Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 634


Chapter 634 Probing

Guanglin daoist's attitude towards Fang Dou can be said to be quite generous, even to the point of shocking to the point of.

These daoists who have been drawn over have also seen them on a daily basis. How Guanglin daoists treat the teachers and reserve teachers is simply incomparable to what they are now.

Fang Dou is still thinking about it, and there are already scattered people who can't help it.

"Fang Dou, although you have a small reputation, compared with the Majiao, you are as small as a mayfly, not worth mentioning!"

"Sect Lord is so generous, you If you don't know the current affairs, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave alive!"

The tone of this person is close to a threat.

Fang Dou seemed determined and bowed to Guang Lin daoist, "I'm sorry, but Junior can't accept the kindness of Senior Lin."

"Please find another excellent Disciple, inheritance Dan Senior Yu's Legacy!"

This is not an excuse, but Fang Dou's heart.

The fate between him and the Astral Fiend gate is nothing more than the altar of Tiangang and the crown of earth evil. The combination of the two has become one of the nine magic weapons, the crown of Astral Fiend.

This cause and effect is heavy on my heart, and I have been looking for an opportunity to repay.

If you accept the conditions of the Guanglin daoist, inherit Astral Fiend, I am afraid that you will get into real trouble and will not be able to extricate yourself!

Astral Fiend is dead! This in itself is a naive idea.

After Taoism wiped out the sedative religion, it will never allow the chance of resurgence, it will cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

Fang Dou has a lot of troubles himself, and he really doesn't want to get involved.

This trip is only for the purpose of colluding with Kong Xuanzi and his party, and I don't want to have any side effects.

These words, heard by several daoists, are simply 'cannot tell good from bad' and regret it sooner or later!


The half-front daoist, his face suddenly became ugly, "Fang Dou, do you really think that you are the only one in this world?"

He turned to the Guanglin daoist, "I'll teach you a lesson or two!"

After saying that, the half-front daoist waved his hand gently, his cuffs trembled instantly, and the gust of wind was as sharp as a knife.

Arriving at the Daoist Realm world, there is Heaven and Earth Might with just a few gestures.

Fang Dou only felt that the cold wind assaults the senses was awe-inspiring, and the strong wind seemed to lift his face out of thin air, revealing a stern skeleton covered in flesh and blood.

"One person forms an array, the clouds and mountains are covered with fog!"

Fang Dou whispered, holding a colorful airflow from his mouth and nose. This is the Five Elements Flying Sword.

At the same time, he slammed the sword box in his sleeve, and the Three Poisons Flying Sword also flew out.

Beside him, countless thin needle-like rays of light swirled and bloomed slowly.

The three Flying Swords flew out in unison, moved towards Fang Dou and rotated around, and immediately raised a sword array of clouds and fog.

This sword array was suppressed by Fang Dou's side, covering him from top to bottom.

Some daoists know the goods and see the power of the sword array, not only praised, "Interesting!"

The half-forward daoist couldn't hear this, coldly snorted and said, "Tricking in front of me Flying Sword, such insignificant ability!"

The biggest regret in his life is that he never entered the Dao with Flying Sword. Although he became a daoist, he couldn't be called Sword Immortal.

However, the most proud of the half-front daoist is to master the Flying Sword Technique.

Seeing a trifling Junior, facing his opponent, not only did he not kneel to beg for mercy, but instead resisted with the Flying Sword, the half-forward daoist was full of anger.

No matter what, just use the Flying Sword to defeat your pride and make you worthless.

"sword array? hmph!"

"Old man, take your Flying Sword in one bite."

The half-forward daoist's cuffs rotate, vigorously The wind changed with it, spinning and cutting in a gyroscopic shape, and shot down towards the fog cover of the cloud mountain.

"Yi! ”

I thought that it must be a situation of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood after one hit.

However, when the gyroscopic wind fell, it was resisted by the rays of light released by the sword array, and it was slow to fall.

Around Fang Dou, the three Flying Swords revolved, almost pushing the power to the extreme.

The half-forward daoist saw a few Flying Swords and showed a slight expression. These Flying Swords are of good quality. Even if they fall into his hands, they can be used with a little training.

