Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 612


Chapter 612 Taoism

On the southwest edge, a Taoist temple at the foot of a mountain.

"Move quickly, move quickly!"

The five short-statured Pentecostal Taoist, with his fingers wiping his moustache, his hands behind his back, is looking up at the sky, estimating the weather tomorrow.

Under his command, the only seven or eight Taoist priests in the Taoist temple were busy.

They rolled up the pictures on the wall, the Divine Idol enshrined in a wooden box, filled with straw and compacted, and then slammed the lamps, tableware and other sundries into the bamboo cage.

This priest, who is neither too big nor too small, packs up large and small sundries just like ants are moving.

“ang ang ang!”

At the entrance of the Taoist official, two sturdy donkeys were chomping on hay and hissing.

"Master, we are just going out for a trip, why do we bring so many things?"

A middle aged daoist, dark and sturdy, with the appearance of a man in the mountains.

"That's right, isn't it not coming back?"

A ten-year-old child Taoist priest, carrying a cloth bag taller than a human, was reluctant.

The Pentecostal priest scolded, "Nonsense, this time we are out, we won't be back!"

"How could it be possible, those two Martial Uncles obviously didn't say that?"

Disciples in the Taoist temple, I still remember that a few months ago, two Taoist priests, one old and one young, went to Shuzhong from the north and stopped for a few days when passing by the Taoist temple.

"The sect of the sect has been established in vain, and it must be eradicated.>

Disciples had eavesdropped and knew that the Master had agreed to the invitation to leave the Taoist temple and go to kill a cult called 'Majiao'.

When they want to come, this time out, just go out for a trip, and then come back to continue the cultivation.

However, the Master actually moved house and packed up all the things in the Taoist temple.

"foolish child, our Taoist temple can no longer be opened!"

The Taoist priest of Pentecost shook his head, "The southwest area has become a big furnace, and our scene The days are gone forever."

He knew very well that the southwest had recently become rising winds, scudding clouds.

The sword cultivators in Shu broke their vows and began to come out of Shu one after another. There are already many sword cultivators in the southwest to choose Disciple, inherit sword technique, and cultivate the power of sword cultivator.

At the same time, the wizard, which had already been destroyed in the southwest region, began to resurface, and spontaneously established a force called 'Mijiao'.

To tell the truth, the Pentecostal Taoists believe that the harm of this rice religion is no less than that of the Ma religion, but the Taoists have other ideas about this.

Mijiao is located in the southwest frontier, with less influence, and it is blocked outside of Shu. It can be used as a force to counter the sword cultivator.

Therefore, the internal response of Taoism is to ignore the Mijiao, let it develop freely, and find opportunities to provoke secretly, so that the Mijiao and the sword cultivator can fight each other.

Yes, the new Mijiao has been formulated by Taoists as an important chess piece to check and balance the sword cultivator.

The Pentecostal cultivator is not a small Sect without heels. On the contrary, he was born in the Dao Sect Great Sect in the north, and came to the southwest to preach with great courage.

But now, in the southwest, there is no more chance.

Therefore, he thought of retreating bravely.

"Move fast, let's go before sunset!"

The Pentecostal priest tone barely fell, Disciples is getting busier!

North Dao Sect, Supreme Unity Mountain Celestial Grotto.

Huang Guan daoist looked ahead, the flat square was in the shape of an octagon, and many Juniors applied for solemnity, standing straight in front of them like troops waiting to be reviewed.

Today, they selected the younger generation of cultivators to participate in the campaign to eradicate the sectarian religion.

This is a great opportunity for all Juniors who have been practicing ascetic for many years, to fight for Sect and kill cult demons, this is the glory of Supreme.

Hongluan stood in the crowd, feeling uneasy in her heart, her little hand clenched her white jade flute, and she kept praying in her heart, "Choose me, choose me!"

The younger generation present Disciple, as many as thousands, is the essence of gathering the northern Dao Sect.

Hongluan is surrounded by this and looks very unremarkable. Beside her, there is a same sect with more seniority and higher cultivation base.

"Ziwei Daomai, Cheng Lijue!"

In the crowd, a young man with a long and beautiful body walked out of the crowd gracefully and walked to the yellow crown to salute, " Disciple is here!"

Hongluan glanced at him, thinking that this is the Senior Brother of Dao Sect, who is a member of Doumu Yuanjun.

"Taiwei Taoism, famous Taoist people!"

"Disciple is here!"


One by one mage Realm's Taoist Disciple walked out of the crowd after hearing this.

Hongluan's fingers turned white, and she was extremely nervous. The crowd around her became sparser and sparser. All outstanding same sects have been named by Huang Guandaoist.

These same sects are about to follow the daoist and go to the capital to fight.

Those who lose the election will suffer disgrace and miss this opportunity to win glory for Taoism.

"Dao Lezong..."

Hong Luan raised his heart abruptly, could it be her turn, and heard the second half of the sentence, "... Jinfu!"

Jinfu is one of his Senior Brothers. He was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly walked out of the crowd, "Disciple is here!"

Hongluan's heart sank, and there was no chance.

Her ears became buzzing and her face was hot. Although no one looked at her anymore, she felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to burrow into the ground.

"Hongluan, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a little Taoist nun beside her stared at her and urged, "Don't hurry up!"

Hongluan was stunned, what happened?

Thinking back carefully, a voice passed by her ear just now, "Dorothy, Hongluan!"

She shivered suddenly and walked out of the crowd, "Disciple is here!"


Fortunately, Huang Guan daoist did not look at her, but continued to announce the next name.

"Finally chosen!"

Hongluanxi zi zi, already fantasizing about the future, how she will kill demons and win glory for Taoism.


Kuaiji County, the concept of hanging seals!

"Senior Brother, Hangyinguan has sent a message, Songzhu will not go, Dan Rong will lead the team to go!"

Ming Yu rushed into the lobby, but he didn't see him yet. Gao, loudly said.

"Look, Mount Huang has done this, why can't we hang up the seal concept?"

In the lobby, Ming Gao sat upright in the center, playing with the big fist in his hand. Jade Pixiu, upon hearing this, placed it on the smooth table.

"Mount Huang is Mount Huang, and I can't do it in my view of hanging seals!"

Ming Gao and Ming Yi, the senior and junior brothers, have argued about this matter. for a long time.

Ming Gao insisted on taking it back, but Ming Xin refused, saying that he could go by himself.

Although Mingyu is powerful, Minggao is the head teacher, so he has a final say and cannot be refuted.

This time, Mingyu got the news of Mount Huang's Dao Mai, and couldn't wait to come over, looking forward to Senior Brother's change of heart.

"Senior Brother, how about you?"

Ming Gao said indifferently, "Dan Rong alone is equivalent to you and me as senior and junior brothers, so he can communicate in the past, But I can't hang up the seal concept!"

Mingxin scratched the back of his head angrily, "Whatever you want, Junior Brother can guarantee that as long as I am alive, your headmaster will be safe and sound! "

"Don't think about it!"

Ming Gao picked up the jade Pixiu and played with it carefully, without raising his eyelids, "Go and arrange!"

(end of this chapter)

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