Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 643


Chapter 643 The possibility of breaking the formation

In the blink of an eye, inside the five formations, there were heavy casualties.

A Taoist person from the outside world, used to spy on the magic weapon inside the Formation, one after another goes out.

Obviously, if Formation operates at full strength and isolates the inside and outside, it has a powerful magic weapon, and it will also be destroyed, unable to transmit the slightest information.

A piece of magic weapon is cracked or broken, accompanied by the final scream.

Everyone at the scene was absolutely silent, feeling that the situation was unprecedentedly severe.

The loose cultivator with a scale of tens of thousands of people was slaughtered by the opponent after breaking into the big formation.

In the last picture from the copper mirror, the loose cultivators were destroyed one by one on the run, with no power to fight back.

Sure enough, Formation is a great tool for using the weak to defeat the strong.

The entire hemp education is barely more than 10,000, and now it is scattered all over the world.

Although the members of the Majiao from the capital are all elite, the number is far from enough.

Let's not talk about it, even if loose cultivators gather together and spit one by one, they can drown the mahouth.

However, Majiao tried his best to set up five great formations, which instantly became invincible.

"It's troublesome now!"

The Taoist Sects present, big and small, looked at the master, and their expressions became solemn.

Don't underestimate these loose cultivators, with a scale of tens of thousands of people, there are also many hidden powerhouses, and even those of late mages.

Looking at the previous attacking formation, the attack was well-defined and well-distributed, and it was obvious that an expert was manipulating it.

There are so many loose cultivators, each with a life-saving secret technique in their hands, but they can't skip the ending of being killed.

It wouldn't be better for people like Taoists.

In other words, if the Taoists attacked the great formation, it would definitely be the end of the entire army.

For a time, everyone felt lost.

It's one thing to watch a loose cultivator die, but it's not so wonderful when it falls on one's own head.

Some of the Sects, the dark sons who have been painstakingly cultivated, have all died in this wave, and they all sighed.

"They have Formation, don't we have it?"

Suddenly, there was a Taoist cultivator in the crowd who made this suggestion.

Well, my colleagues around me were instantly refreshed.

Taoism also has an array, and the background is deeper than that of Majiao. It is a good way to break through the array.

The crowd began to riot, and many Old Daoist Priests with gray hair and beards began to arrange in order to demonstrate various possible Formations.

Fubo Taoist priest came to be interested, and raised his sleeves to look forward.

"Fellow Daoist, don't go!"

Fang Dou grabbed Taoist Fubo and shook the head at him.

At this moment, the five great formations are still running, and the loose cultivator inside is not yet dead, and it is supported by the slightest.

But their demise is only a matter of time.

Without reinforcements from outside, we only rely on ourselves to carry it hard. Over time, we will inevitably be unable to escape the end of death.

However, the Taoists are close at hand, and no one has the intention of reaching out to rescue.

It is not yet when the time comes. If you want to break the Formation, you must find the right time.

These loose cultivators, from the very beginning, are the victims.

The Taoist cultivators began to discuss the possibility of breaking the battle, but Fang Dou was not optimistic.


Fubo Taoist priest also felt that this method is the best, and the Taoism is far more powerful than Majiao.

Astral Fiend has a single Formation, which has forced countless cultivators to make an inch.

Other Taoist Sects also have Formation inheritance, so they are no match for local Formation.

"Time doesn't allow it!"

Fang Dou said what was on his mind.

Take the battle between the two armies as an analogy. Majiao relies on five large formations and is regarded as the defender of the city.

The Taoists came from a long way and belonged to the siege side, and the other side was waiting for work and had already made preparations.

Since ancient times, siege battles have suffered the most casualties, especially for the siege side.

The idea of breaking through the formation is like constructing a new city outside the city, so that the two sides evenly matched.

Two cities face each other, and it becomes a war of attrition until one of them can't stand it.

According to this line of thought, the method of breaking through the formation is beneficial to Taoism.

However, above the military, there are also political considerations.

The Majiao came here, in order to destroy the Majiao who tried to establish the Sect, they must win with thunderous momentum.

It is necessary to win simply, but also to win beautifully, and let the world know that there is only dead end for those who try to start anew.

Therefore, the high-level Taoists cannot accept it, and this battle has become a protracted battle.

The longer the time passes, the more the face of Taoism will be lost.

From the very beginning, the purpose of Taoism is very clear, do it quickly, and exterminate the sect.

"To sum up, although the method of breaking the formation with the formation is good, it is absolutely impossible!"

Taoist priest Fubo was suspicious, "How can there be such a reason, in order to catch up Time, sacrifice the faith of fellow comrades!"

Fang Dou laughed without saying a word, nodded, "The truth is like this, but people don't reason with you!"

Sure enough, Everyone was negotiating in full swing, but they saw Yuan Tianhe coming together.

These three represent the Dao Sects of Big Dipper, Wude, and Vacuum respectively, behind which is the decision of the Taoist high-level.

Their opinions will determine the way this attack will take place.

Someone couldn't help but suggested to Yuan Tianhe and the three, "I suggest to use ten Six Sect Gold Jade formations!"

"It's better to have a gloomy and bleak formation. !"


"No need!"

Yuan Tianhe waved his hand, "I will convey the opinions of several daoists, starting from tomorrow From now on, the North and South Dao Sect will be divided into five directions, attacking five great formations at the same time!"

As soon as this order, everyone was in an uproar.

If there is no better way, this is the only way.

After all, the loose cultivator had previously replaced them with water, which had already tested the power of the mah-jong formation.

Obviously now, there is already a way to break through the formation, which can reduce casualties, why not adopt it?

"Everything is quiet, this is what daoist means, it is about the survival of my Taoist prestige, please take care of the overall situation!"

Yuan Tianhe said this, his tone became tough.

For a while, everyone was silent.

A moment later, the northern Dao Sect took the lead in stating, "I will obey the daoist order!"

The southern Dao Sect had to say, "Follow the order!"

From this moment on, Taoism began to enter a wartime state.

Yuan Tianhe looked towards the five great formations, still flickering with distorted light, obviously the loose cultivator inside was not dead yet.

Many Sect's headmasters bowed their heads and felt heartbroken. Those dark sons died in vain.

Fang Dou sneered, thinking to himself, in the eyes of the Taoist high-level people, are they no different from loose cultivators.

He can be sure that Yuan Tianhe and the others must have magic weapons to break the formation, but the conditions of use are harsh, and there must be human life to pave the way.

So, together with Fang Dou, Fubo Taoist priest and the others, they became the stones of the way.


Fang Dou suddenly felt a move in his heart, an Avatar had already entered the formation, and the situation was not bad.

The Avatar is naturally Yuantong in Shimen.

On that day, Yuantong searched for Wuming in private, and persuaded the successor of the Guangming Jingshe.

As a result, the two left the battalion group of Shimen and actually mixed into the loose cultivator group.

(end of this chapter)

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