Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 624


Chapter 624 Withering Prosperity

Monk Yuantong is already in the realm of Arhat Realm. House incense, raising three Rakshasa.

The three-headed Rakshasa of the sky, the earth, and the water, with a body like a Vajra, is not only impervious to sword and spear, but also unsinkable and flaming.

Moreover, the abilities of the three-headed Rakshasa have long since merged with each other, partly with each other.

The so-called sky, earth, and water are only divided into categories. In fact, each Rakshasa can fly in the sky, swim in the water, and run well on the land.

So, even experienced and knowledgeable Yuan Tianhe couldn't help being surprised when he saw it.

When the huge stars fly out, they will crush the wooden boat called Yuantong and the others with a rolling attitude.

This boat is their tool for crossing the river. If it is destroyed, everyone has to cast the spell Divine Ability to cross the river.

It would be a bit embarrassing to end up in such a scene.

"Listen to orders!"

The three Rakshasa moved in unison, and from three directions, the stars in the center of the Imperial court flew.

Just a few steps closer, Rakshasa's body swayed a few times, but he was also moved by the position of the stars, unconsciously deviating from the original trajectory.

"What a Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, why don't you surnamed Murong?"

Yuantong rolled his eyes and ordered the three Rakshasa in his heart.

As a result, the three Great Firmament brakes of the sky, the earth and the water have black flames rising from their bodies, like hair and streamers of clothing.


The three Rakshasa, all of them fierce appearance, all around the stars, raised their hands at the same time.

In Rakshasa's hands, the rays of light flickered, and there was an extra long spear.

In the hands of the terrain Rakshasa, a long knife made of two fangs was transformed.

The water line Rakshasa is holding an iron lion with thick iron chains wrapped around it.


The Rakshasa were at the same time, and the weapons in their hands fell heavily on the stars at the same time.

The stance of twisting the trajectory can't remove the violent power. The entire star was blown up on the spot, scattered into the sky.

"It seems that all of your abilities lie in these Dharma Protector God Generals."

Yuan Tianhe slowly pulled out a slap-length dagger from his cuff, "I If you kill these three Dharma Protector God Generals, you will exhaust one's limited abilities!"

If other people see this dagger, just treat it as an ordinary dagger or dagger.

But the core of Yuantong, the sword cultivator Fang Dou, can be recognized at a glance, this is a Flying Sword.

"Uh, Taoist people, can they also Flying Sword?"

It turns out that no!

Yuan Tianhe pulled out the Flying Sword, the gesture style was wrong, he held the sword and moved forward, like throwing a dart.

The Flying Sword pierced the air, made a whistling sound, and stabbed towards the Yuantong face door.

"Not so much!"

Yuantong looked indifferent, seeing that Yuan Tianhe didn't understand the Flying Sword technique, but just shot the Flying Sword with mana.

The surface of the Flying Sword is wrapped in starlight, but its speed is unbelievable, and it kills Yuantong in the blink of an eye.

Yuantong didn't blink, three silhouettes flew from all around, stretched out six arms, and crossed them in front of him.

Flying Sword pierced four palms one after another, and finally got stuck on the fifth palm and stopped completely.

"Amitabha, this murderous aura is too heavy and harms the peace."

"It is better to leave it to this poor monk to keep the sutras day and night to eliminate difficulties, and to reduce the murderous aura. It!"

After saying that, Yuantong reached out and grabbed the Flying Sword into his cuff.

Well, it's still a sword, it's very precious, and I don't know how the other party got it?

Yuan Tianhe became more and more ambitious. He just started using Flying Sword, and he used it to hurt people before carefully refining it.

Under the effect of the result, Flying Sword was taken away by Yuantong before it was hot.

"What a bald donkey, if you don't return this treasure to me, I will tear you to pieces!"

Yuan Tianhe was furious and reached out to him for the Flying Sword.

Yuantong frowned, "Friends of Taoism, get angry, don't curse, just like just now, this poor monk never called you old facetious!"

Hear those three words , Yuan Tianhe was furious, scolding monks as bald asses, and scolding Taoist priests as old facetious, which are all face-to-face humiliation.

“You are courting death!”

Yuan Tianhe was furious, pointed at Yuantong, and assumed the pose of 'Big Dipper'.

Yuantong's heart skipped a beat, as if he was not aware of it, the air behind him was twisted, ten black holes were fatally discernible.


At this moment, Yuantong brought the profound background of the Infinite Sutras of the Ten Directions to the extreme.

In the space around him, ten black holes appeared, leading to unknown spaces.

Surrounding Yuantong, it seems to be very calm, but in fact the dark tide is raging, East, South, West, North are upside down, once something breaks in, it will be sucked into the unknown space.

However, in the bottom of Yuantong's heart, there is still some inexplicable sense of crisis.

It is conceivable that Yuan Tianhe's trick is actually beyond the limitations of time and space, and can directly affect the body.

"Could it be that this Avatar's life is going to die once!"

Yuantong was thinking about it, suddenly his heart tightened, and the world in front of him turned black.

Before he lost consciousness, he thought to himself, what's going on, this is the trick!

Yuan Tianhe's attack is too illusory, it can really kill people invisibly!

"There are two trees in front of the Buddha, one withered and one withered!"

"Withered and withered is impermanent. , and can maintain consciousness for a few seconds, which belongs to the state of 'feigned death' towards death, which is Avatar's experience of dying many times.

But this time was very different. In the dark, I heard a person in my ear reciting this Buddha verse.

This Buddhist verse shines brightly in the dark, with a tactful consciousness, breaking through layers of confusion.

“hu hu!”

Yuantong suddenly opened his eyes, he came back to life, not the body was resurrected with light shadow money, but from the stage of suspended animation.

Unexpectedly, it was this Buddha verse that saved him.

And behind the Buddha's verse, what is the sacred place?

Yuantong soon saw a short, wrinkled monk who appeared at an unknown time and was confronting Yuan Tianhe.

"Young monk, it's actually you?"

Yuan Tianhe knew this monk and blurted out.

Mingjing and the others behind Yuantong exclaimed in amazement.

If Yuan Tianhe is the Taoist Heaven's Chosen, the childlike monk is the Heaven's Chosen of Shimen.

Monk Tongxin is one of the legendary characters of Shimen. He was born in the folk and suffered from progeria at a young age. One year of life is equivalent to ten years for ordinary people. If there are no accidents, this life is only ten years old, and will die.

However, he was lucky and was brought back by the great monks of Kurong Temple.

Perhaps because of progeria, the extraordinary natural talent of the childlike monk comprehend the principle of 'dried bodhi rong' early and became the contemporary Heaven's Chosen of Kurong Temple.

This person is also the younger generation that Shimen focuses on training.

Don't look at the childish monk's aging appearance, but he is only in his early twenties.

"It turned out to be him!"

Yuantong suddenly realized that the other party's cultivation 'The Way of Withering Prosperity' has the ability to change something rotten into something magical.

Withering prosperity, it refers to life and death. The childish monk cultivated this Divine Ability to a proven level. Although it cannot really reverse life and death, it is no effort at all to save him from suspended animation.

Monk Tong Xin said with a slight smile, "Yuan Tianhe, if you kill me, a monk of Shimen, can't I interfere with Tong Xin?"

"He took me Flying Sword, I will kill him. He should!"

"Your Excellency is a sword cultivator in Shu, isn't it, otherwise where did the Flying Sword come from?"

Monk Tong Xin asked lightly.

(end of this chapter)

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