Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 479


Chapter 479 Ghost General Army

On Fang Dou's side, there is a very difficult opponent.

"Is this a ghost pawn, or an evil ghost?"

In front of this large wandering ghost formation, there is a powerful ghost, wearing an iron armor and holding a long black tassel. iron gun.

What's even more powerful is that the ghost rides a bone mount under it, and can't tell what race it was originally.

The mount under his crotch is made up of the corpses of cows, horses, tigers, and wolves, which are ugly and weird.

Has armor, soldiers, and a full set of weapons. It seems to be a legendary ghost pawn, but Fang Dou has seen ghost pawns. Although the opponent has Yin Qi, he is still Yin God. He doesn't want this one, Ghost Qi Too thick.

Behind this ghost, there was a long line. Although the armor was broken, it could be seen that there were well-trained soldiers in front of him.

Fang Dou is a little strange. He has seen more than a dozen wandering ghost formations, and he has never seen such strangeness.

The ghosts and evil spirits in this great formation seem to be from an Ancient Battlefield, all soldiers, not half the old, weak or sick.

"It's amazing!"

Fang Dou felt strange when he saw this big formation. He released the Flying Sword from a distance and flew past the Formation.

According to previous experience, even a tentative action can shave off a hundred ghosts.

But this time is different.

Xue Liang Senhan's sword light, like a blade slashing on a bone, only slashed a few inches and then stopped.

Fang Dou was amazed to see that the ghost soldiers in the formation raised their weapons high, gathered the strength of the crowd to hold the sword light, and pushed it out inch by inch.

"It's really extraordinary!"

In the past wandering ghost formations, the probability of evil ghosts appearing was generally 1 in 12.

However, in this great formation, 40% of them are evil spirits, and there are more elite evil spirits.

"What anomaly is this?"

Fang Dou guessed in his heart that the big formation in front of him should be the main force that appeared earlier.

Unfortunately, there is no information about the ghosts in the jade slip given by She Yuchong.

"Rare species, very good!"

Fang Dou is interested and intends to nibble on this hard bone.

Therefore, Fang Dou followed around this great formation and began to peel onions, killing the ghost soldiers at the edge of the great formation.

These ghost soldiers are well-trained in front of them, and they still have instincts left after death.

"It's really tricky!"

Fang Dou put away his Flying Sword and secretly observed the ghost general in the center of the formation.

This ghost rides on a mount and moves forward step by step, swallowing Yin Qi in its mouth.

Under his control, this large formation slowly expanded to the two wings, constantly sweeping and engulfing the ghosts in other formations.

The head of the evil ghost was killed by the ghost soldiers and disintegrated on the spot, and was restored to Yin Qi. In the end, Yin Qi was also swallowed into the collar of the leading general.

"wu wu wu!"

The ghost general swallowed Yin Qi's momentum, like the whistle of a locomotive, becoming more and more piercing.

"He's getting bigger!"

Fang Dou watched as this rare ghost swallowed Yin Qi, and his breath gradually became stronger.

"Evolvable wild ghost?"

Fang Dou's heart became more and more fiery. It seems that this ghost is not only rare, but also powerful and has a higher score.

You must know that he relies on the ghost book to advance the evil spirits, but among the wild wandering ghosts, it is rare to see ghosts that can be freely promoted.

"must cut this ghost down!"

Fang Dou made up his mind to take this 'strange' ghost as his hunting target.

"Golden Bean Soldier, go!"

Fang Dou shook his wrist, and seven or eight golden beans fell to the ground, turning into a majestic golden bean soldier.

These golden bean soldiers marched slowly, but were unusually firm, and rushed into the great formation.

Sure enough, only these soulless puppets can restrain the evil spirits.

Countless ghost soldiers came over with weapons in hand, moving towards Jindou soldiers with thorns on their bodies, ding ding dong dong, crisp and airtight.

At this time, the Golden Bean Soldier flashed rays of light, and formations appeared on the body, which seemed to be a magic spell to exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits.

Rays of light flew out, stronger than knives and guns, disappeared the ghost soldiers.

The eight-headed Golden Bean Soldiers scrambled the evil ghost formation into a pot of porridge, and the originally strict formation became panic.

Originally, this great formation was moving slowly and firmly, but now there are signs of vainness.


coldly snorted, and the frost rises on the ground, Fang Dou's heart is slightly cold.

The source of the coldly snorted was actually the ghost general in the center of the great formation.

Fang Dou saw it in his heart and looked at him carefully. How could this ghost look like a 'tongue ghost', how could he speak?

Waiting left and right, Fang Dou finally found out that the ghost general only uttered a 'hum' and nothing else.

This time he was relieved, maybe not 'hum', but a similar nasal sound.

The ghost general, seeing that his position was disturbed by the golden bean soldiers, immediately urged his mount to move forward with his long spear.

During the mad charge, the long black tassel under the spear tip, fluttering in the wind, was actually woven from dead people's hair.

"Sure enough, it's not ordinary!"

Fang Dou could see that this ghost general really understands the art of war.


The ghost general and his mounts, the breath condensed into one, the momentum of the impact, like a tank launched at full speed.

In the blink of an eye, the long spear hits a certain golden bean soldier, and a dazzling light bursts out.

A 100-ton golden bean soldier was picked up lightly, and there was no chance of a backhand.


Fang Dou sincerely praised him. He was able to pick up the golden bean soldiers with one shot. This ability is very difficult for even him to achieve.

The ghost general rushed to recover, and the iron spear wu wu broke through the air and hit the waist of another golden bean soldier.

Under the blessing of mad strength, the waist of the Golden Bean Soldier was dented and folded in half on the spot.

The skin is rough, the flesh is thick golden bean soldiers, in front of this general, was beaten with no backhand.

"This is too strong!"

Fang Dou's heart is more and more happy, the stronger the ghost, the greater the chance of winning after killing himself.

He didn't know yet that the ghost in front of him was his rival Mi Changgu, the Ghost General he was thinking of.

"Golden Bean Soldiers, if it costs you your strength, it's worth it!"

Fang Dou raised his index finger and manipulated the Golden Bean Soldiers from afar to besiege the Ghost General army.

The Ghost General's attack is extremely powerful. If a golden bean soldier is attacked more than three times in succession, it will be damaged.

Therefore, Fang Dou specially manipulated the Golden Bean Soldiers to launch a great formation of wheels.

From a distance, the eight-headed golden bean soldiers turned slowly like an octagonal wheel, colliding violently with the Ghost General army.

ding ding dong dong, Ghost General has an iron spear, wielding it so tightly that any golden bean soldier who fights against it is like being ravaged and pinched a thousand times, either breaking his arms or legs, or his whole body deformed and twisted. .


The last golden bean soldier, the accumulation of injuries was too heavy, turned into a large group of scrap metal, and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, around the Ghost General army, the wreckage of the golden bean soldiers was scattered on the ground, leaving a large area of land.

Fang Dou is a little distressed. These golden bean soldiers have consumed most of the resources of Mount Huang's Taoism, and now they are all destroyed.

You must know that this is not a grass bean soldier, but a golden bean soldier comparable to the mage realm. Eight of them were besieged at the same time, and they were all scrapped at the same time.

This ghost is really strong and scary!

(end of this chapter)

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