Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 271


Chapter 271 Three Corpse Ascension Picture


The corpse chaser, babbled for a long time, always Can't speak.

At this time, the dumpling shop Boss next to him couldn't help but speak.

"To be blessed is to become rotten. This man makes a living by chasing corpses. As a result, when he delivered it to his home, the corpses were all rotten!"

The old face of the corpse hunter was slightly red, "go go go, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

He turned to Fang Dou and said seriously, "If you invite me to eat two, ah no, three plates of minced meat dumplings, I will tell you!"

Fang Dou thought about what was going on, and raised his hand, "Boss, let's have five more plates of meat dumplings!"

After a while, the corpse-hunting Taoist ate the delicious meat dumplings, Talk to Fang Dou about the entire process of development.

It turns out that the corpse hunter is an ordinary folk warlock, who has learned the unique skill of chasing corpses with one or two hands, and makes a living from it.

These days, people pay attention to being buried in the earth. The customs in many places are extremely repelling of cremation, insisting that the body should be buried in the ancestral grave, so as to live in peace after death.

But the corpse was unlucky, and the ordinary freight and escort bureaus refused to transport it.

As a result, there is a profession of corpse hunter, who casts spells to send corpses on the road and walks all the way back to their hometown.

When the corpse is on the road, it is necessary to use jade and good spices to seal the mouth and nose of the seven orifices, and even smear the skin on the body surface to prevent decay.

It is a professional job to have a lifelike face when it is sent to my hometown for burial.

Doing this business, although ordinary people think it's bad luck, makes a lot of money.

The corpse driver in front of Fang Dou's eyes was a mess, too poor.

So much so that when he was working, he sloppy-worked many times, and the jade was nothing more than that, which could be reused, but the most crucial spices were sloppy-work and shoddy.

The accident happened this time. The journey was too long, and it rained a few times. On the way, the body began to decompose.

When the delivery arrived home, the customer quit his job, and the body was decomposed. How could he be buried? Excited relatives and friends, grabbing him on the spot is a good beating.

Back in the capital, this patriarch Gu's eldest brother, the steward of a wealthy family, was even more angry when he heard that Second Brother was getting lucky, and he had another blast.

So there was the scene of beating and scolding outside the window just now.

When the corpse driver said this, his expression was very aggrieved, "It has nothing to do with the quality of the spice. It's just that I didn't read the almanac when I went out this time. It was wet in the rainy season, and the body was difficult to maintain, so I got a little fat."


"I was beaten back and forth twice, and the money I made was not even enough for medical expenses, so I lost a lot."

While talking, he ate two bites of dumplings, smacking his lips and saying, "It's faded, I still need to add more vinegar!"

Fang Dou thought to himself, this person must be reluctant to spend money, and this happened.

As a warlock, it's a bit sad to be beaten and beaten to this point.

Fang Dou waved at the Boss with pity, "Give him five more plates, and a pot of small wine."

The corpse chaser listened and laughed His eyes narrowed, five plates of dumplings were nothing, and a pot of small wine just happened to arouse his greed.

"You, my friend, I've made a deal!"

"My secret technique of chasing corpses is indeed a family of its own, which is very interesting!"

The corpse hunter was interested and explained his spell inheritance to Fang Dou.

"The usual way of chasing corpses can't escape the way of 'Taiyin refining the shape', refining the corpse and turning it into a flying zombie!"

"But in my case, surrender The corpse of the human body is amazing and extraordinary!"

I have to say, this is a veteran of the world, and he pretends to be suspenseful when he speaks to arouse your interest.

Fang Dou was fascinated and asked, "What is mysterious?"

"Is this?"

The corpse hunter rubbed his fingers, his face Smile on.

I see, I want money!

Fang Dou took it easy, took out a large amount of copper coins, and slapped them on the table, as if he had heard the book.

When the corpse hunter saw the copper coins, his eyes glowed, and he could not wait to hold it in his arms.

"In Taoism, there is a saying of Severing The Three Corpses. There are evil corpses in the human body. Grasping the key point in the words, he asked back, "What, you are a Taoist?"

Here, the corpse chaser got excited and listened to his chest, "I am a Taoist with roots and red roots. The true biography, lineage to suppress demons, have you heard of it?"

"Have you heard of it, eliminating demons and suppressing demons, worshipping gods and raising immortals!"

Fang Dou thought to himself, the one who raises the five powers gods The temple blessing is to claim to worship the god lineage.

This Taoism, except for the cultivation lineage, seems to be miserable.

"My friend, you are also a know-it-all!"

The corpse hunter explained, "The inheritance of our lineage is derived from Severing The Three Corpses."

"There are countless evil corpses hidden in the human body, which restricts Innate's potential. If you can find it one after another and tame it, you can play a huge might."

"When the realm arrives, One after another kills the corpse, and you can ascend to immortality!"

"wait a minute"

Fang Dou became more and more confused as he listened, "Killing the corpse, including Self?"

"Yes, self is the biggest evil corpse, if you can kill yourself, you can become a corpse immortal!"

Fang Dou suddenly realized that it was a corpse Sin's cultivation method.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou felt a little uninterested. The corpse and the immortals were the inferior way. They belonged to the first-class ghosts and immortals, and he did not consider them.


Fang Dou's compliment was polite, obviously not wanting to inquire.

However, the corpse driver came to talk about Xing and continued to explain.

“There is also the power of evil corpses in the living human body, hidden under the skin, bones and flesh and blood, and replaced by skin corpses, blood corpses, flesh corpses, bone corpses, etc.”

"These evil corpses are entangled with the vitality of the body. Once a person dies, they will flood freely, and eventually break free, and the corpse will turn into decay!"

"My Taoist method of this lineage, The formidable power is endless!”

Fang Dou couldn’t help but hehe a few times, the so-called formidable power is endless, that is, to drive away the corpses and earn coolie money.

"My friend, would you like to see it, Kuibao of my sect inheritance, the picture of the three corpses ascending to the sky!"

According to legend, there are three corpse gods in the human body, named Peng Chu and Peng respectively. Wei and Peng Qiao lived in the upper, middle and lower dantians.

Every Geng Shen day, the three corpses leave while the host is asleep, fly up to the sky, and report the good and evil deeds of the host one after another.

The Divine Immortal in the sky will judge future misfortunes and fortunes based on the reports of the Three Corpse Gods.

Come to think of it, 'Three Corpses Ascension to Heaven', this is what it describes.

Fang Dou waved his hand, this group is attached to the general Taoist classics. He has seen different versions in many isolated books, and he is not interested.


The corpse hunter was stunned. He cheated a lot of money by relying on this picture. How come he didn't work when he arrived at Fang Dou. .

"My friend, eat the dumplings while it's hot and let it cool down. I'll leave first!"

Fang Dou got up and was about to leave. begging.

"My friend, when I saw you, I felt destined to show the sect treasure, but you didn't even look at it. It's so sad!"

Fang Dou thought to himself, This is the meat of the hob. If you don't agree to him, I am afraid that you will not be able to escape!

With the virtue of a corpse hunter, if you don't fight back, if you don't fight back when you scold you, you're just a piece of cowhide candy.

"Okay, I'll take a look!"

Fang Dou was no match for him, so he had to agree.

The corpse driver burst into laughter and spread his palms, "Chenghui, silver ten taels!"

Any money?

Fang Dou shook his head, took out a piece of silver, about five or six ounces, and threw it to the corpse exorcist, "Only these, if not!"

(End of this chapter)

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