Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 642


Chapter 642 is tragic

"There is nothing unusual about this great formation!"

Le Qingyang looked all around, The smoke was foggy, and the eyes were full of silhouettes.

The spatial distance inside this great formation seems to have been distorted.


Le Qingyang looked at a silhouette beside him, as if it was one of his Disciples, about ten steps away, and reached out to grab him.

didn't expect


Disciple's voice seemed to come from afar.

Le Qingyang was startled, and flew forward quickly. After about ten breaths, he arrived in front of Disciple.

This distance seems to be dozens of times as expected.

"The internal space of this formation has been enlarged, and the distance between people has been distorted to an abnormal level!"

At this time, I want to rely on the number of people to force the Formation to its limit purpose, ultimately failed.

A large array can distorted space, and even if a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses breaks into it, it will eventually be diluted to an insignificant level.

Surrounded by this, only then did I understand the terrifying of the Majiao array.

"No wonder, no matter how many comrades who entered the battle, they disappeared silently!"

On the other side, Seng Jialan walked alone, his eyes seemed to penetrate the smoke Miasma, we have already seen key places such as flags and high platforms.

He didn't release the family's direct line, otherwise he wouldn't, and was chosen as the leader of the rebellion.

Sengjialan knew in his heart that this was a job to die for, even though he was commanding hundreds of thousands of horses, he was majestic.

Once Shimen and Imperial Court reconciled, the first person who came out to be stabbed was the bandit leader, Seng Jialan.

After all, Seng Jialan's identity is the leader of the chaotic people. Speaking from the surface, Shimen does not admit that he is related to him.

However, with the scale of hundreds of thousands of horses, Shimen is behind it, sending money and food and manpower.

If Shimen withdraws, the white clothed Buddhist soldiers will collapse without a fight, turning into a pile of loose sand.

Sengjialan, far away from the army, came to the capital to help in the battle, not for anything else, but to seek a glimmer of survival.

He can become the commander of the army, and his scheming and means are far beyond ordinary people. He can see that the capital is the origin of the chaos in the world.

"If I can take this opportunity to cultivate the Six Paths of Reincarnation Great Accomplishment, I can become a holy monk."

"From now on, I will no longer be a chess piece, but a chess piece. He's a chess player!"

No one knows, Seng Jialan has high aspirations and has been devoted to the cultivation of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Moreover, what he cultivates is the rare 'Three Good Roads'.

The three paths of 'Heaven, Man, and Asura' are the path of cultivation of Sengjialan.

Heaven is for order, man is for god, Asura is for killing, Three Good Roads Great Accomplishment can control the supreme law of order between Heaven and Earth.

Up to now, Sengjialan has already cultivated Three Good Roads, cultivation to Great Accomplishment Realm, and as long as it reaches Perfection, it can be like a hot knife through butter, Three Evil Roads achievement, Six Paths of Reincarnation Perfection.

If you want Three Good Roads Perfection, this trip is a good opportunity.

The five great formations set up by the Majiao, with daoist sitting in the center, are really a good place to sharpen the cultivation.

Since Sengjialan came in person, outsiders thought he was loyal to Shimen, but in fact, he had his own selfish calculations.


Seng Jialan noticed that the confusing smoke in the big array came from the flags and high platforms in all directions, and there was an endless stream.

However, murderous intention never appeared.

Sangjialan folded his hands together, "I am God!"

In the blink of an eye, the top of Sangjialan's head was filled with the breath of Supreme.

At this moment, he has become the embodiment of order, and the mountains, rivers, sun and moon must obey the arrangements.

"I'm a human being!"

Next moment, around the body of Sengjia, there is a smallpox spinning and falling, the goddess poses in a dance pose of lithe and graceful, and bursts of music sounded.

Countless gods and beings surround Sengjialan, like offering the most respected Divine King.

"I'm Asura!"

tone barely fell, Sengjialan opened his eyes, and a fierce breath spurted out.

The realm of Three Good Roads is instantly upgraded to Peak.

Sangjialan was in an unprecedentedly powerful state, walking slowly with his hands folded, and the smoke behind him all dissipated.

"Not good!"

When he walked about ten steps, a flag appeared in front of him, and the members of the Ma sect members looked astonished below.

This large-scale killing method also has an Illusion Technique that confuses the crowd, such as the smoke of all around, which is used to confuse the eyes.

In the past, there were people who accidentally hit the flag and rushed to the vicinity of the flag, but no one could make the members of the Majiao who manipulated the flag visible.

“so that's how it is, you are a demon!”

Sangjialan stared at the other’s sect member, nodded, “That’s the case!”

tone barely fell , in front of rising winds, scudding clouds , suddenly, the big formation changed.

Above the high platform, a pillar of the sky rises, like a whale swallowing a water column, spraying down the array all around.

“Haha, you came just right, die!”

The members of the Majiao sect received the message, shook the flagpole vigorously, the flag crash-bang, and shot out thousands of baleful aura streams.

Seng Jialan was caught off guard, and countless turbulent currents rushed in front of him, causing him to take a few steps back.

This time, the Majiao responded decisively, and the first move was the unique trick of 'Astral Fiend'.

The air currents of the sky and the earth are intertwined and merged, resulting in a change of earth shattering.

The Taoists outside, seeing the changes in the formation through the copper mirror, couldn't help but be amazed.

"This is the Astral Fiend combo!"

Some unknown corner, Kong Xuanzi of the Vacuum Dao Sect, saw the changes in this formation and felt very familiar.

After thinking for a while, Kong Xuanzi remembered that the trick that he had seen before, the Ma Jiao Chuan, was exactly what it felt like.

The difference is that Ma Buren uses this move, like a trickle, but the big array runs like a big river and sea, gushing endlessly.

"Not good!"

The copper mirror watched by Fang Dou and the others exclaimed.

The sound of cracking sounded, and the copper mirror shattered into seven or eight pieces, slipped from the hand of the headmaster, and fell to the ground.

Everyone gasped and took a few steps back.

In the scene in front of me, it is clear that the power of the big formation was too violent, and it was poured out through the relationship of the magic weapon. The copper mirror couldn't bear it and shattered on the spot.

"The loose cultivators in the array..."

Fubo Taoist priest couldn't bear it, and looked the head.

"Seek more happiness for yourself!"

Fang Dou sighed softly.

In the great formation, one after another thunderbolt fell from the sky, landed on people, and blew up the blood mist on the spot.

There is also a black whirlwind, which penetrates into the human body from the mouth and nose and seven orifices, melting the flesh and blood, leaving only a human skin wrapped around the bones.

Astral Fiend smashed together, producing rounds of flames, like flower bones, turning living people into candles and melting them into corpse oil.

Loose cultivators are hell-bent on spells in vain, but cannot withstand a single blow, one after another before the Formation changes.

“Master, save me!”

A Disciple reached out to Le Qingyang, but was hit by a thunderbolt and exploded into a blood mist on the spot.

Just before his death, he was also regretting, why didn't he take over the task of delivering the letter?

Le Qingyang breathes deeply, this is the last Disciple by his side, and it is all dead now.

Next, it's his turn!

"My footsteps across the river, the road has come to an end, let's see Taoism and Shimen!"

Le Qingyang breathes deeply, and a big frost flower falls down , freezing him into a shattered smoothie.

(end of this chapter)

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