Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 604


Chapter 604 dispersed

On the square, the atmosphere was very quiet.

A group of sword cultivators were severely wounded, or the Flying Sword was damaged, or the body was injured, suffering both inner and fleshy body pain.

However, even if the pain is unbearable, you can only endure it through gritted teeth and persevere.

Everyone knows that whether they can survive now depends on the negotiation between the elders of Soaring Firmament City and Fang Dou.

After listening to Fang Dou's words, the veteran sword cultivator of Soaring Firmament City was silent for a moment, and then asked, "If Jun Tianfeng is here, what should you do if you let us go?"


Xiu Tianci couldn't help but say, "You guys are really big-faced, aggressive to kill people, but you can't beat them, and you still try to survive, why don't you die?"

In ancient Shu, the sword cultivator took life and death as the priority, honor and disgrace as the most important, and often committed suicide by disagreement.

However, these sword cultivators are obviously not of this type.

The three Sword Sects have been in charge of Shuzhong for many years, with Sword Immortal as their backer, and they have long developed the mentality of aloof and remote.

It is the same principle that the person who favors the superior and deceives the inferior will cherish his life the most, and put it on the sword cultivator.

My family is too big, but I don't have the courage to break the jar.

This is also why, there is Cao Dongxuan in front and Fang Dou in the back, who can kill Shuzhong alone!

"Godsend, don't talk for now!"

Fang Dou looked at each other, everyone's expression was gray, and what he saw, his eyes avoided, covering up the hatred deep in one's heart .

Can such a person represent a sword cultivator in Shu?

For a while, Fang Dou was in a daze, looking at the entire Shuzhong, except for the three Sword Immortals, plus a Jun Tianfeng, no one could look like him.

Thinking of Jun Tianfeng, Fang Dou's killing intent dissipated.

As far as the trash in front of you is concerned, how much should you kill as many as you come, and how about letting it go once?

The veteran sword cultivator opposite, saw Fang Dou not talking, and his heart suddenly raised.

"Fang Dou, this sword picture is a gift from Jun Tianfeng, let me show it when I see you!"

He remembered Jun Tianfeng, the Junior before he left Shu, and said Whatever it is, he should bring the sword map.

As an elder, the veteran sword cultivator must ask why?

"If you are in danger, you can show this picture, Fang Dou may be able to show mercy!"

He was furious when he heard it at the time, and he would tear it up on the spot, or Juntian Feng begged bitterly before giving up.

Who would have thought that a single thought back then would have an effect now.

The veteran sword cultivator, he was very nervous, Jun Tianfeng meant, this sword picture can save his life.

But now, he wants Fang Dou to let everyone go, some lion's big mouth!

Fang Dou let out an 'oh' and said to himself, "I think back then, when Baidi and Qingcheng were ambushing me outside Que'er Mountain, the two Heaven's Chosen participated, only Du Jun Tianfeng didn't come, he not only didn't come, he also helped me to stop the enemy, I remember this loyalty!"

The veteran sword cultivator felt ashamed, thinking back then, he was the one who came out to drink Ling Juntian Back to Soaring Firmament City, Emperor Zijian was able to escape.

Today's events seem to have their own arrangements in the dark!

"Give it to me!"

Fang Dou opened his palm, and the sword figure flew back automatically.


The veteran sword cultivator of Soaring Firmament City was apprehensive. The content of the sword map had already been copied, and it was of little value, but he was worried that Fang Dou took the sword Figure, it will not fulfill the promise.

"If Jun Tianfeng is here, for his same sect, there are other comrades from the two factions, and they will also intercede with me!"

Fang Dou said, Murderous aura nothing, with reverie.

For a time, the Disciples of the three Sword Sects, thinking about the current situation, and thinking about Jun Tianfeng's bearing style, if he is here, he must protect everyone and become more and more sad.

"Fang Dou, old man hope, you can see Jun Tianfeng's face and let me go..." ' followed by a '''.

If the conditions are set too high, I am afraid that the other party will not agree!

It is better to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, let Fang Dou be paralyzed, let me go back alone, and I will definitely bring three thousand sword cultivators in Shu to avenge everyone.

Well, that's it!

Before he could speak, Fang Dou said, "You can go!"


For a time, the sword cultivators of the three Sword Sects present thought they had heard it wrong.

"Listen well, I see Jun Tianfeng's face and let you go once!"

"Remember, Jun Tianfeng's favor is used up this time! "

"Next time, you all know that Shu and Hades are not far away, so it's convenient to go home!"

Fang Dou finished speaking, shouted, "Get out now!"

A group of sword cultivators woke up like a dream, and used the Flying Sword as a crutch, and turned around and left.

"Master, just let them go like this?"

Xiu Tianci was a little unwilling, to say nothing of it, he had to take hundreds of heads, so as to deter future generations!

Fang Dou glanced at him, this child is good at everything, even if the murder is too heavy, it is not a disadvantage.


The arrival was majestic, and the return was bleak!

A group of sword cultivators deliberately avoided the avenues, for fear of being seen tragically.

Halfway through, someone finally broke the peace.

"Martial Uncle, we've already exhausted every move in our defeat this time!"

"You can also see that Fang Dou and his discipline both master the Primordial Spirit. , you have to hire more powerful people!"

Just after escaping their lives, these sword cultivators felt dissatisfied, and the ugly state of survival just now must not be passed back to Shu.

Therefore, only beheading Fang Dou can bring shame.

"We can go back to Shuzhong, please let some secluded Old Seniors take action!"

Although they are not at the level of Sword Immortal, they have lived in seclusion for many years and cannot master it. Less powerful mystery, Primordial Spirit, nothing difficult.



"Aiya, forget it!"

Fang Dou patted his forehead and released him just now sloppy.

This group of sword cultivators broke into the temple and tossed, although there was a large array of protection, they did not damage the item.

However, there should be a reason for the loss of the operation of the Illuminating Array.

"Master, I also think that even if I spare their lives, I should pay one or two!"

Xiu Tian gave Zhuge Liang an afterthought.

"Why didn't you remind me just now?"

Fang Dou rolled his eyes, Xiu Tianci bowed his head, Master was stingy and couldn't talk back!


At this time, Martial Law led a group of high-level officials from Fuyuan Temple to Fang Dou.

The senior members of the temple, including the Arhats, were all smiling and more enthusiastic than before.

"Fang Dou, you defeated the sword cultivator in Shu, and you will spread it out in the future, and you will be famous throughout the world!"

Fang Dou said goodbye, "Does Taoism not think so?"

Martial law was stunned for a moment, then I understood, and was laughed.

Fang Dou's defeat of the sword cultivator in Shimen's territory is to make Fuyan Temple famous. Shimen will definitely promote it, but Taoism will definitely treat it coldly.

"Many thanks or Senior Brother Yan, and use the temple guard to support me!"

"You're welcome!"

A group of high-level executives We all know that, as we saw just now, Fang Dou master and disciple joined forces to defeat each other's effortless

The only function of the Puzhao Great Array is to resist the aftermath of the confrontation and protect Fuyuan Temple from damage.

In this battle, Fuyuan Temple's greatest contribution is to provide a venue for the two sides to fight.

Even so, the name of 'Fuyuan Temple' will be passed down to the world.

(end of this chapter)

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