Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 273


Chapter 273 The Soldier Saint

High in the sky, the two Ma daoists looked at the broken wreckage with ugly expressions on their faces .

This time Niu Wu suddenly launched an attack, attacking the strongholds of the Majiao in the capital, and removing them one by one with a thunderous momentum.

The people were insane, and even in the downtown area, they used formidable power weapons of war.

All kinds of strong bows and crossbows, firearms and slings, killed the Majiao and suffered heavy losses.

Sect Lord Guanglin daoist was out on business and was not in the capital. He thought that there were two Dharma protectors, enough to be foolproof, but who would have thought that Niu Wu would do it himself.

This soldier of the world is earth shattering as soon as he shoots.

When they came to Fang Dou, there were only seven or eight people left, including the two guardians.

Niu Wu did it himself, and it was another tragic fight.

"Niu Wu, if you are so overbearing, you are not afraid of the Sect Lord coming back and asking you to trouble you?"

The two guardians still had luck at this moment, trying to move out of the name of Guanglin daoist , to scare off Niu Wu.

Niu Wu said with a sneer, "Do you think that this seat is making a big splash just for you stinky fish and rotten shrimp?" The purpose is Guanglin daoist.

"Ahhh, you are a villain who offers his wife and begging for glory, and you deserve to be compared with us?"

Niu Wu's expression changed greatly after hearing this, one word Shouted, "Very good, you're already a dead person!"

After saying that, he kicked the mount under the crotch and jumped forward slightly.

I hit the shatter void with ease, and suddenly broke into the front of the two guardians. The gap beside him was like a torn cloth, and the cold glow of the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand was like in the sky, igniting the second sun .

The target of Niu Wu's shot was really the Dharma protector who scolded him just now for 'giving his wife to honor'.

This Dharma protector is also a daoist level. Although he has only cultivated the five qi in his chest, he is also the ultimate existence of extraordinary and refined.

"Niu Wu, courting death!"

The Dharma protector spreads out his arms, and a Flood Dragon spirit rises all over his body, roaring and twisting his body, rising in a spiral shape, his huge head opening his mouth to bite Xiang Niu Wu.

The warlocks watching below were exclaimed.

"As expected of a daoist creation, Void Refinement is true, this spirit is lifelike, full of flesh and blood, just like an ominous beast running rampant on Heaven and Earth!"

Niu Wu's eyes showed contempt, "such insignificant ability!"

Dualbladed Halberd in hand, slightly forward, pierced into the mouth of Flood Dragon's spirit, like a hot knife through butter in an instant, such as cutting tofu, all the way to the tail section.

Flood Dragon's soul was wounded, and everywhere all is a rain of blood, howling and falling above the great formation, smashing into constantly fluctuating ripples.

Fang Dou can see clearly that if there is no big formation alone, such a huge monster will fall, and the snack street under his feet, together with the surrounding area, will be crushed to pieces, and even huge pits will appear.

"Niu Wu, how dare you..."

The Flood Dragon, the guardian of the law, was beheaded in shock, and he was still in shock when he saw Niu Wu's Dualbladed Halberd, already stabbed in front of him.

He switched over a dozen evasion techniques one after another, but was locked by the opponent's Qi Observation Technique.

Immediately afterwards, he summon the twenty-eight constellations and the gods of Liuding and Liujia to come to the rescue, but no one responded.

Seeing the point of the spear stabbing in front of him, the Dharma protector threw out a life-saving magic weapon in desperation.

Dualbladed Halberd, a gun pierces through the magic weapon and pierces the body of the guardian.

The protector bowed his head, saw the pierced magic weapon, looked the head, and seemed not to believe his eyes.

"Please hit the road!"

Niu Wu's wrist shook, Dualbladed Halberd spun, blasting the daoist's body into a rain of blood on the spot.

This Dharma protector has been cultivating for hundreds of years, but today it has vanished.

