Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 613


Chapter 613 Responses to the Doors

An endless ocean, full of dazzling golden light, is not blue sea water, but golden streams.

In this golden ocean, a lotus flower is suspended in various sizes, some are as small as a needle tip, or some are as huge as mountains and rivers

The four holy monks of origin, non-phase, prime factors and sea abyss are together They all sat in the middle of a lotus flower, and in front of them, a lot of lotus flowers gathered into the land.

Among these lotuses, there is a bald monk standing with his hands folded in a respectful manner.

On a closer look, the martial law of Fuyuan Temple and the Yuantong of Jiuhua Temple are impressively listed.

Yuantong, as Fang Dou's vest, has long guessed the purpose of this trip, which is nothing more than to deal with the established Sect of Majiao.

However, he was still a little curious about how Shimen wanted to deal with it!

The four holy monks in front of them are just Shimen's tip of the iceberg, and there are more old monks living in seclusion in the dark, monitoring the world for Shimen.

Just like the dead wood and the yellow crown of Taoism, they are usually very active.

These holy monks and Taoists generally have common characteristics. They have only recently emerged, and they are relatively junior, and they still need to walk in the world and accumulate merits.

The four holy monks convened the abbots of the world's famous temples and ancient temples to preside over them. The name was to discuss important matters, but in fact they wanted to announce how to deal with it!

"Everyone is here!"

The original monk said slowly, "The established Sect, this is a drastic change that affects the general trend of the world. I, Shimen, live in the world, I have to deal with it!"

Among the many lotus flowers, a large number of bald heads bowed down, and said in unison, "Listen to the instructions of the holy monk!"

"Think about that Guanglin daoist, but It is ridiculous to be born in the Astral Fiend family, a side branch of Taoism, but now he has to set up his own business and compete with Taoism!"

"Taoist cultivator, if you don't teach the truth, and talk about the Tao, you have today's disaster!"

Feixiang spoke slowly, looking towards his companions beside him, "Everyone, this matter, in the final analysis, is a Taoist civil strife."

"However, when I release the door, I can't sit back and watch. Ignore it!" Su Yin emphasized.

The tactful Little Monk incarnated by Fang Dou, with his hands clasped together, his head lowered, his eyes drooping, his ears pricked up, listening to the four Great Saint monks speak.

This is the first time he has participated in a high-level meeting of Shimen.

The golden light ocean at the foot is also an existence similar to Celestial Grotto, which is called 'Pure Land' in Shimen.

This pure land, independent of Human World, is the gathering place for Shimen.

The four Great Saint monks commanded the world to be the head of Shimen, but from this point of view, they attached great importance to Ma teaching.

The Jiuhua Temple behind Fang Dou came on behalf of Shimen in Danyang County, because other senior monks with qualifications were still digging huge stone Buddhas in the mountains.

In particular, the prestige of Yuantong Abbot, also accumulated over a long period of time, began to spread far and wide, becoming an opponent to contend with the growing Mount Huang Taoism.

"Senior Brother, what should we do with Shimen?"

Among the four holy monks, Hai Yuan is the most senior, and facing the other three, he is called Senior Brother.

"Majiao established Sect, I Shimen are also in the calamity and have to enter!"

It is nodded, "Everyone, my opinion is, enter but not enter! !"

The other three holy monks all smiled in understanding.

In the surrounding golden ocean, the wind is blowing slightly, and the ripples are rippling, pushing the lotus flowers to gather and disperse freely, just like the clouds in the sky.

The wind swept across the water, emitting refreshing sandalwood incense, and everyone felt very calm after smelling it.

"The holy monks are conspiratorial!"

The heads of the temples, Amitabha, were amazed.

Fang Dou rolled his eyes, what is commendable for his consistent and muddy approach.

Obviously, this time Shimen was hidden behind the Taoists just like the last Buddha's birthday.

As expected of the same sect, a Tang monk, he understands the true meaning of 'send you to death and take the blame for me'.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou couldn't help but feel a little melancholy. These bald heads are the Saint Level powerhouses who are proficient in 'obscene development'!

Taoism seems to be on the rise, firmly occupying a dominant position, but in the process of sweeping down and disobedience, it is hidden behind Shimen and grows step by step.

"Shizuns everywhere must act in a low-key manner and must not take the initiative!"

"The four of us have the opinion that when you go to the capital this time, you must keep an eye on the corresponding Taoist Sect, and do not act rashly!" It fell into the lotus bush.

"Don't see me!"

Fang Dou prayed from deep in one's heart. The other party was a holy monk. He couldn't tell what was wrong, and recognized the essence of this shadow incarnation. .

Heaven does not come true!

"Abbot of Jiuhua Temple, Yuantong!"

Fang Dou's heart skipped a beat, but he still couldn't escape.

“The Disciple is here, can the holy monk have any orders?”

Fang Dou braces oneself, the lotus flower under his feet is automatic without wind, and drives like a boat to the four holy monks.

"You did good in Danyang County!"

The first sentence was praise, which made Fang Dou relaxed.

The four holy monks praised Fang Dou, a rising star.

A group of old monks in Danyang County deliberately want to make a big achievement, give up the good situation, and go into the deep mountains to chisel stones and become Buddhas.

The key is that, in Danyang County, Mount Huang issued talisman money, and formed an alliance with Hangyin Guan, which has grown step by step.

If Jiuhua Temple is not still there, I am afraid that in the huge Danyang County, there is no room for Shimen to survive.

From this perspective, Fang Dou's incarnation of Yuantong is a great hero who was ordered in danger.

"Mount Huang Dao Mai, how are you responding this time?"

Fang Dou thought to himself, this is the right question for me.

"Dan Dao fusion scholars, will bring a group of Disciples to Beijing to participate in the war, and teach Songzhu to sit in the Mount Huang sect!" The ability of this tact to obtain information is really good.

This matter is not a secret, but to know so quickly, Jiuhua Temple also made detailed inquiries in Mount Huang's Taoism, which shows the scheming means of the monk Yuantong.

Shimen seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but secretly accumulates strength and values talents like 'Yuantong'.

"Yes, this time in Beijing, you Jiuhua Temple will keep an eye on the Mount Huang Taoism entire group!"

"Remember, the excitement is all about Taoism and Majiao!"

"I release the door, like a rock that doesn't move!"

Fang Dou heard the words and made a devout look, "Disciple obeys!"

The source nodded, "You came to this pure land, you can't come back empty-handed, take a sip of water, pick a lotus flower and go back!"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Dou heard the monks behind him and exclaimed one after another. , obviously envious.

He knew this was a good thing, and he lowered his body and took a sip of the golden fluid. The moment he entered, the warm current walked through his limbs, and his strength tripled in an instant.


Fang Dou suppressed his inner ecstasy and took off the front lotus flower the size of a fist.

In the lotus, there is a mood of great joy and freedom, and it is a great treasure at first sight.

Just started, this lotus flower turned into a ray of light, carved into the depths of the palm, turned into a lifelike lotus imprint.

"many thanks for the gift of the holy monk!"

Fang Dou bowed his head in thanks, glanced all around, and saw the endless ocean, more than ten thousand hectares of sea water, if he drank all of it, wouldn't it? Become a saint in an instant?

But if you think about it, you know it's just a delusion!

This time I came to the party, and there was an unexpected joy. Fang Dou finally came here for nothing.

(end of this chapter)

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