Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 623


Chapter 623 On the same road

Yuan Tianhe was about to explain that he was the one who killed a sword cultivator on the way. , just dodged the Flying Sword.

But on second thought, why should he explain!

"Tong Xin, are you going to intervene today?"

Monk Tong Xin said with a smile, "Yuan Tianhe, I can't say that. I'm a Junior Brother and plan to set off in partnership."

"Tell me, is this reasonable?"

Yuan Tianhe knew that when the childlike monk appeared, he couldn't do anything about it.

Yuantong has the ability to win, and he already needs his full strength to win, even more how now there is an evenly matched childlike innocence.

"Okay, you Shimen bald donkeys are the same, and I won't be in trouble!"

"We will wait until the capital!"

Yuan Tianhe After saying that, a starlight trajectory appeared under his feet, and instantly disappeared in place.

The childlike monk looked at his back and looked the head.

"Yuantong of Jiuhua Temple, many thanks to Tongxin Senior Brother for rescue!"

Tongxin's expression became enthusiastic when facing Fang Dou, "Yuantong name, I have heard it before, Now that I see it, it's really extraordinary!"

Yuantong said ashamed, "If it wasn't for you to help, I would have gotten his way!"

"Big Dipper's life-hack, Silent killings are hard to resist for ordinary people!"

Childhood comforted, "If I hadn't already comprehend the magic trick, I wouldn't have been able to crack his Big Dipper trick!"

It turned out , One of Big Dipper Dao Sect's ultimate moves is this Big Dipper's tactic.

This Divine Ability, which can steal people's lives without a sound, is extremely powerful.

However, it is not impossible to decipher. For example, a childlike innocence's wonderful method of withering prosperity can transform vitality and save the tactful state of suspended animation.

"You three-headed Dharma Protector God General, you are very majestic!"

The childlike gaze swept over the three-headed Rakshasa, with a nodded expression on his face.

Yuantong doesn't look good, he's got it right, and it stands to reason that there is life-saving grace, and Rakshasa should be offered without waiting for the other party to speak.

But these three Rakshasa are the poor friends of Fang Dou, and they have far-reaching significance and cannot be given away casually.

Yuantong gritted his teeth and took out the palm-sized Flying Sword from his cuff.

"Young Senior Brother, this conflict is caused by this thing!"

"You actually retreated a strong enemy for me, and this thing is also up to you to suppress and wash away the murderous aura Fierce!"

Tong Xin saw Flying Sword, his eyes brightened, "Flying Sword in Shu!"

"Yes, just now Yuan Tianhe stabbed me with this thing, and I took it Come down!"

Yuantong explained, "He is not the owner of this treasure either, the sacrifices are not deep, and he was easily taken away by me!"

The eyes of the childlike monk were all destroyed by Flying Sword Attracted, "Of course it's not his, the Flying Sword in Shu is extremely precious, he must have killed the sword cultivator who was born here!"

Suddenly, he reacted and asked Yuantong, "Do you want to give it to me? Me?"

Yuantong thought to himself, Fang Dou has so many Flying Swords that he can wholesale them, what do I want this for?

Besides, a Taoist priest with dive poise and sagelike features has a Flying Sword vertically and horizontally in his hand, which is very visual.

However, if a monk with a bald head and a cassock drives the Flying Sword to fight against the enemy, why would it feel a little awkward!

"This thing is only worthy of the Tongxin Senior Brother!"

Tongxin monk laughed heartily three times, "Jiuhua Temple Yuantong, I have always heard your name, see you today. Well, really name is not in vain!"

He was not polite and took Flying Sword into his palm.

"The Taoist people want to kill my fellow Shimen. If I don't see it, I'll be fine. As long as I encounter it, I'll take care of it!"

"You don't need to thank me. I, I did it with ease!"

The childish monk pondered for a moment and pointed to the three Rakshasa of Fang Dou, "You raised these Dharma Protector God Generals, did you start with Beast Dao, then turn to Become an evil ghost?"

