Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 478


Chapter 478 Ghost Boy

Ghost cultivator Youth, shaking the Soul Evocation flag in his hand, and dark clouds rolling under him.

At the edge of this dark cloud, the jet black air flow curled into skeletons, evil spirits, and made a shrill cry that could pierce the eardrums.

Next moment, the dark clouds began to accelerate, moved towards the direction away from the plank road and escaped.

He was resigned.

This time it was trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off, the refining ghosts that went out to herd, the strongest dog ghosts were beheaded.

Fortunately, everything else has been withdrawn, and there has been a slight improvement.

But, it's still a big loss.

The young man felt a pain in his heart when he remembered the beheaded dog ghost. After decades of hard work, he was killed by a sword.

However, at the moment, it is more important to escape than heartache.

The sword cultivator had already found his trail and was chasing after Yu Jian.

The ghost cultivator casts spells desperately, urging the dark clouds under him to disappear without a trace before the sword cultivator appears.

"Where are you running?"

Loudly shouted like a thunder, ringing in the ears of the ghost cultivator youth, shocking him entirely to break.

Too fast!

The ghost cultivator youth was in shock when suddenly a cool wind blew by him, and then he howled miserably.

"My arm!"

It turned out that this cool breeze was the result of Mi Chang Gu Yaoyao flying a sword and cutting off his entire arm.

"bully intolerably!"

The ghost cultivator youth is also a realm of the mage, and among Mount Mang, he is also a descendant with roots.

First, the dog ghost was killed, and he retreated in time, but he still couldn't escape the pursuit of the other party. The incidents rose in the mind, causing his heart to be full of resentment.

"You kill my dog ghost, and I will take your soul."

"There is a sword cultivator in this Soul Evocation banner, and the formidable power will definitely not increase but decrease! ”

The youth of ghost cultivator exerted force under his feet, and the dark clouds flew slantingly, looking towards him sideways.

Mi Chang looked at his feet, stepping on a silver rainbow, gradually approaching.

"Give me death!"

The young ghost cultivator slammed the palm of his hand, and the Soul Evocation flag flew out.

Mi Chang Gu slashed out a sword, and immediately cleared a large area of the sky, but not half of the evil spirits fell.

It turns out that the secret technique of ghost cultivator is also mysterious.

The evil spirits in Soul Evocation have been refined and have amazing spirituality. When sword light strikes, they move away like duckweed in the water.

"Leave me!"

The ghost cultivator shouted angrily, and the evil ghosts gathered in the sky again, reverting to the soul gathering banner, which was actually the sword light that entangled Mi Changgu.

"The sword cultivator has no Flying Sword, just like the tiger has no minions, I see how arrogant you are?" .

On the flag of the Soul Evocation banner, the head of the evil spirit constantly stretched out, biting the sword light.

In the end, the sword light dissipated, revealing Mi Changgu's Flying Sword.

"Good guy!"

Mi Changgu clenched his sword fingers and lightly pointed at Flying Sword.

Next moment, Flying Sword began to disintegrate, turning into a bluish and white air, and the Soul Evocation flag fell suddenly.

A moment later, the Soul Evocation banner was empty, and there was no trace of the Flying Sword.

"go! ”

Mi Changgu's voice sounded, and the blue and white anger came and went, instantly condensed into a Flying Sword, and moved towards Soul Evocation.

oh la la, the flag of the Soul Evocation flag, was torn on the spot.


The ghost cultivator youth, as if was struck by lightning, looked pale, took a few steps back, and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

This magic weapon was raised by his blood essence, so that he could subdue many powerful evil spirits.

Now that the magic weapon is broken, I will receive backlash immediately.

He reluctantly used a secret technique to suppress the tumbling blood energy in his body, and was about to move the dark clouds and retreat.

At this time, Gu Huanghuang, the head of rice, shot down from the sky like a candied fruit stick, piercing the ghost cultivator youth from the shoulder blade to the crotch.

