Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 635


Chapter 635 Both sides

"Guang Senior Lin, I have a presumptuous request!"

Fang Dou received After downloading the Astral Fiend Heavenly Book, bow to the Guanglin daoist.

"Tell me!"

"Junior wants to stay and watch the senior and Taoist fight!"

Guangli daoist smiled, "Of course, Just follow me!"

He thought to himself, Fang Dou is really smart, knowing that the Astral Fiend Heavenly Book can't be delayed, he simply kept the book and left it in front of the Guanglin daoist.

"My hemp sect's headmaster and messengers have all been sent to the five major formations outside the city, and there is no one around."

"You just happened to be here, just watch the battle beside me!"

Fang Dou thought to himself, this is good, Danrong and Yuantong are outside, and the body is on the side of Majiao. If they can find an opportunity, Yin Dead Kong Xuanzi and the others are nothing difficult.


The five great formations outside the city are still like petals, guarding the crucial capital.

However, looking down from the sky above, you can see that outside the 'flowers', there are many more twisted color blocks, which are distributed in the vast land and surround them in the center.

One of the color blocks seems to be the great hall of this Taoist gathering.

In the great hall, all the Taoists have come together.

Fang Dou looks to the left, looks to the right, looks the head.

What's the matter? You don't even have a chair or chair, so everyone is standing?

This gathering was launched in the name of the three Dao Sects of Big Dipper, Wude and Vacuum, which is equivalent to the Taoist pre-war mobilization order.

These three, led by Yuan Tianhe, Huo De and Kong Xuanzi, did not have the daoist behind them.

However, no one dares to despise Daoist if he does not appear.

In the early morning, the principals of various sects and branches of Taoism have all arrived at the great hall.

"See, South and North, totally different!"

Taoist priest Fubo, reminding Fang Dou softly.

In the great hall, there is a clear dividing line between the south and the north in Taoism.

On the southern side, there are Hangyin Temple, Mount Huang Dao vein, Li River Dao vein, etc., as well as the Sect gathered in Kuaiji Mountain last time, and some poor, humble sects that have not been seen.

Fang Dou was suddenly a little strange, and asked in a low voice, "Why is the north calling the shots, don't we have a daoist in the south?"

"Why not?"

Taoist priest Fubo replied, "There are also daoists in the south, but they are far inferior to the north in terms of seniority and number. Naturally, it is inconvenient to come forward and give the initiative to the north!"

It turned out that, Big Dipper, Wude and Vacuum Three Great Sects are at the top Sect level, but not only one or two daoists, but more than one slap.

Even among Taoists, the daoists heard are only tips of the iceberg, and there are more daoists of higher quality hidden.

For example, Fengchen daoist is already sprinting for Yang God's omniscience, but his reputation is not comparable to that of Deadwood and Huangguan.

The more profound daoist, the farther away from the mortal world.

"Did you see it?"

Taoist priest Fubo, his eyes swept to the crowd, a small Taoist temple in the south, Kuaiji Mountain has been seen, has not shown the mountains and not revealing the water, the viewer is also very low-key.

"I see!"

"There is a daoist Ancestor Master in their family dating back seven generations!"


Fang Dou was surprised. He has a daoist at home, why is he so low-key?

"This is also something that can't be helped!"

Daoist Fubo explained.

“The daoist is pure in heart and desires, seeking Heavenly Dao, and is rarely involved in the mundane world.”

“You can’t expect daoist to intervene in the affairs of the Sect!”

"A Sect will continue to exist, you can count on daoist, but if you want to prosper, you have to rely on talents like Danrong Fellow Daoist!"

Daoist Fubo said this, and patted it calmly. horses.

Fang Dou said modestly with a smile, "Where, my ability is not as good as the headmaster Minggao of Hanging Yinguan!"

"Headmaster Minggao, too It's a pity that there is no daoist in the door!"

Fubo Taoist sighed and comforted Fang Dou, "When you have to let go of money, you should let it go, don't worry too much!"

Fang Dou thought to himself, there is no way to hide this!

"It doesn't matter, I can figure it out!"

"Just want to understand!"

Although the daoists don't intervene, their descendants use the guise of their own to rob Also normal.

For example, in the middle of Shu, Fang Dou was suppressed by the three Sword Sects, so he could only fight back.

It is true that there is no relationship between relatives!

"It's a pity that after years of hard work, it turned into running water and made wedding gowns for others!"

Fang Dou shook the head, "Some people have already planned, How are you picking peaches!"

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, words of resentment, it is not appropriate to say more!" The indeterminate floor tiles grew a pair of ears and overheard the content of the conversation between the two.

"It's not in the way!"

The two were talking, Yuan Tianhe, Huo De and Kong Xuanzi came together.

"Everyone is the pillar of my Taoist school, and it is your duty to exterminate the Ma sect this time!"

"There are five great formations outside the capital, which are hidden by the Guanglin daoist. Minions, if you want to enter the capital and kill the culprit, you must first break through the great formation!"

When this sentence was mentioned, someone spoke in the great hall.

"We, the first ones, have been here for half a year. We see the great formation standing all day long, and countless people who break into the formation die silently!"

" The demon formation is very powerful, if there is no way to break the formation, how many people will be sent to death!"

At this time, someone from the Dao Sect camp in the north said, "What are you afraid of, there are loose cultivators outside, drive them to rush. We can always force the Majiao to reveal a weak spot!"

Someone in the southern Dao Sect camp retorted on the spot, "Bad idea, now we are fighting against the Majiao, we should win over the loose cultivator, if we force it by tough means, What should I do if the loose cultivator is turned against the water?"

"You must know that most of the hemp cultivators are loose cultivators, and they have a better relationship!"

North Dao Sect said again, "This bunch of loose cultivators are all short-sighted people who are greedy for short-term profits and don't hesitate to sacrifice their lives. It's easy to drive them to die. Just give more benefits!"

be that as it may , where does the benefit come from?

At this time, someone from Dao Sect in the north said, "I heard that you issue talisman money in the south. As long as one or two hands of a superficial Qingxin mantra can be spent as real gold and white silver!"

"It's a lucrative business!"

"You and others usually make a lot of money, so why don't you take care of the overall situation this time, buy loose cultivators, and the money will be borne by you in the south!"

tone barely fell , and on the Dao Sect side of the South, all were furious.

I really think that talisman money is ink printed on white paper, how much do you want?

The cost of talisman money lies in the Spiritual Qi mana of the Qingxin mantra, but the channel and equivalent system for issuing talisman money, and the atmosphere of talisman money has been used.

Dao Sect in the north also wanted to issue talisman money, but it ended bleakly.

This time the other party deliberately attacked, obviously because of jealousy and money, to make Dao Sect in the south bleed.

How much does it cost to buy loose cultivator, why should Dao Sect in the south bear it?

(end of this chapter)

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