Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 636


Chapter 636 Someone who is easy to deal with

Fang Dou's eyes swept across all corners of the great hall, and everyone responded taking in the entire scene.

The Dao Sect in the north, with a sneer or disdain, obviously despises the 'poor relatives' of the Dao Sect in the south.

This time to take the opportunity to attack, but also to teach a good lesson, let the southern Dao Sect know that Dao Sect is rooted in the north, and they are just a branch of the branch.

The southern Dao Sect side is both shocked and angry. It turns out that over the years, the formidable power of Fu Qian has appeared, and almost 90% of the southern Dao sect faction has joined the system.

Even with the relationship between the loose cultivator and Taoism in the south, it does not lose the tension of the previous confrontation, but builds a kind of co-existence and co-prosperity ecological system.

The heritage of Dao Sect in the south has increased tenfold!

Because of this, the stability of the talisman system is more important than anything else, and you can't abuse it!

The meaning of the northern Dao Sect is that the southern Dao Sect should bear the cost of buying the loose cultivator, and it has already been paid for.

This is simply a wicked and smoky plan!

If you really want to do this, either the Dao Sect in the south will suffer from great injury, or it will be a waste of money, which will lead to inflation.

Looking at Yuan Tianhe and the three of them, they looked like they were watching the fires burning across the river. They seemed to condone the Sects of Dao Sect in the north to attack!

By the way, they are also members of the northern Dao Sect, sitting opposite each other, impossible to do justice.

Fang Dou figured it out, and nodded lightly to Mount, "That's right! General"

I thought that the other party was forcing Hangyin Guan to hand over the share of the talisman money in his hand. The reason is that he wants to take the talisman system as his own.

But, now it seems, it is holding the other party high.

These people didn't realize the potential of Fu Qian at all, but wanted to use it as a tool to hollow out the financial heritage of Dao Sect in the south and knock it out of the mud.

As for whether the talisman money is destroyed, they don't care.

“reckless waste of natural resources!”

Fang Dou thought to himself, saying nothing can let the other party succeed.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a feeling, looking towards the crowd, just looking at Ming Gao who was looking at him, and both of them smiled.

The general trend has been completed, and things are much easier to manage!


On the Dao Sect in the south, a poor, humble sect at the bottom is the most indignant, and some people can’t help but speak.

"The daoists have issued a call for orders, and I'll be here from a long distance. It's absolutely unequivocal to ask for people to come out!"

"Now it's time to pay, you northerners, If you don't give me half of the eldest son, it's all on us!"

"Hehe, the Ma sect hasn't been wiped out yet, can we wipe out the Dao Sect in the south first?"

"You guys There are people behind me, I am not rootless duckweed in the south, if I want money, it is easy to do, cross the river and come to our south to search for homes!" , There is a lot of decision to ask for money or not, or to die.

On the Dao Sect side in the north, they continued to support the fire, "It's hard to give up good money, and the way to die!"

"You rely on talisman money and wantonly plunder resources and material resources, Today, it hurts you to spend a little bit, and do you still take Taoism into consideration?"

The southern Dao Sect said again, "It sounds nice, you northern Dao Sect, but take out real gold, White silver!"

The atmosphere of the great hall became more and more hot, and the two sides quarreled.

For a long time, the southern Dao Sect has always been at a disadvantage, which is due to historical reasons.

However, no one is born to be miserable wretch, willing to be called to and fro.

Isolated by the big river, the Dao Sect in the south was born and raised and has become a lineage, but the Dao Sect in the north also bullied arbitrarily with the vision of aloof and remote.

Fang Dou looked at the scene in front of him and said in his heart, if this goes on, the battle between the North and the South will be hard to avoid.

In fact, aside from the daoist aspect, the perceptions of the North and the South have been shortened to the point of negligence.

On the southern side, there are Hangyin Temple and Mount Huang Dao-mai. With the help of the talisman money system, large and small Sect Sects are united and resources are circulated.

In particular, loose cultivator not only did not cause trouble, but helped Taoism further develop.

The real prosperous place of Ma teaching is actually in the north, where loose cultivators live in harsh environments, and even daoists from other sects have joined Ma teaching, and many elites in loose cultivators have also been absorbed.

In the final analysis, the root of the prosperity of Majiao lies in the dominance of the Dao Sect family in the north.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou looked towards Minggao, this Old Daoist Priest retreated too quickly, he must have made a later move, fortunately he retreated in time, otherwise now, the top line is ' Mount Huang Dan Rong'.

Unfortunately, some people think of them.

"I heard that Fu Qian was initiated by the two of you in the south, and they are here today!"

"Mount Huang Danrong, Kuaiji Minggao, please come out and speak!"

North Dao Sect, named by name and asked Fang Dou and Ming Gao to explain.

“Call me?”

Fang Dou walked out of the crowd. Wherever he passed, he saw his colleagues in Dao Sect in the south, and they all cast their eyes.

Ming Gao came from the other direction and joined Fang Dou, standing on the north-south dividing line.

"I heard that the two of you have already made a decision to dedicate the share of talisman money to your own sect. Is there such a thing?" uproar.

"What's going on?"

Fang Dou and Ming Gao looked at each other, it was really a trick, exposing private transactions in front of everyone, with the intention of letting them be arrested by the South Dao Sect spurned.

It should be noted that today's southern Sect stand in great numbers, the highest prestige, only hangyin concept and Mount Huang Taoism, there is no other reason, that is, the great prestige brought by the creation of talisman money.

As long as this opportunity is taken to destroy the reputation of the two, it will be enough to make the southern Dao Sect leaderless and become a mass of loose sand for anyone to knead.

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, can you explain it to us?"

"Master Minggao, how could you surrender without a fight?"

The crowd was excited, The sound was louder and louder, almost toppling the top of the great hall.

Fang Dou looked towards Ming Gao, and asked with his eyes, "You go, or me?"

Ming Gao pointed to the gray hair between his temples, "Young people go first! "


"cough cough, everyone be quiet!"

Fang Dou said aloud, and for a while, the voice of Dao Sect in the south gradually became quiet.

The Dao Sect side in the north was shocked. It can be seen that Dan Rong's prestige cannot let him stand firm.

At this time, a Taoist priest came out of the Dao Sect camp in the north. He was a branch of the Big Dipper Dao Sect.

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, I heard that you promised to give your share of talisman money to the Main Sect. Kong Xuanzi can also testify. Why don't you persuade the Fellow Daoists in the south today?"

"And Ming Gao Fellow Daoist, you don't say a word, is it wrong?"

These two sentences have confirmed that Fang Dou and Ming Gao have betrayed Dao Sect in the south in private. 's guilt.

For a time, many bad eyes converged on the two of them.

"What are you looking at, don't you know it's to sow discord?"

Ming Xun yelled at all around in the silence.

Fang Dou suddenly laughed, "That's true!"

Ming Gao's brows twitched. It's going to be difficult at the beginning, maybe there's pulling strongly against a crazy Tide's trick?

(end of this chapter)

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