Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 272


Chapter 272 Encountered Clearance

When the corpse chaser saw the silver, his eyes were red, he grabbed it in his hand, and his back molars After a few bites, it was sure to be pure silver.

He sighed, took out a dark tarpaulin, and looked up at the Boss next to his eyes.

"go go go, the law is not passed on for six ears!"

The Boss of Danzipu rolled his eyes and tossed the towel, "I don't care to watch it!"

Having said that, I opened my round legs and went to the kitchen.

The Taoist who chased the corpse calmed down and said with a smile to Fang Dou, "The true tradition of Taoism, how can ordinary people see it?"

Fang Dou thought to himself, Boss, an ordinary person, if If the money is in place, you might be willing to let him see the so-called 'True Biography of Taoism'.


The black oilcloth is unfolded, and inside is a color and ink painting, which is the scene of the three corpses going to the sky. The characteristics are played to vividly and thoroughly.

Fang Dou looked at it as if he really saw the three lifelike corpse gods, who were flying into the sky, and they were still secretly talking to each other.

"I ate two more bites of meat today, and my appetite is too greedy!"

"The widow next door is doing laundry, showing half of her snow-white arms. After seeing it, begin to stir and commit lust!"


The three corpse gods communicated with each other, and as soon as they ascended to the Celestial Court, they had to report every act of immorality.

"Friend, friend..."

A voice broke Fang Dou's illusion. Only then did he realize that he was fascinated by pictures and was unconsciously fascinated.

When the corpse hunter saw Fang Dou, his expression was a little dazed, and he felt strange in his heart. He had also shown this painting to a few 'sheep guns' before, but he didn't have any special reaction!

Fang Dou was shocked because Mi Dou appeared in front of him and slowly spit out a spell seed.

"Three corpses guard the Divine Law!"

I saw the 'Three corpses ascending to the sky' and got a spell.

The corpse hunter had already rolled up the picture and said apologetically, "My friend, if you want to see it again, you must continue to pay!"

"No need!"

Fang Dou looked towards the corpse chaser, his eyes were complicated. What this person said earlier, he thought it was bragging, but now he saw 'Three Corpse Shou Divine Law', and his level was not weaker than 'Six Gods Disgusting Technique', obviously It is one of the true traditions of Taoism.

It's just that there are Wutong Temple Blessings in the front, and corpse-carrying Taoists in the back.

"Sit down and talk!"

Fang Dou recovered from the shock, and beckoned the corpse hunter to sit down, and began to inquire about his lineage.

It turns out that the corpse-chasing Taoist cultivation spell has the ability to deal with at least a few ordinary people.

Hearing this, Fang Dou sighed, such a warlock that sticks to its principles is simply a rare breed.

In this world, anyone who masters the power of spell is always strong to bully the weak, and there are few people who keep their duties safe, and the corpse hunter is also an outlier.

The two were chatting when suddenly there was a loud noise from the kitchen, followed by the sound of pots and pans falling one after another.

"What happened?"

Fang Dou and the corpse hunter rushed to the back kitchen and saw Boss lying on the ground, unconscious.

"This is..."

Fang Dou thought he was suffering from a sudden illness, and moved towards the window.

"Not good, this area, someone cleared the venue!"

I saw all the passers-by on the snack street softened, one after another fell to the ground, and then looked into the distance The streets are full of unconscious people.

Fang Dou's ear, suddenly thought of a bell, and suddenly fell asleep.

"Not good, this is a spell of ecstasy!"

He mobilized the power of his heart, the fire of Vermilion Bird rose, offset the influence of the bell, and instantly became awake .

Looking at the corpse chaser again, his face was dazed for a few moments, his eyes were immediately restored to sobriety and calmness, obviously his ability was not weak.

The two walked out of the dumpling shop and saw all around silhouettes. There were many people who were not in a coma, apparently all of them had spell body protection.

"There is a cultivator fight, clear the field in this area, and set up the Formation!"

whiz whiz whiz, overhead, one after another silhouette swept past, and fire erupted when it collided.

The strange thing is that these impacted air waves and sparks only appeared above the head, and when they fell below, they were blocked by a transparent barrier before they could touch the house.

"This is the capital, and there is a great formation in the ground to protect it. Fighting in the city is strictly prohibited!"

The corpse chaser narrowed his eyes and saw the two old men in the silhouette of fighting, startled, " These are the two daoists of the Ma sect, why..."

Fang Dou was surprised, daoist, this is the highest level in Taoist cultivation, even the weakest daoist is not something that Fang Dou can match. of!

"Bold monster, how dare to hide in the capital, obediently surrender!"

loudly shouted, like a thunder, after a while, a mighty general, riding a rib cage The two-winged fiery red horse swiftly passed overhead.

The Formation barrier below him began to tremble slightly, as if he couldn't bear it.

The corpse chaser took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground, "It's over, why is he even here?"

Fang Dou stared at the general and asked, " Who is this person?"

"The Great General who is in charge of the military and horses of the world, the unique and unmatched Great General, the Saint of the military family, the Niu Wu!"

In addition to famous teachers, what military family, Mohist family? , Legalists, etc., all like to call the highest achievement Saint, which is the same level as daoist.

'"The Divine Immortal fights, and the little devil suffers!'

The corpse exorcist grimaced and explained to Fang Dou.

It turns out that today's cultural relics, hundreds of The officials were headed by Qilian Imperial Tutor, and the generals were respected by the Great General Niu Wu. Even the Imperial Tutor simply supports the daoist as an assistant, and there are three daoists alone.

“The Sect Lord Guanglin daoist is the strongest, and there are two guardian elders. "

"This time, the Great General, who took the initiative to attack the Majiao, was obviously going to unplug the Qilian Imperial Tutor's help!" "

At this time, two old voices came from overhead, "Niu Wu, you want to destroy my hemp sect, wishful thinking!" "

"Even if you start a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, you will never succeed!" "

Niu Wu rode a steed, hehe laughed, "Why a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, kill two old fogeys, I alone are enough!" ”

Next moment, others and horses become one, turning into a stream of light, holding Dualbladed Halberd, and crashing into the area where the two guardians are.

The friction of the air generates heat and ignites The scorching flames, the Formation defense above their heads, were even more oppressed by tremendous force, sinking down to the limit.

The surviving warlocks in the previous clearing were forced by its might, and fainted one after another .

Fang Dou exhaled, is this the rest of Saint Level? I finally saw it today.

The corpse hunter kept saying, "Fake dizzy, wake up, what? It's over! "

"No, I want to see with my own eyes, this rare fight!" ”

In the sky, brilliant lights and vibrant colors are everywhere, and the Changhong that moves hundreds of meters and reaches the hundreds of feet, the blasting air waves break the blue sky and clouds.

The daoist-level battle is already showing signs of changing the color of the situation.

The light began to distort, the silhouette was blurred, and it was difficult to see the detailed fight.

Fang Dou thought to himself, even if it was released Poison Spirit, I am afraid that as soon as it approaches, it will be shattered by the aftermath, too terrifying.

(end of this chapter)

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