However, the ghost cultivator youth was seriously injured, but not dead.

"Forgive your life!"

Mi Changgu asked with a grim expression, "What's your origin and what are you doing here in Shu?"

"Little man It's Mount Mang ghost cultivator, who came here to herd ghosts, I don't mean to offend the Sword Immortal in Shu, please show your hand!"

The young ghost cultivator finally knows how powerful, why there are so many powerful seniors. The benefits of traveling with ghosts are still secret to Shu.

These goddamn ghost cultivators kill without saying a word, it's too brutal.

In order to survive, he lowered his posture, thinking that he could survive.

After hearing this, Mi Chang Gu showed disgust on his face, "Beimeng's ghost, damn it!"

"Even a trifling ghost cultivator dares to break into our Shu?"

Mi Changgu frowned, "It seems that I have time to go to Mount Mang and be alert to these digging holes. The rat!"

At this time, a resentful scream emerged from the corpse of the ghost cultivator youth.

"I've surrendered, and you still dare to kill me. I curse you to meet Ming Boy, die without a whole corpse!"

This malicious curse instantly turned into A cloud of yin wind penetrated into Mi Changgu's body.

Mi Changgu fought a cold war, then shook his head and said with a smile, "Such a soft curse also wants to disturb my mind."

"If I meet the words you say Underworld boy, there are only many departed spirits under this sword!"

He left the ghost cultivator youth behind and began to look for the next prey.


The ancient zither sounded, covering the area of 1000 acres of land, and more than a dozen wandering ghosts were among them.

In these great formations of wandering ghosts, whether it is the weakest solitary soul, unbound ghost, or the evil spirits and the elites of evil spirits, they all look obsessed, with the rhythm of ancient zither, going back and forth like seaweed swing.

The music of ancient zither, full of Ghost Qi, is not human music at all.

Next moment, in the center of a certain large formation, a burly evil ghost of 100 meters in height suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed.

The surrounding ghosts and evil spirits exploded one after another, turning into countless Yin Qi, sweeping into a large vortex, dragging them into the mouth of the burly evil spirits.

The evil spirit grew stronger step by step, the body began to swell up, the muscles swelled, as if the epidermis was bursting at any time.

"ao wu!"

At a certain moment, the evil spirit's face showed a painful expression, and the skin was split open by the muscles.

In an instant, this burly evil ghost like a hill exploded on the spot, with a gray airflow, flying like arrows, affecting the surrounding formations. .


The ancient zither's voice stopped, and there was a faint sigh.

A dwarf with a figure like a child, with an ancient zither suspended in front of him, the whole body is made of white bones, and the human tendons are used as strings.

The music of manipulating the evil spirit just now was the ancient zither in front of him strumming with his ten fingers.

This person is the most powerful ghost boy in the Mount Mang ghost cultivator.

The underworld boy sighed, "The old ghost has lost the precious ghost book, even if he doesn't die in the hands of the old Taoist Hangyin Guan, I will melt his fleshy body and put his Remnant Soul into Soul Evocation is tortured by the flag."

The ghost book is not owned by Tu old ghost alone, but shared with Ming boy two.

Coincidentally, this magic weapon was lost in the hands of the old ghost. Thinking back then, for this matter, the two sides fought a battle and broke up unhappily.

Ming boy lost the ghost book, but lost the mulberry elm in the east. He excavated this ancient zither from an ancient witch tomb.

The level of ancient zither is no less than that of the ghost book.

After mastering the ancient zither, Ming Tongzi has greatly improved his strength, but he lacks the function of the ghost book, and it is extremely inconvenient to support evil ghosts.

Suddenly, Ming boy felt something. At this time, it happened that the ghost cultivator youth was disappeared.

The message of the curse spread to the mind of Ming Boy.

"Interesting, sword cultivator?"

Ming Tongzi put away the ancient zither and looked towards the direction where Mi Chang Gu was. Although it was separated by several hundred li, he seemed to see it. he.

(end of this chapter)

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