Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 640


Chapter 640 Prelude

Le Qingyang is an unremarkable loose cultivator, in fact, he has a hidden identity , but the hands of Taoism outside.

Usually, he acts as a loose cultivator. Once the Sect to which he belongs has an order, he will go to execute it.

It can be said that Le Qingyang is not in Sect, but he has made countless contributions to Sect.

However, due to identity reasons, these credits can only be recorded and cannot be honored.

Le Qingyang still insists, the reason is very simple, the accumulation of these credits can be exchanged for one of his descendants, who joined Sect and became a just and honorable Taoist.

A dark child like him, either because of aptitude, or because of a big mistake, was kicked out and became a loose cultivator who is no one to rely on.

Because of this, Le Qingyang knows better than anyone the benefits of having a Taoist identity.

To this end, Le Qingyang pinned his hopes on the next generation.

This trip to Beijing is also in response to the call of Taoism to eradicate the sectarian religion.

It was only when Le Qingyang got here that he realized that every day was like a torment.

Many fellow loose cultivators died in the battle, many of whom had been friends for many years.

The true identity of Le Qingyang is also a loose cultivator. Even if he is loyal to Taoism, he can't help but feel like if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves.

Especially, the order came yesterday for him to do that big thing.

After receiving the order, Le Qingyang suffered for a long time without sleep, and sat withered until dawn.

"Master, I've drawn clean water, please cleanse my face!"

Several dexterous discs have brought him a copper basin filled with clean water.

Le Qingyang picked up a handful of clear water and was stimulated by the cold water in the morning, and suddenly decided something.

"You guys, who would like to send me a letter?"

Several of the disciplines looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one was willing to speak.

In the past, there must have been people who wanted to leave the battlefield, but now it is different.

On the front lines, many rumors began to spread.

It is said that the Sect Lord Guanglin daoist of Ma Sect, supported by the emperor, took many precious treasures from the treasury.

According to legend, there are the leg bones of the Ancient Giant, the dragon marrow salvaged from the deep sea, the tail feathers of the last Phoenix in the world, and so on.

Also, over the years of the rise of the Majiao religion, countless loose cultivators have sought refuge, seemingly excavating ancient ruins, collecting countless books on cultivation techniques and magic medicine pills.

Why did Majiao dare to establish Sect, even at the risk of angering Taoists and Shimen? It is to have massive resources that can be used up.

repeated rumor becomes a fact

There are also many loose cultivators in the hemp education, and many people immediately sent letters to inquire, but the other party resolutely denied it.

This denial has instead confirmed the rumors.

Loose cultivators are excited, this is the right time, there is a certain amount of wealth in the world, the Imperial Court can't grab it, Taoists and Shimen can't afford to offend.

On the other hand, Majiao, which had previously made enemies everywhere, is now facing a fierce attack from Taoism, and has already been on the verge of collapse.

The loose cultivators don't have the courage to charge into battle, but they still have the courage to follow the Taoists and beat down the underdogs!

Originally, a lot of loose cultivators died, and many of the surviving ones were born to retire.

Nowadays, after hearing the rumors, they don't leave, and more loose cultivators are added daily.

Le Qingyang's Disciples, privately and acquaintances, have all inquired about it and know that the opportunity is coming.

Now is the critical moment, following the Master is very likely to get a lot of benefits, who wants to stay away from the other side and miss the good opportunity!

"Neither of you are willing!"

Le Qingyang's eyes hid a subtle grief deep in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

Several disciplines kept making eye contact, urging each other to take the initiative to stop and take over the task.

However, everyone is not stupid, and no one is willing to agree!

"Since that's the case..."

Le Qingyang looked disappointed and was about to speak.

Suddenly, the youngest Disciple gritted his teeth, "Master, I'm willing to go!"

The youngest Disciple, about fifteen or sixteen years old, was accepted by him the year before, not aptitude Great, now the cultivation base is shallow, and we can only do some sundries that serve tea and water.

"It's you!"

Le Qingyang exhaled, "Would you like to send a letter?"

The little Disciple nodded again and again, "I would like to send a letter for the Master! "

"Very good, you have sent this letter to this place, you must deliver it to...!"

Le Qingyang said, and sent a letter to the little boy. Disciple in hand.

The paper of this letter is some years old, the surface is a little yellow, and it has been hidden on the body for a long time, and the edges and corners are curled.

The little Disciple put away the letter, "Master, don't worry, I will deliver the letter!"

Le Qingyang nodded, "Go now!"

Little Disciple was stunned for a moment, so anxious, but he didn't have time to think about it, and immediately started the journey.

He thought in his heart, to send the letter as soon as possible, and to return to this place in time to fight side by side with the Master and the Senior Brothers.

However, little Disciple doesn't know, this life will never be near, see Le Qingyang entire group again.

Except for Le Qingyang, no one knows the contents of the letter.

In the letter, there is only one thing, that is, for his many years of service to Taoism, in exchange for the opportunity of the sender to join Sect.

After the little Disciple left, Le Qingyang looked at a few of the Disciples, and saw their expressions of joy and lament in their hearts, you missed a great opportunity.

"Listen, everyone, at noon tomorrow, join forces for the division and some Fellow Daoists, and will join forces to attack the big formation!"

"You, also follow the Master together!"

The disciples were overjoyed, "Follow your orders, Master!"


On the second day, outside the five great formations, there was a huge crowd, like It was an ant that burrowed out of the soil layer, and it was difficult to measure from a distance.

These loose cultivators usually act independently. Unless there are special circumstances, it is impossible to form thousands or even tens of thousands.

Among them, the role of 'Le Qingyang' is indispensable.

Under the control of Taoist Anzi, loose cultivators began to gather, perhaps because they believed the rumors, but also because of the courage of the people, they began to have the idea of impacting the big formation.

After all, so many people gathered, including the powerhouse of realm.

No matter how powerful the Formation of Majiao is, it will definitely be unbearable.

Besides, the purpose of loose cultivators is not to break the formation, but to make a fortune in the sect.

"human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food!"

Le Qingyang hides in the crowd, with a cool look in her eyes.

His eyes swept all around, and found many familiar faces, all of them were like him, from Taoism.

This time, not only ordinary loose cultivators, but also Taoist dark sons were involved.

Le Qingyang knew that this time it was a mission to die, and even these dark sons were not spared, which showed the depth of the Taoist plan.

Knowing that you are going to die, but you have to step in by yourself, this is the sadness of being a Taoist dark child.

Le Qingyang remembered the little discipline, at least the hard work of this life finally paid off.

The moment the little discipline delivered the letter, even if he died, he could be blessed by Good Fortune, so that he could join Taoism and no longer have to live in the hard life of wind and sleep.

"Fellow Daoists, come today to exterminate the evil demons!"

"You and I will work together, this battle will be won!"

loose The huge crowd of cultivators began to creep slowly, like a large continuous dark cloud, curling towards the five great formations.

(end of this chapter)

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