For a while, he was a little moved!

"Your Flying Sword is good, let the old man see it!"

The half-front daoist stretched out a palm from the air, pressed it on the sword array of the cloud cover, and pushed it hard several times. I stabbed and found that I couldn't penetrate the defense.


The half-forward daoist showed cold light in his eyes, narrowed into a straight line.

The next moment, Fang Dou's body trembled violently, he found the palm of the half-front daoist, and grabbed the Flying Sword 'zhuhao' from the air, making the Flying Sword on the verge of collapse, about to break away from the sword array.

This is not good, Fang Dou's three Flying Swords are all out, and they can barely block the opponent. If there is one less, I am afraid they will be defeated on the spot.

"Look at my big Five Elements Heaven round Sword Prison!"

Fang Dou thoughts move, Five Elements Flying Sword disintegrates, turns into thousands of filaments, and merges into the sword array .

In the blink of an eye, a rainbow-like ring appeared over the entire sword array.

This multicolored ring, using the world's brightest radiance, exudes a formidable aura.


The ring slowly turned, and two completely different forces began to germinate and grow.

The half-front daoist, feeling the outline of the Three Poisons Flying Sword, was about to tear apart the sword array and take away the Three Poisons Flying Sword, but mutation happened suddenly.

The rotation of the ring brings power, making the half-front daoist's palm, as if plunging into the spinning wind wheel, there is a vague danger of breaking his hand.

"Not good!"

The half-forward daoist retracted his palm in time, but was still a line late, his fingers were swept, and he cut off a large piece of flesh.


The half-forward daoist raised his eyebrows, he was in contempt, he didn't make a full shot, didn't expect the sewer capsized, was injured by the Fang Dou trifling mage,

Although it is only one or two fingers to shave off an insignificant amount of flesh, but to the daoist, it is extraordinary shame and humiliation.

"Junior, you..."

The half-front daoist had a murderous aura and was about to have a seizure when he heard the words of Guanglin daoist.

"Half-forward Fellow Daoist, don't have to try again, I, the young and promising son of Martial Nephew, will not lose to the successors of the two sects of Taoism!"

Guanglin daoist happily, Said to Fang Dou, "Thank you Banfeng senior for your guidance, show mercy, and I will give you a chance to impudent!"

Fang Dou knew that this was going down the steps for Banfeng daoist, and hurriedly bowed his hands, "many thanks Banfeng senior show mercy!"

Although Banfeng daoist is not very angry, but in front of Guanglin daoist, he is not easy to attack, coldly snorted, "Sure enough, extraordinary!"


At this time, all the daoists around him could see it.

Fang Dou can resist the half-forward daoist, and even take advantage of the opponent's carelessness and counterattack successfully, which is already comparable to the Taoist descendants such as Huo De and Kong Xuanzi.

Moreover, Guanglin daoist attaches great importance to him, and even if he is rejected, he must speak up to defend him.

"Fang Dou, you look down on my Astral Fiend door, it's nothing!"

Guang Lin daoist sighed, raised his hand and waved, then a dark shadow flashed, a The object fell into Fang Dou's hands.

This is a red and yellow two-color ball. The boundary line between the two colors is actually a three-dimensional shape of Tai Chi.

"This is?"

Guanglin daoist indifferently said, "This is the inheritance Supreme Treasure of my Astral Fiend door, Astral Fiend Heavenly Book!"

Fang Dou was startled, "It's too valuable, I can't take it!"

"Leave it with you first, if I win this battle, return it to me!"

Guanglin daoist said so, Fang Dou didn't say much.

"Then, I'll put it away first!"

Fang Dou weighed it a few times and put it into the rice bucket

Astral Fiend Heavenly Book Enter At the moment of Mi Dou space, the breath suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Guanglin daoist, together with the other nine daoists, had a stormy sea in their hearts, what kind of means, no Celestial Grotto appeared, but Astral Fiend Heavenly Book clearly entered another dimension, and could not detect the slightest breath.

This Fang Dou's secret is more than they imagined.

(end of this chapter)

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