Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 641


Chapter 641 Breakthrough

“Among the loose cultivators, there are also experts!”

Taoists hide in Secretly observed, this battle of breaking the formation was operated by them secretly, so naturally they had to keep an eye on the process.

Fang Dou and Fubo Taoist priest stood side by side, the two factions of Disciple followed behind, surrounded by many Taoist Sects.

The cultivators of these sects either cast the 'light-avoidance spell' or cast the 'blind eye trick' to find a place to hide.

Ordinary person is just passing by, and it is difficult to find these people.

The same is true for Fang Dou, watching the loose cultivators gather nearly 10,000 people to attack the five great formations set up by the cultivators.

This is a rare big scene, maybe it can force out the weak spot of Formation.

Yuan Tianhe and others are the three descendants of Taoism. They are nowhere to be seen at the moment, but they must be watching from somewhere.

"Yes, although they are large in number, they are scattered but not chaotic."

"The formation of the offense is well-proportioned and uniform like fish scales!"

"Also, cultivators of the same style are all assigned to one place!"

The more Fang Dou looked, the more surprised he became. Among the grass, there are also heroes!

It is conceivable that prestige, means and ingenuity are indispensable for training loose cultivators to this point.

Perhaps, this person is very likely to be a secret child of Taoism or Shimen.

"Sengjialan, you are really amazing, you are indeed the leader of the 300,000 white clothed Buddhist soldiers!" Pressure, advancing to the five great formations.

However, among the many waves, there are always a few people standing still.

Le Qingyang is one of them, and the loose cultivators standing beside him are the initiators of this action.

At this moment, everyone looked at a middle-aged man with short hair and admired him very much.

This short-haired middle-aged man has both the temperament of burning incense and paying homage to the Buddha, as well as the iron-blooded solemn killing aura, like a combination of monks and generals.

"Loose cultivator is far behind in terms of numbers, except for the number of players!"

"If you want to break through, you must do something special!"

Seng Jialan stretched out his hand to signal, and many people in the loose cultivator crowd saw it and followed his instructions to greet the loose cultivators around him.

For a time, the dark cloud-like loose cultivators turned into huge rings, slowly turning around the five great formations.

These loose cultivators are very attentive, try to stand outside the thick zhang of the big formation, and keep walking under their feet.

At the same time, the loose cultivators kept chanting spells and spells, and various spell attacks fell like raindrops.

The huge stone block was burning, dragging out the smoke tail of several hundred meters, aiming at the sky above the formation and falling.

The ground trembled, and the soil turned into surging waves, as if a giant beast was arching up from the depths of the ground, trying to overthrow the Formation's feet.

There are also countless straw figures, paper figures and wooden figures, armed with various weapons and weapons, jumping and dashing over.

“ao wu!”

Tigers, leopards, jackals, and all kinds of beasts, with rays of light blooming on their bodies, each showing ferocious fangs and rushing up.

There are more people and more power. These loose cultivators have distinct levels of attack, and they look like they have several points of army formation.

The placement of various spells, after special calculation, cooperate with each other to have stronger formidable power.

The five great formations around the capital, which were calm before, were now under fierce attack, and finally reacted.


There was a sudden sound of tearing in the large formations, and the air split to both sides, and a huge portal with a height of hundreds of meters emerged.

These portals appeared, and there was a violent swallowing force, which swallowed dozens of nearby loose cultivators.

"Not good!"

The loose cultivators, who were prepared for the situation at hand, immediately cast spells, turning their mana into ropes and linking each other up.

The suction force was so strong that the crowd that was originally surrounded by a circle suddenly drew closer, becoming the appearance of a five-petaled plum blossom.

The loose cultivators have their own abilities. Some people grow countless roots on their feet, dig deep into the ground, and resist the suction of Formation. Come and counteract the suction of the Formation.

They learned from their previous experience, no longer fighting individually, but using mana as a rope, joining forces with each other, and finally being able to gain a firm foothold.

"Not bad!"

Sangjialan watched the loose cultivators respond, slightly satisfied.

"If my expectations are not bad, next, the Majiao will run the Formation and suck the loose cultivators into the formation for disposal!"

Le Qingyang nodded, "Yes, it is That's how it is!"

Most of them are secret sons of Shimen Taoism, and their knowledge far exceeds that of ordinary loose cultivators. The scale of tens of thousands of people has reached its limit.

In this case, if you want to eliminate these loose cultivators, you must run the Formation change and suck everyone into it.

"Everyone, I, Le Qingyang, go first!"

Le Qingyang suddenly raised his hand, bowed his hand in salute, and walked away.

The rest of the people looked at Le Qingyang's back and knew what he meant.

"I'm going too!"

This time, loose cultivator, as a pathfinder stone, must be sacrificed first, and the dark sons hidden in it must also make sacrifices , without exception.

These dark sons, who are coordinating the overall situation, have followed the pace of Le Qingyang.

"I'll go too!"

Unexpectedly, Sengjialan, who came as a foreign aid, also kept pace.

"You still have to command the white clothed Buddhist soldiers, so you should leave as soon as possible!"

A dark son from Shimen, he knew that Seng Jialan had a great responsibility. Command the righteous soldiers for Shimen and counter the Imperial Court's pawns.

"Buddha said, I won't go to hell, who will go to hell!"

Seng Jialan folded his hands together, his face extremely pious.


The five great formations turned into waterwheels in the blink of an eye, and began to spin, and their suction power increased a hundredfold.

The loose cultivators could have been able to support themselves, so they turned into cannonballs and threw them into the big formation.

Sengjialan entire group, without stopping, without exerting any force, was sucked into the large formation.

The big formation sucked in tens of thousands of loose cultivators like a gluttonous glutton, and finally closed abruptly.

After several portals disappeared, the array returned to its previous calm and composed appearance,

"Is that so?"

The Taoist people who were observing secretly looked at it. at each other in blank dismay.

The five large formations, each of which absorbed 2,000 loose cultivators, were far beyond their expectations.

If there is no feedback after a while, it means that it is absolutely impossible to break the formation by relying on crowd tactics.

"Don't panic, I have a treasure that can spy on the internal situation!"

The headmaster of a certain Sect took out a copper mirror, rubbed it twice, and raised his palm.

Next moment, the water waves on the surface of the copper mirror flicker, forming a hazy mist.

In the fog, the silhouette flickered, it was the loose cultivators who had entered the battle earlier.

Fubo Taoist priest looked towards Fang Dou, making a mouth shape, "Anzi!"

They all know that the big formation is isolated from inside and outside, and ordinary magic weapons can't be probed, why? Is it possible now?

The only explanation is that he sent Anzi into it, and the other party carries a magic weapon, echoing with the copper mirror, in order to see the internal scene.

It is the most basic quality to see through and not to say anything.

Fang Dou noticed that the Taoist cultivators around him also watched the mirror without saying a word, and poured their minds into the picture in the copper mirror.

(end of this chapter)

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