The remaining daoist guardians were so shocked that the soul flew away and scattered, "Niu Wu, wait, I'll find Sect Lord and come back!"

"You didn't. Here's a chance!"

Niu Wu smiled wickedly, "Although I failed to kill Guanglin, but raking grass and beating rabbits and killing you two is enough to make Qilian old fogey and feel distressed for days!"

tone barely fell , the guardian turned into a Changhong and disappeared from Niu Wu's sight.

"It's also oily, and you can drill it when you see a seam!"

Niu Wu put the Dualbladed Halberd in the holster beside the saddle and took off the bow and arrow next to it.

"Look northwest, shoot Heavenly Wolf!"

The next moment, the arrow is like a shooting star, coming first, catching up with the Dharma protector's escape light.

Not far away, Hunguang swayed, and after a while, it fell to the ground like a wild goose with broken wings.

"ao wu woo!"

From Niu Wu's feet, a grey-white slender-waisted dog sprang out, walking on the air with its four claws, and galloped towards the place where the light had fallen.

A moment later, grab the bloody corpse, shake its head and wagging its tail and return.

A battle has come to an end.

Fang Dou breathes deeply, the soldier Saint, really has such Divine Force, easily kill two daoists.

"The military Qi Refinement Technique, is this so powerful?"

Fang Dou muttered to himself, looking shocked.

The source of Qi Refinement Technique of Qi Lie is also introduced in Qi Lie's family biography.

Ancient Era, only the Qi Refinement Technique is spread, and later, it developed into the Hundred Schools of Thought Contend, and the Qi Refinement Techniques of each family are distinguished.

The Qi Refinement Technique, a strategist, focuses on fighting and killing, and Fang Dou has just seen it with his own eyes.

However, there are also great flaws, military inheritance, too high requirements for innate talent.

Qi Lie is the Qi Refinement Technique passed down by the family without magic cultivator.

"Remove the formation!"

With Niu Wu's order, countless soldiers appeared and began to clean up the mess. After all the traces left by the Majiao had disappeared, the formation was finally withdrawn.

After the large formation was withdrawn, the comatose people in the city recovered one after another.

The sky returned to calm, as if the war had never happened before.

Danzipu Boss, rubbing his shoulders, "I must have been so tired last night that I fell asleep when I was busy!"

Fang Dou lost his appetite after this change. , then left the dumpling shop.

The corpse chaser walked, whispering secrets to Fang Dou.

"Niu Wu is also a Legendary character. According to legend, he was born as a shepherd boy in a mountain village."

"My family is poor, and I don't even have the money to marry a daughter-in-law. At the age of 20, I am still a bachelor. , for the rich man's family to herd cattle!"

"I heard that he really made a fortune when he met a wealthy lady Yeyou, and accidentally took a fancy to him and married Niu Wu!"

"After that, Niu Wu made his fortune and became an Absolute Art soldier. After entering the court, he was valued by Your Majesty. He fought the frontier barbarians and made great achievements in battle, and finally became the Great General of Supreme!"

Fang Dou heard this and asked back, "What's the matter with 'offering a wife for glory'?"

The Dharma protector was quick to say these four words just now, but he was the first to be charged. It can be seen that this is a taboo for Niu Wu.

"This matter is the biggest stain on Niu Martial Student Ping, but few people dare to mention it face to face!"

The corpse chaser lowered his voice and explained, "Niu Wu really If you make a fortune, you should dedicate your wife to Your Majesty, and you will be valued!"

"Well, the two concubines of Chongxin in Your Majesty Palace, Li Concubine is the daughter of the Imperial Tutor of Qilian, and Concubine Jin is a cow. Wu Xianshang's first wife has always been competing for favor and beauty."

"Now you know, why is the relationship between the two of them so tense?"

Fang Dou didn't expect, unexpectedly eating It's a big melon, and the plot here is too bloody.

(end of this chapter)

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