"Senior Brother bright vision like a torch, really?"

Yantong has nothing to hide, that's how it is.

"Well, in Six Paths of Reincarnation, there are Three Evil Roads, Three Good Roads!"

"Three Evil Roads are, beasts, demons and hell!"

“Three Good Roads is, Heaven, Man, Asura!”

“Three Evil Roads are easy to enter, Three Good Roads are difficult to enter!”

“I release Among the doors, the cultivation method of Three Evil Roads is widely spread, only Three Evil Roads has only a few inheritances, and they are all secret techniques that are not passed on!”

The implication, Fang Dou The three-headed Rakshasa, cultivation to Three Evil Roads Peak, is already the ceiling.

Yuantong smiled slightly, "This poor monk is content, and he doesn't expect any realm from Three Good Roads. If he can cultivate Three Evil Roads Perfection, he will be satisfied!"

Childish monk nodded , "It just so happens that the cultivation path of Three Evil Roads, I know it, you come over!"

"Won't it cause trouble to Senior Brother?"

Yantong asked.

"It has been said that the Three Evil Roads cultivation method is widely circulated in the outside world. It is not a secret that I do not share in Kurong Temple."

"That's good!"

After half a day, Yuantong lowered his head and meditated, constantly twisting the rosary in his hands.

After passing on the Three Evil Roads secret technique, the childlike monk was groping for the Flying Sword.

After a while, Yuantong looked solemn and walked up to the Tongxin monk, "many thanks Senior Brother preaching!"

"No need many thanks!"

Tongxinzheng Being polite, I suddenly heard Yuantong sigh, "If I could have known about the power of Three Evil Roads and Big Dipper's fate earlier, I could have stopped one or two."

After listening to this sentence, Tong Xin was stunned, and immediately asked, "Why do you say that?"

Yuantong explained what he had just realized, "Six Paths of Reincarnation, Three Evil Roads create karma for past lives, and reincarnation in this life."

"Three Good Roads, is to wash away sins, fade away karma, and become Asura."

"Six Paths of Reincarnation, itself is a cycle, transcending life and death. "

"If I could have known Three Evil Roads, although not comparable to the complete Six Paths of Reincarnation, it can also form a cycle of beasts, evil spirits and hell!"

Yuantong pointed at the three-headed Rakshasa, "First beast, then evil spirit, and finally hell, these three, infinite cycle, are endless!"

"If you indulge in karmic obstacles, you will not be liberated, and you will live forever. , will surely be trapped in the three realms, and will not be supernatural!"

"His Big Dipper Dao technique can kill lives, but he is constantly hooked on endless karma, Forever Degenerating Samsara's suffering!"

"If I become enlightened sooner, I can use Three Evil Roads to fight against his Big Dipper's fate!"

After saying this, Yuantong's heart became clear, and he thanked him again, "many thanks Senior Brother! ”

The childlike monk was shocked in his heart. The perception of this person really made him stunned.

This truth, even he himself didn't expect.

He had heard the name Yuantong before, but this person was rewarded with a mouthful of golden water and picked a lotus flower in the Pure Land, which is the value of the holy monk.

Nowadays, Monk Tongxin has only discovered why this person is valued.

"Yuantong Junior Brother, can we go to Beijing together?"

Just now, the monk Tongxin said he wanted to go the same way, but he just perfunctory Yuan Tianhe, but now, he really wants to go to Beijing with Yuantong. .

"I can't ask for it!"

Yuantong thought to herself, she finally met Heaven's Chosen from Shimen, and was just about to take this opportunity to ask for more advice.

The 'Kurong Temple' is a big hilltop in Shimen, and there are not many saints and monks in the door.

If Jiuhua Temple can hold this thigh tightly, there is no need to worry about the future.

Therefore, the entire group of Jiuhua Temple and the monk Tongxin continued to travel by boat.

(end of this chapter)

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