Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 614


Chapter 614 Outside the Capital

Today's capital, when viewed from above, looks like a huge plum blossom in bloom.

The main city of the capital is the center of the stamen of the plum blossom, and there are five more petals around it.

The five great formations were created by Majiao to 'entertain' guests from all over the world.

According to legend, in each grand formation, there is a daoist presided over.

In addition, in the Formation, there are nine late-stage masters, mid-stage thirty-six masters, and mid-stage seventy-two masters, respectively, holding their positions, and when they start running, the wind, fire, earth and water are overturned, and all things are turned into dust.

What is the name of this formation? Heaven and Earth meet and annihilate.

This array is modeled after the operation of Tiangang and Earthshade, simulating the moment when Astral Fiend unites, the annihilating power of all things, destroying all incoming enemies.

Looking back at the time, the Astral Fiend gate had this array, but it still couldn't save the resources for the array.

To this day, Guanglin daoist has the position of Imperial Teacher, backed up the Imperial Court to strengthen marijuana teaching, looking for talents from the blue square, and finally arranged a five-party array outside the capital.

If this formation is to exert its full strength, it is indispensable to the daoist who presides over the formation eye.

If there is no daoist, the formidable power of the big array is less than 1% of the prosperous one.

There were five great formations, four of which were extremely calm, except for the one in the southwest corner, where there was a faint shout of killing.

A few days ago, a team of more than a thousand people entered the center of the large formation.

This team is messy and looks like loose cultivators, but the faction is much more prosperous than ordinary loose cultivators.

Among these loose cultivators, there are Taoist priests carrying spell compasses, monks holding meditation sticks, and scholars walking with swords on their backs. Among the thousands of people, there are hundreds of masters.

An unprecedented 'luxury' camp, this is no ordinary loose cultivator!

Before the thousands of people entered the formation, various attacks fell like raindrops, tearing apart a corner of the formation, and the crowd poured into the center of the formation like running water.

Everyone outside listened to the faint screams of killing, which continued for several days.

We're in great formation!

Pieces of pitch-black flags fluttered in the wind, driving the black qi flow to curl, all around the high platform, rising winds, scudding clouds, there was a continuous circling of python-like airflow, rising and falling.


A Taoist priest was caught off guard and was caught in by several air currents, which exploded into a large blood mist on the spot, and a few pieces of broken rags fell.

"Be careful, the astral fiend aura in the formation is very dangerous!"

At this moment, there are only about sixty 'loose cultivators', all of whom are the strongest. of that group.

However, after fighting for several days, all the companions were killed and wounded, but still could not find where the opponent was.

As soon as I enter the battle, my eyes are full of black smoke, and there are vortex everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you will be involved in it, die without a whole corpse.

This great formation is like a grinding disc of flesh and blood. Anyone or anything that enters it will be ground into ashes.

"Monk Bai, if you don't come, you're still drinking and eating meat in the temple at the moment, and giving charity to the benefactress!"

"You don't want to be happy, so you want to die? ”

A Taoist priest in a taoist robe looked at the middle-aged monk beside him. The monk looked white and tender. At first glance, he was pampered.

The fat monk sighed, with a wave of his hand, his sword turned into thousands of phantoms, and smashed the baleful aura vortex that was rolled around him, "As a Taoist, you don't hesitate to disguise as a loose cultivator, but also come here. Isn't it the same idea for a trial formation?"

It turned out that whether it was a Taoist priest or a monk, they were not loose cultivators, but Taoist Shimen people, who this time hid their identities and came to attack the big formation.

It's a pity that this formation was far beyond their expectations.

Thousands of cultivators who entered the battle, many of whom were secretly cultivated by Taoists and Shimen, were hidden in the loose cultivators, but they were all damaged in the big battle.

“A trifling Astral Fiend gate, Danyu and Guanglin came out one after another!”

A certain scholar sighed, his long bow buzzing, one after Another invisible arrow shot out, shattering the baleful aura that poured out one after another.

He is not a Taoist, but he is trapped in it and can't help but complain.

Both Shimen and Mingjiao have a private opinion. This time, the established Sect of Majiao is a strife in Taoism, and they should not get involved.

However, there is an order from above, asking them to come and break the battle.

The tragic death of one of their companions made them saddened and even more angry with Taoism.

There are five large formations of this size, which surround the capital.

Guanglin daoist's move is to show the world. On the day he established Sect, if the three can't get through the big formation and come to stop it, then the established Sect of hemp education will become a foregone conclusion.

Once the established Sect of Majiao is successful, even if Taoism can be wiped out in the future, it will lose face.

So, these days, several waves of 'loose cultivators' came to the formation to test the formidable power of the formation.

It's a pity, all throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, and never return.

"I see this great formation, formidable power is nothing more than that?"

Although the remaining sixty or so people resisted with difficulty, they saw an opportunity. It is not difficult to break through this formation with foreign aid and attack at the same time as them.

"This news must be sent back to Sect!"

The Taoist priest who spoke just now smashed a jade slip and was about to pass the news.

I saw an azure light, rushing into the air, like hitting a transparent wall, shattering instantly.

"Not good, inside this formation, it has already called itself Small World, and I can't wear any news!"

Next, monks and scholars each launched secret techniques, whether it was fireworks , the news was all snuffed out by the great formation and could not be spread out.

Many people, the gap is not good at the beginning, it looks like this, the real formidable power of the big array has not been fully activated!

At this time, a melodious voice came from a high platform not far away.

"You ants, just use it for a small test!"

Hearing this voice, the only 60 or so cultivators left, their hairs stand up suddenly, this voice seems to be the host The daoist of this array.

tone barely fell , the python airflow rose up on the high platform, black smoke billowed on a flag, Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend instantly became a hundred times denser.

"Mating, annihilating!"

crash-bang, thunderclap, black smoke from Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend, began to entangle and circle.

In an instant, the great formation was filled with devastating storms.

"Not good!"

The cultivator still has to resist, but is horrified to find that whether it is magic weapon or Divine Ability, facing this storm, it is as fragile as ashes, and it dissipates in an instant. trace.

In the blink of an eye, more than 60 cultivators were all swept away.

It turned out that the three days and three nights of hard fighting just now were just teasing by the other party. Once the power of the great formation was used, it would be wiped from between Heaven and Earth in a moment.


The silhouette on the high platform withdrew her eyes lightly, and the next moment disappeared.

The capital, in the hub of the Great Array.

Beside the daoist in Guanglin, a daoist slowly opened his eyes, "I have killed all the ants who came to explore the formation!"

"It's just that the three families keep sending It's also annoying to have people come to die!"

Guanglin daoist said, "It doesn't matter, I set up a series of arrays called 'Shanhe Rivers inside and outside'!"

"The five outside The great formation is just an appearance, it is really powerful, and it is still in this great formation of protecting the capital under our feet!"

"The net has been woven, just waiting for your bird to come to the door!"

(end of this chapter)

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