Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 602


Chapter 602 Apprentices can also masters

"Master, this should be this formation, the strongest change!"

Xiu Tianci breathed a sigh of relief, "Ashamed, I can only defeat the opponent, but fail to break the sword array."

"Don't be humble, you have done a good job!"

Fang Dou understands that Xiu Tianci just faced, but the sword array of the upgraded version.

The sword cultivator Disciple in the sword array, who received the elite education of the three Sword Sects, if you bring up one or two at random, have several decades more skill than Xiu Tian.

Not to mention, the veteran sword cultivators of the three Sword Sects are more experienced and skilled representatives of sword techniques.

These people joined forces to tie Xiu Tianci.

Based on this record alone, Xiu Tianci is comparable to the three Heaven's Chosen, and is proud of the sword cultivator in Shu.

Fang Dou covered his chest and couldn't show it off in the future. If people knew that such a good Disciple, he took the initiative to ask him to accept it and spread it out, for fear that he would be beaten to death by the angry crowd.

"Fang Dou, who is this young man, and why is Primordial Spirit Yu Jian?"

It was an elder from White Emperor City who spoke, and he was both shocked and angry.

Xiu Tianci has mastered the Primordial Spirit at a young age. If it were placed in the middle of Shu, it would be enough for the three Sword Immortals to scramble to become Disciple.

How did Heaven Blessed Genius become Fang Dou's Disciple?

Even some veteran sword cultivators feel hopeless.

You think, he fled from the middle of Shu in embarrassment and recruited a Disciple Fang Dou, who already surpassed the three Heaven's Chosen. Collector of Great Accomplishment.

Fang Dou gave him another apprentice.

Primordial Spirit alone, or Yujian, are not terrifying, they are added together to terrifying.

This means that if you want to kill Xiu Tianci, the sword cultivators who have come on this trip will have to kill at least 80 to 90% of the time before they can succeed!

That's not counting Fang Dou next to you!

"No, I must never give him time to recover!"

Someone reacted, sou sou said a few Flying Sword, moved towards Xiu Tianci.

“dong dong!”

The golden paw shadows are like autumn leaves, golden all over the sky.

A golden palm, back and forth a few times, knocked several Flying Swords flying.

"The Buddha's Hand, isn't it?"

At first, some people thought that it was a great array of illuminating lights, but the sword array was not broken, it was impossible!

A closer look reveals that Fang Dou opened his palm and knocked the Flying Sword into the air.

This hand is beautifully played. In addition to the strong fleshy body, which can resist the cutting and shock of Flying Sword, it must also be able to predict the direction of Flying Sword.

Xu Tianci's eyes lit up and flattery said, "Master is mighty!"

Fang Dou coldly said, "In front of my Master, bullying my Disciple, what do you think? "

"Fang Dou, don't be arrogant. Today, you must leave your master and disciple here completely!"

The elders of the three Sword Sects thought very much Understand, if you don't take advantage of Xiu Tianci's 'weakness' at the moment, and wait for the other party to recover later, it will be hard to do it again.

As a result, the giant Great Millstone above his head reunited.

“Sword Prison moves the positive and negative big wheel!”

The giant Great Millstone drives the air to rotate, making it difficult for them to breathe!

But outside the sword array, there is peace and no dust on the ground.

Inside and outside, there are two completely different Heaven and Earth, which shows the power of sword array!

"Come back!"

Xiu Tianci stepped forward quickly, so why not break it again.

Fang Dou pulled him, "Let the Master show his face, so as not to treat me like a persimmon!"

So, Xiu Tianci took a few steps back and let Fang Dou walk forward.

This move fell in the eyes of the other party, and he was even more convinced that Xiu Tianci had just used up the Primordial Spirit Yujian and was overdrafted and unable to fight again.

"Strengthen your strength, first seriously injure Fang Dou, and then defeat him!"

With the endless running characteristics of the sword array of the Heavenly Furnace, as long as it can gain the upper hand, Flying Sword There is an endless stream of attacks, no matter how strong the opponent is, it will run out of energy and die.

A huge wheel descended from the sky, regardless of each other, to involve both Fang Dou and Xiu Tianci in it.

Fang Dou faced this move for the second time, and sighed in his heart that the suppression was the driving force of progress.

If he hadn't turned into Miwu and cracked the previous move, the sword cultivators in Shu would not have perfected the formidable power of the big wheel.

The upper and lower layers are completely opposite, the formidable power increases several times, and the clever trick of breaking the array and go out last time is eliminated!

"If you can't hack it, then break it with one force!"

Fang Dou took a few deep breaths. Is Primordial Spirit difficult?

There is no reason, my discipline will, I am the No way to be a Master?

Next moment, Fang Dou closed his eyes, golden light gushing out from the top of his head.

In the golden light, a majestic rooster flew out with a Flying Sword in its mouth.

"Martial Uncle, how does this look like Primordial Spirit?"

"You ask me, I ask?"

The sword cultivators in the sword array began to panic. Although the Black Tortoise and the rooster have different shapes and brilliance, this posture is exactly the same!

"Fang Dou, how can you be a Primordial Spirit?"

Some people seem to be crying, but also seem to be laughing, feeling that this world is extremely absurd.

In the land of Shu, I am afraid that I will never see a few experts who have become Primordial Spirit Yujian.

However, they saw two in a row in Fuyuan Temple today. What a blessing!

On this point, Fuyuan Temple lives up to its name!

However, the only bad thing is that the target of Primordial Spirit Edgeworth is their entire group.

"What are you afraid of, Primordial Spirit, it's nothing more than that, we blocked it just now!"

Although this sentence sounds encouraging, many people say Feeling bitter, I blocked it just now, but it doesn't mean I can block it now.

Previously, in order to block the Primordial Spirit Yu Jian, which was bestowed by Xiu Tian, the entire sword array exerted its force, and it was barely able to kill a tie.

Fang Dou in front of him is a new force, and on their side, it is the previous batch.

It is also ironic to say that there are more than 100 sword cultivators in Shu, and they fought against Fang Dou master and disciple trifling.

"Hold on!"

As I watched, the golden rooster held the Flying Sword in its mouth, like a thin needle, blooming with colorful rays of light, rising from the heaven above, flying higher and higher .

Whoosh, after a ray of light, the Five Elements Flying Sword sank into the center of the giant wheel.

In an instant, the silvery Great Millstone was dyed with five colors.

For the sword cultivators who manipulate the sword array, the most intuitive feeling is that the big wheel begins to get out of control.

"Can your grinding disc grind Five Elements to circulate?"

Fang Dou interrogated his heart, and then began to exert his strength.

Five Elements Flying Sword, ten earth demons, bursting with power in an instant, it is simply unrivaled.

Sword Prison's positive and negative revolving wheel instantly split into seven or eight pieces, and it was not simply scattered.

The shattered fracture, whether it was the silhouette or the Flying Sword, exploded into dust, and no wreckage could be found.

This formidable power is even more violent than before.


A Flying Sword, the rays of light dissipated, suffered two heavy blows in succession, and the spirituality was greatly damaged.

The sword cultivators in the sword array are like crops blown by a storm, staggering and staggering.

"Master, beautiful!"

Xiu Tian gave a thumbs up, "All generations are clown, unable to withstand a single blow!"

( End of this chapter)

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