Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 480


Chapter 480 The Devil's Way

Fang Dou breathes deeply, it seems that he has met a great opponent.

He only heard that the legendary Ghost King is the strongest existence among the evil spirits.

A Ghost King is an existence comparable to a daoist.

Any year in which Ghost King appears is called a big year in a big year, and the three Sword Immortals must be shot in order to quell the tide of evil spirits in that year.

The Ghost General army in front of him is stronger than ever, but it is still not the Ghost King, which Fang Dou can be sure of.

If it is Ghost King, I am afraid that Fang Dou can be found out in an instant and killed to the scum.

However, the ghost in front of me, under the daoist, is beyond common sense.

It stands to reason that the mage is the only realm of this daoist, and the Peak mage Fang Dou has also seen it, such as Ming Yi of Hanging Yinguan.

The strength of the Ghost General army in front of him was infinitely close to that of Ming Yi.

"It's not a hard bone, it's an iron plate!"

Fang Dou shook his head and sighed, this is a kick to the iron plate.

There is no way to do it, I have been trapped in it and I can't extricate myself. If I don't fight him, I will turn around and leave.

"No matter what your background is, try my Flying Sword!"

Fang Dou took a few breaths slowly, spread his hands out, left palm in the palm of his hand, and drilled out of the sky and the ground. There are three Yakshas in walking and water walking, and alien bean soldiers fly out from the right palm.


Fang Dou was startled when he saw the alien bean soldier again.

This alien bean soldier has an even more hideous face, with an ethereal majesty.

The Relic between his foreheads has shrunk by a large circle, and the breath is getting deeper and deeper.

This is a sign of further digestion of Relic. The strength of this xenogeneic bean soldier is obviously more deep and unmeasurable.

"Also called the alien bean soldier, it's not very good, I'll give you a name!"

Fang Dou's eyes fell on the alien bean soldier, with six eyes and four arms, Ugly but not evil, with a commanding imposing manner.

"King Ming, I'll call you King Ming!"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the alien bean soldier shone brightly.

"Go, stop these miscellaneous soldiers for me!"

The three Yakshas, together with King Ming, began to disperse in various places to resist the ghost soldiers who were all around.

There were eight golden bean soldiers before, and the great formation was disturbed.

But now, the Ghost General's army has destroyed all the golden bean soldiers, and the ghost soldiers have no enemy and are starting to stand firm.

Fang Dou observed that if the ghost general had this group of loyal ghost soldiers, he would be like a tiger that has grown wings, which is desperately strong.

So, to defeat the Ghost General army, the first step is to separate it from its subordinates.

The terrain Yaksha 'dog spirit', Flying Yaksha 'poisonous dove', and Yaksha 'giant crocodile' in the water line, have never seen the daylight for a long time, and become more and more ferocious when reappeared.

The three Yakshas looked around all around, and there were ghosts and ghosts everywhere, roared towards the sky one after another, howling with excitement.


Fang Dou's palm, 'Beast Dao' revolved spontaneously, and from a distance, the three Yakshas were above their heads, and a black mist rolled up.

This Buddhism cultivation technique was originally obtained by accident. Fang Dou did not deliberately go to cultivation and just let it flow.

Later, with the Buddha power of relic, the three spirits transformed into Yaksha, which was a huge surge.

Fang Dou's Avatar 'Yuantong', who has been sitting in Jiuhua Temple for a long time, usually protects the Dharma with Buddhaism and receives incense.

At the same time, the 'Yuantong' cultivation "The Infinite Sutra of the Ten Directions" promotes the progress of the three Yakshas.

At this moment, there are wandering ghosts everywhere in this land.

Three Yakshas, forming a triangle, began to rotate slowly.


Fang Dou's mind jumped out of this thought, next moment, the 'Beast Dao' in his palm, began to spin.

"The Way of the Demons!"

In Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Beast Dao goes up, and the second is the Way of the Demons.

Beast Dao is a cultivation technique, but after being promoted to the evil spirit realm, it becomes the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' of the Divine Ability.

The body of the three Yakshas, the breath began to soar, from the level of evil spirits, moved towards the promotion of elite evil spirits.

Eventually, Yaksha transformed into Rakshasa.

The breath of the three Rakshasa, even if the elite evil spirits are stretched out, is a tyrannical existence.

Far away in Jiuhua Temple, 'Yuantong' opened his eyes, laughed and slapped his knees, "Excellent!"

At this moment, ten lights of different colors were behind him Group, urchin-like chasing and slapstick, full of fun.

Starting at him, Mingjing sat cross-legged and opened his eyes with a pious look.

"Teacher, what's your joy?"

Yuantong didn't say much, just said, "The Infinite Sutras of the Ten Directions, I have some income recently, I will teach you later!"

"many thanks, teacher!"


The three Rakshasa, together with King Ming, divided into four groups to attack the wandering ghost formation.

Yaksha has been promoted to Rakshasa, and his formidable power has greatly increased. Although he is empty-handed, he moves his hands and drives the wind pressure into a weapon, which can sweep across the great formation and destroy countless ghosts and evil spirits.

As for King Ming, he walked slowly among the group of ghosts, holding a steel rod with a crane head.

all around Ghost soldiers, gather together and form a fortified army, with sharp weapons ahead, pressing step by step.

Ming Wang stopped, his steel staff leaned on the ground, and his six eyes lit up at the same time.

The eyes are like thousands of thin needles, piercing all around the evil spirits, screaming and dying.

Next moment, the pitch-black light ball in the mouth of the crane head of the steel rod suddenly burst open.

A pitch-black storm swept through King Ming all around, turning into countless bone-scraping steel knives.

“hu hu!”

After a short while, all the ghosts were disappeared on this ground, and Yin Qi did not exist.

If Fang Dou sees it, he will be amazed. King Ming can control the Magnetic-Essence Divine Light.

However, at this moment Fang Dou is also caught in a fierce battle.

The Ghost General army, aware of Fang Dou's presence, knew he was the worst enemy.

Although the ghost soldiers he loves are entangled by Rakshasa and King Ming, he alone is enough to suppress Fang Dou.


Fang Dou clenched his Flying Sword and slashed towards the Ghost General army one after another.

In the past, Fang Dou used Sword Art, with a murderous aura in his graceful and graceful posture, but when the sword light fell, he would definitely see blood.

But now, in the face of such a powerful enemy as the Ghost General army, it is no longer as dashing as before, but it seems to be striking iron!

It's ironclad!

Fang Dou felt like he was holding a sledgehammer and smashing the chopping block.

The Ghost General was that chopping block, still standing still despite the smashing sparks.

This ghost is as stable as Mount Tai, and the mount under it is completely motionless, no matter how violent the Fang Dou sword light is, it can never be shaken!

"That's not great!"

Fang Dou stared at the spear in the ghost's hand, knowing that the other party was waiting for the opportunity to come first.

Don't look at Fang Dou's fierce attack right now, and it's continuous.

Judging from the previous encounter with the Golden Bean Soldiers, a single stab from the Ghost General's horizontal spear was enough to pierce Fang Dou's body.

Suddenly, Fang Dou yanked it back, and the sword light quickly retracted like mercury.

The Ghost General's army moved, the dark iron gun in his hand, the black long tassel without wind, and the dead man's hair spread out and turned into a big black cloud.


A little cold glow appeared in the dark cloud.

The power of the iron spear stabbed Fang Dou into an oppression. With the formidable power of this spear alone, many sword cultivators were far behind.


(end of this chapter)

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