Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 603


How Chapter 603 Ends

The entire Tianlu sword array, although the shape is still intact, is covered up and down. Crack-like texture.

For example, it is like tempered glass, which is smashed by gravity. Although it has not broken, it has countless white cracks.

The sword cultivators in the sword array suffered varying degrees of trauma, holding the Flying Sword and their arms trembling.

Fang Dou master and disciple, two consecutive moves of Primordial Spirit Yujian, completely stunned them.

What monster Sect is this, can Primordial Spirit be wholesale?

If I had known earlier, Fang Dou master and disciple are so powerful, and they would never dare to ask for someone.

Let's talk about a big Sword Sect, together with dozens of small and medium Sects, so that the core elite and the cannon fodder are all complete!

It's like now, battered and exhausted, unsustainable!

Fang Dou and Xiu Tianci looked at each other and felt that the matter was coming to an end.

It's all like this, most of the sword cultivators in Shu are injured, can they fight again?

However, Fang Dou underestimated the human heart.

“Fang Dou, pay with your life!”

Boom, the entire Heavenly Furnace sword array collapsed, many sword cultivators removed the Flying Sword mana, and took a breath.

But the elders of the three Sword Sects have always been persistent.

Having suffered heavy losses before, everyone used the sword array to share the pressure. The bottom Disciples were hurt, but they still had more than half of the energy left on the veteran sword cultivator.

These elders, not only have no intention of retreating, but see 'the opportunity is coming'.

Both Fang Dou and Xiu Tianci have used the 'Primordial Spirit Sword' once, and the overdraft is serious. Isn't this a 'lamb to be slaughtered'!

shua~ shua~ shua~ , dozens of sword lights rose up and moved towards the top of the two people's heads.

This scene is like rain beating against a banana tree.

"Final Struggle!"

Fang Dou's expression turned cold, and he flicked the corner of his shirt lightly.

He was originally wearing a gray daoist robe, but when his fingertips brushed it, his appearance changed.

The daoist robe instantly turned into a colorful appearance, and a delicate and small Flying Sword appeared one after another.

These Flying Swords are staggered in the air, forming a sword array in an instant.

The shape of this sword array is a mountain surrounded by clouds and mist, with wildfires, flowing water, trees and golden light.

"Clouds and mountains and fog cover!"

"How is it possible, he has only one person, how to make a sword array?"

Fang Dou's unique sword array, in Shuzhong It has long been famous, and now everyone saw it and recognized it on the spot as 'Yunshan Fog Cover'.

But everyone can't figure it out, Fang Dou can use sword array alone.

Swipe, the many Flying Swords of the three Sword Sects were sucked into the sword array before they touched Fang Dou.


The mountain peaks land, and a stream of light surrounds the mountainside, orbiting like a planet.

Fang Dou casually, trapped the opponent's Flying Sword, seemingly freehand, but in fact he was forcibly pretending.

He couldn't compare to the extraordinary natural talent bestowed by Xiu, and he used the Primordial Spirit sword-fighting just now to take 90% of his mana.

The remaining 10% of mana has no other use than to keep him standing.

Fortunately, in the daoist robe, the 'Yunshan Mist Cover' has long been engraved into the great formation. Once activated at this moment, it will work immediately.

'Yunshan Mist Cover' sword array appeared, completely defeating the will of all sword cultivators.

Don't look at their boasting 'Tianlu sword array', but the strongest sword array in Shu.

Actually, before the sword array of the Heavenly Furnace, it is recognized that the first one is Fang Dou's 'cloud mountain fog cover' sword array.

Among the sword cultivators in Shuzhong, more than 60% of the people have personally experienced the subtlety of this array, which is beyond doubt.

Nowadays, the sword array of the Heavenly Furnace has been broken, and the 'cloud and mountain fog cover' has reappeared in the world. The sword cultivators in Shu are no longer able to struggle!

“Fang Dou, if you have the seeds, kill me!”

An old sword cultivator spoke angrily, pointing at Fang Dou and trembling constantly.

“My Soaring Firmament City!”

“My White Emperor City!”

“My Qingcheng!”

“With You are absolutely irreconcilable!"

Fang Dou curl one's lip, what a hatred for making me hatred as deep as the sea!

In the final analysis, it was the other party who picked it up, and as a result, he couldn't kill Fang Dou, and he couldn't get off the stage by himself.

Many sword cultivators in Shu are like warriors defeated by the Great Demon King.

Fang Dou rolled his eyes, "God-sent, fulfill them!"

Xiu-tian-gi nodded, "Master, it's time for an order, these people are very noisy, they knew about the sword in Shu The cultivator is this virtue, and I don't have to fight with Bai Xiulin and the others!"

He spat on the ground, rolled up his sleeves, and the Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit appeared above his head.

This move is actually to repeat the old trick, using the Primordial Spirit to kill the sword cultivator present.

"What, you can still cast Primordial Spirit Sword, what secret technique is this?"

A veteran sword cultivator, almost collapsed, shouted loudly.

"If you don't tell me, I will die!"

Xiu Tianci said happily, "It's up to you to close your eyes, I just take off my head!"

In the center of the great hall, a group of bald people were speechless. The two masters and disciples, vicious and merciless, were without any fuss.

Therefore, the high-level officials kept silent and watched martial law.

Buddhism is a pure place, where they openly kill people. As the abbot, you have to take care of it!

Martial Law suddenly laughed, "I understand Brother Fang Dou's character, killing on a whim is definitely not his intention, at worst, I advise him to put down his butcher's knife in front of the Buddha to show his sincerity! "

Many first prisons, together with the Arhats, muttered in their hearts, even if they put down the butcher knife, except for this door, I'm afraid they will be brought up again.

Abbot host, are you not afraid of being struck by lightning by fooling the Buddha so much?

Martial law happily, I don't care, these sword cultivators in Shu are arrogant and arrogant, come to my Fuyuan Temple to show off one's military strength, it is not a pity to die here.

The operation of the Puzhao Great Array has been accumulated for ten years, and a few people have not died.

The Buddha is merciful verbally, but never soft-hearted. This is the secret of Shimen.

On the square, the god-given breaths were deeply, and the Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit above his head had already exerted its strength.

The seven-star Flying Sword appeared, and the cold light fell on everyone like flowing water. This was the coldness before death.


At this time, a veteran sword cultivator spoke, holding something in his hand.

“Fang Dou, do you still remember Jun Tianfeng in Soaring Firmament City?”

Fang Dou squinted and saw the thing, which was the sword picture he gave to Jun Tianfeng.

"Tianci, stop first!"

Xiu Tianci turned his head sharply, and seeing Fang Dou's serious expression, he had to withdraw the Primordial Spirit Yujian and return to stand behind Fang Dou.

Many sword cultivators saw this, relaxed, and some discussed.

"Speaking of which, what do you think?"

The veteran sword cultivator gritted his teeth, "Let us go!"

Fang Dou laughed, "impossible !"

"Did you forget, Jun Tianfeng's kindness to you?"

Hearing the other party's question, Fang Dou shook his head with a smile, "old man, this sentence , is definitely not what Jun Tianfeng said, but what you think!"

The veteran sword cultivator was stunned, with an expression like how do you know!

"Because, between Jun Tianfeng and I, there is only friendship, not kindness!"

Fang Dou emphasized word by word, "Jun Tianfeng will never take favors. This is the biggest difference between him and you guys."

(end of this chapter)

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