Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 622


Chapter 622 Conflict

"This is Flying Sword!"

Yuan Tianhe played Flying Sword and felt Spirituality inside, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

The Flying Sword has lost its master, but the spirituality is still there, wu wu hums and seems to be mourning.

"My dear, it's mine!"

Yuan Tianhe raised his palm and rubbed the Flying Sword lightly, pouring starlight into the Flying Sword.

After a long sword chant, Flying Sword stopped, and there was no sound.

"The old master's spirituality, don't worry, after I erase you, I will cultivate it again!" Several of the mages in the room had already flown several miles away.

"Don't be slow to escape!"

He said softly, his feet landed, and a large golden light suddenly rose.

The golden light wrapped around Yuan Tianhe's body, flashed by, and went first to chase and kill a few Ma Jiao masters.

These mages, thinking they have escaped far, are talking to each other.

"It turned out to be Yuan Tianhe of Big Dipper Dao Sect, this is Taoist Heaven's Chosen!"

"Yuchi was killed as a sword cultivator!"

"The Taoists have even sent Yuan Tianhe. It seems that this time they will not give up!"

Yuchi is dead, but the mages are not sad.

However, the appearance of Yuan Tianhe sounded the alarm for them. Did other Heaven's Chosen of Taoism also appear?

Unconsciously, they had already escaped for half a quarter of an hour, and everyone was running with all their strength, and they were all out of breath.

On the river in front of me, the fog lightened slightly, and a wooden boat swam past a large group of bald heads sitting on it.

“Bald donkey, don’t get in the way!”

The Ma Jiao Master, who was rushing in front, reached out and summoned a gust of wind, which was about to overturn the wooden boat.

The Majiao is the enemy of the three schools, so when you see a monk from Shimen, you should kill him.

However, they didn't expect, this group of monks can not be simple.

The young monk sitting on the bow is one of Fang Dou's vests, Jiuhua Temple Yuantong.

Yuantong looked up and saw the gust of wind swept the river, turning it into a swirling storm of water, and it was about to overturn the wooden boat.

He sighed, put his palms up on his chest, and sighed, "I am immeasurable!"

tone barely fell, ten air masses appeared around Yuantong's body, and disappeared after a few spins.

In the blink of an eye, the space around the wooden boat became distorted.

That gust of wind and water column rushed around the wooden boat and was suddenly sucked into an unknown space, disappeared without a trace.

"Not good!"

The hands-on Ma Jiao master is the closest. Seeing this mutation, I know that Yuantong is not an ordinary monk, but a deep and unmeasurable spell Divine Ability.

He was about to remind his companions not to approach, but the wind sou sou in his ears, he realized that it was too late.

Several dharma masters fell by his side and asked curiously, "What are you doing here?"

"The benefactors are too murderous, so why don't you take refuge in my Buddha and cleanse yourself? The injustice of the past life!"

Monk Yuantong folded his hands together, "It's not too late to wake up!"

tone barely fell, the surrounding space began to distort, and instantly became Sun and Moon lost radiance, as if entering in an unfamiliar world.

Several masters of Majiao know the goods, turned pale in fright, "This is the Divine Ability that divides the two worlds!"

The Ten Directions Infinite Sutra of Jiuhua Temple has the 'ten The name of the square universe, endless and boundless.

Cultivation This sutra, the ten directions of the world, the boundless blessings and longevity, the boundless Divine Ability, and the boundless time and space.

Fang Dou's Small Scale Chopper at the moment, the space distortion around him, not to mention a gust of trifling wind, even the large and small winds that move over the big river, can't break through the boundless barriers of ten directions.

"Not good, there is power sucking us!"

Several mages tightened their bodies, feeling the great power of holding them, dragging their bodies across the air and sitting down Pull away in the tactile direction of penetration.

Looking at the wooden boat again, Yuantong always kept his previous posture, folded his hands and lowered his eyebrows.

Behind him, Mingjing waited for a group of Disciples. Although they were excited, they still sat on the spot and chanted the scriptures in a low voice.

In the air, the voice of four words faintly sounded, "The ten directions are boundless!"

wu wu wu, in midair, ten black holes appeared, and then the swallowing force instantly skyrocketed a hundred times.

"Not good!"

The Ma Jiao mages are casting spells individually, trying to break free from their attraction.

But the appearance of ten black holes completely defeated their resistance, and everyone was like a kite with a broken line, swaying into the black hole.


The last scream was cut off, and the black hole disappeared.

The cloud cleared and the rain cleared, the wooden boat continued to move forward, Yuantong on the bow, sighed, "mercy, my Buddha!"

"No mercy at all!"


"You monk killing without blinking an eye, the Buddha you believe in, how can you be better?"

Yuan Tianhe hurry up and hurry up, or he was late, only had time to see , the escaped several Ma Jiao masters were swallowed into the black hole and disappeared.

He recognized that this hand was a means of separating the two worlds, at least a famous person possessed this skill.

Looking at Yuantong again, the teenage boy doesn't look like a shot at all.

Yuantong looked up, saw Yuan Tianhe, and said politely, "What is this Taoist friend doing?"

"You killed my man just now!"

Yuan Tianhe was a little annoyed. If he hadn't enjoyed the Flying Sword he had acquired, how could he have allowed a few Ma Jiao mages to escape?

"Your person?"

Yuantong frowned, "Are you a Taoist or a Majiao?"

"I am a Taoist Big Dipper Dao Sect, Yuan Tianhe, the few demons from the sect just now, are my prey!"

"so that's how it is!"

Yuantong suddenly realized, nodded, "I'm sorry. , quick hands."

That's it?

Yuan Tianhe thought to himself, this monk is too rude, and simply asked, "What's your origin?"

"My Master, the presiding officer of Jiuhua Temple, the dharma name Yuantong!"

Yuan Tianhe's thoughts were flowing, he had never heard of it, he must have come from an unnamed temple.

During this period of time, Taoism and Shimen were recruiting and recruiting people.

"Yuantong, you just grabbed my prey, what should you do?"

Yuan Tianhe thought to himself, since he is not a descendant of that famous temple and ancient temple, just knead it casually!

Taoism and Shimen also have small frictions in private, even more how. Right now, Yuan Tianhe asks himself that there is a huge gap between strengths and weaknesses, and killing this group of monks is a trivial matter.

Yuantong got up slowly, knowing what happened today, it must be difficult to be kind.

Mingjing and other Disciples also got up and stood behind Yuantong.

The wooden boat they sit on is an ordinary boat. Once the Divine Ability mana clashes, it will be torn to pieces in an instant.

So, everyone in Jiuhua Temple is ready.

Yuantong sighed, "I'm about to ask for advice, your Taoist method!"

He swung his palm forward, and three rays of light flew out, empty, sky, and earth The three-headed Rakshasa appeared.


Yuan Tianhe exclaimed slightly, the three-headed Rakshasa's powerful appearance is second to none among the Taoist soldiers.

"Alright, let's show you how amazing my Big Dipper Dao Sect is!"

Next moment, Yuan Tianhe stretched out his index finger, condensed starlight on his fingertips, and a moment appeared. stars.

"Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move!"

The river surface under my feet spun frantically, raising a huge vortex with sharp edges like a sawtooth version.

(end of this chapter)

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