation.

I'm already a daoist, and I feel a headache when I recognize the identity of ignorance.

At the moment, Taoism has not yet attacked the overall situation. Wuming, as a descendant of Shimen, has already entered the battle alone.

Using all-out efforts to mobilize the great formation can actually kill ignorance, but it will lead to Shimen's revenge. Given the situation of Majiao, it is really not suitable for Taoism and Shimen to fight on both sides.

However, it is not a solution to always be trapped in the array.

Several daoists watched secretly, wanting to see what ignorance was going to do.

At this moment, Sengjialan was at the end of the mountain, and suddenly saw the appearance of ignorance, and suddenly hoped.

"Please help the monk!"

Seng Jialan put his hands together, his posture was very low.

Ignorance asked, "You are the cultivation Six Paths of Reincarnation, and you have such profound attainments. You are not an ordinary person. Sign up for your name!"

"The villain is Sangjialan. , my heart is toward Shimen!"

After listening to Wuming, nodded, did not say anything.

However, several daoists of the Ma Sect all know that Seng Jialan is the leader of the Yi soldiers, and didn't expect to join in.

"High Monk, you are..."

"Guangming Jingshe, ignorance!"

Seng Jialan listened, sucked in a breath of cold air , but now it is at stake, and only this thigh can be kept.

Ignorance observed Sengjialan, satisfied nodded, "It's rare that you can cultivate Three Good Roads Great Accomplishment!"

"Unfortunately, if you don't have the Dharma, the next two In a hundred years, you can get Perfection, but if you want to cultivate Three Evil Roads, it is absolutely impossible!"

Seng Jialan's heart shrank sharply when he heard this, and the other party said that he was suffering from a heart disease.

It turns out that Sangjialan cultivation Three Good Roads starts from the difficulty.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation circulating in the world are mostly 'Beasts, Evil Ghosts, Hell' Three Evil Roads. Because it is easy to get started, it is widely spread.

In contrast, 'Heaven, Man, Asura' Three Good Roads are more difficult to cultivate.

The most proud of Sengjialan's life is the Three Good Roads cultivation Great Accomplishment, and the Three Evil Roads that make it easier to re-cultivation.

However, in his eyes, the easiest Three Evil Roads turned out to be an insurmountable mountain.

Seng Jialan tried countless times to release the widely circulated Three Evil Roads, for him, it was heavenly ascension.

It was only later that he learned that in Six Paths of Reincarnation, good and evil are clearly defined.

If there is no expert guidance, this life can only stop at Three Good Roads.

didn't expect , today's opportunity is at hand.

Fortunately, Sengjialan Xindao, this trip was not in vain. Although there were nine deaths and still alive, it was very interesting to get the opportunity of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

“I beg the eminent monks to teach the Dharma!”

Seng Jialan is a decisive person, kneeling on the ground on the spot, kowtowing desperately for help.

The corner of the ignorant's mouth bloomed with a smile, "This poor monk is here to enlighten you!"

"There are four types of people in the world, those who have a good heart and do evil, those who have a bad heart and do good, and those who have a bad heart. Do good with a good heart, and do evil with a bad heart!"

Sangjialan thought, the first two are absolutely impossible, and the latter two are rare.

"You have cultivated Three Good Roads, and you have already wanted to abandon good to evil, and only do evil."

Wuming's smile became more harmonious, "I heard that you are a white clothed Buddhist soldier. The leader of the army, with hundreds of thousands of troops in the palm of his hand, in time, he will definitely be the king of the separatist side, and even the king of vie for supremacy of the world!"

Seng Jialan hurriedly said, "I am not here!"


"If you have soldiers and horses as minions, you should bring chaos to the world, with a single finger of your soldiers, you will lay down millions of corpses!"

"Killing and committing evil, this is the great evil in the world!"

When Wuming said this, he pointed at Sengjialan's eyebrows.

In an instant, Sengjialan's whole body was wrapped in warmth, and his mind was immersed in boundless light.

There is pure light everywhere, without the slightest filth, making people feel pure like glass from the inside to the outside, without a single dust.


Seng Jialan woke up suddenly, with great regret, and wanted to return to that bright world.

"Are you enlightened?"

Wuming asked him with a smile.

"I realized that the bright world needs to be purified by killing!"

At this moment, Seng Jialan's eyes burst out with lava-like devotion.

One day, this scorching heat will flow out, spread to the world, and make the world shrouded in the flames of war.

(end of this chapter)

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