Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 270


Chapter 270 The corpse hunter

In the pavilion, Fang Dou put his hands on his chest and breathed slowly.

The sky is full now, the morning star has faded, and the morning air is particularly cold.

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou breathes evenly, with a certain rhythm, and is involved in World's Essence Qi, leaving behind Seventh Gold Qi.

These Seventh Gold Qi, so subtle that the naked eye is hard to find, enter the body, along with the rhythm of breathing, into the lungs.

At this moment, in the Five Zang Temple, the yet-to-be-formed lung-gold White Tiger has been slightly phantom.

“hu hu!”

Suddenly, as if at a certain point, Fang Dou's breathing suddenly became stronger.

呲呲呲, like the sharp sound of boiling water hitting the lid of a teapot.

In the cold winter, the white mist from Fang Dou's mouth and nose seemed to be pinched by a big hand and condensed into a white airflow.

white The airflow is condensed but not scattered at the mouth and nose, winding like a small snake, and the shape is extremely flexible.


Fang Dou exhaled, and the white airflow from his nose and mouth shot out like a sharp arrow, hitting the wooden stake, denting a fist-sized pit.

"Platinum Breath, really amazing!"

This Breathing Technique has made up for Fang Dou's shortcomings, and it is not an exaggeration to become the internal strength of Flying Sword.

Cultivation technique after entering Sect, the breath can gather and disperse Seventh Gold Qi, the color is pure white, which is the color of gold in the West, so it is named 'Platinum Breath'.

After Kong Ziruo left, Fang Dou worked diligently for several days of cultivation, and finally got started with this cultivation technique.

The slightly weaker lungs have been improved, and there is no more chest pain when casting Flying Sword.

"It's been a long time since I went out to eat. Today, I went out for a walk to relax!"

Each district has its own snack street in the twenty-eighth districts of Beijing. , I have only cleared eleven of them, and there are still seventeen snack streets left.

Now the cultivation of Platinum Breath has won a staged victory, it is time to reward yourself.

The crowd watching the excitement in Beijing was so excited when they saw Fang Dou appear.

'Little gluttonous eaters' have not appeared for a long time, and the crowd thought that Fang Dou had become a fleeting meteor, unable to break through the record of 'gluttonous eaters'.

Now, Fang Dou reappeared, the crowd gathered again, waiting for him to clear another snack street.

In a dumpling shop, the snacks here are all kinds of delicious dumplings.

The dumplings are multi-colored with natural plant dyes and have a special fragrance when eaten.

What's more difficult is that the stuffing of dumplings is the best mix that the owner has researched thousands of ingredients and finally determined, there are more than ten kinds of meat stuffing and vegetarian stuffing.

Fang Dou thought that wrapping meat in dumplings was simply a dark dish.

However, after taking the first bite of the meat dumplings, I couldn't help but scream.

The meat filling is made of semi-fine and semi-fat meat, which is cut into uniform particles with a knife, and then boiled in secret soup. .

"Not bad, not bad!"

Fang Dou was full of praise, and slapped a string of vegetarian stuffed dumplings. Although it is a wild vegetable, it is not bitter or rough, and it tastes very good fresh.

The Boss of the dumpling shop is also shaped like a dumpling, with a round body and a round head, just like a humanoid panda.

His face was hilarious. During this time, no one in the capital knew that there was a 'little gluttonous eater' with the style of the 'gluttonous diners' back then.

If someone doesn't have a 'little gluttonous' come to the door and leave a few comments, it is a shameless thing, and they can't lift their heads in front of their peers.

A few days ago, 'Xiao Taotie' disappeared, many people regretted it, Boss is one of them.

didn't expect, after Fang Dou appeared, the first one he visited was his dumpling shop.

"Little...guest, try my family's fruit stuffed dumplings!"

Fang Dou tasted it, slightly frowned, "Not so good!"

The dumpling shop Boss panicked and quickly explained, "I chopped up fresh fruit, and then used adult candied fruit to taste, both fruity and sweet, the taste is very delicious!"

Fang Dou After thinking about it, I made a suggestion, "The candied fruit is too sweet to cover the aroma of the fruit, so you might as well use jam instead!"

"Surely the name is not in vain!"

dumplings The more fragrant the Boss is, the more reasonable it is. Compared with candied fruit, the jam has a stronger flavor and can make up for the defect.

“Everything else is pretty good!”

Fang Dou took his time, picked up a plate of dumplings, and tasted them one by one.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the window, the muffled sound of fisting to the flesh, accompanied by unbearable yelling.

"You're so crooked, you're really pissed off."

"You've received the money, but the things are not done yet, which has made our second master fat, talk about it, What's the matter?"

"Ahhh, I'll kill you, a big liar!"

Amid the many angry shouts, a stubborn voice trembled, "You can beat people, but you can't get your money back!"

Fang Dou looked out the window and found that it was the street next to Snack Street, where the wealthy and wealthy lived.

Danko wiped his hands on the Boss towel, immediately went out to watch, and then came back.

"guest, it's not a strange thing, there was a Taoist who chased away the corpse, and the matter was messed up, and he was being held accountable by the bitter master!"

Fang Dou laughed, folk warlock swindle , often missed being caught, beaten by the bitter master.

He didn't take it seriously, and continued to eat dumplings.

As expected, the hustle and bustle outside the window subsided after a while.

The footsteps sounded, and one silhouette broke in!

The guest that the dumpling shop welcomed, the Boss saw him and shouted badly.

"The corpse daoist, what are you doing at my dumpling shop, get out, get out!"

The guests who entered the door, wearing tattered daoist robes, limped when they walked. He had a moustache and a bruised lump on his face. He grinned in pain and sucked in cold air.

He was unhappy when he heard the Boss chasing people, "How can you do business like this, the customers who come to the door are rushing out?"

The Boss can't do anything, and points to the person next to the door. The seat, "You just sit here, and leave quickly after eating!"

The corpse hunter looked around, saw Fang Dou, and pointed at him quickly, "Isn't there a guest here, I'll sit with him. "

After he finished speaking, he forcibly blocked the breakthrough Boss, walked to Fang Dou and sat down, and asked, "This friend, do you mind?"

Being so familiar, Fang Dou just smiled, "I don't mind!"

The corpse chaser hu hu, let the Boss serve two plates of vegetarian dumplings stuffed with wild vegetables, um, the cheapest price.

After calling the dumplings, he asked for soy sauce, vinegar, and a side dish, causing the Boss to roll his eyes.

"Guest, stay away from him, this person is unlucky!"

Boss took the opportunity to whisper in Fang Dou's ear, giving a kind reminder.

Fang Dou bowed his hands, "many thanks for reminding!"

The corpse driver poured soy sauce and rice vinegar on the plate, almost submerging most of the dumplings, and then hu hu digging into the mouth.


He finished one plate and put the rest on the table, reluctant to eat.

"My friend, let me tell you that although this dumpling tastes good, it only has this wild vegetable stuffing, which is the most cost-effective."

"I'll give you a calculation. ..."

The corpse-hunting Taoist started chattering, saying 'what is the price of glutinous rice', 'how much is the cost of wild vegetables', the way he ate it just now, with the addition of soy sauce and rice vinegar, has already paid off a lot.

Fang Dou listened with a smile and asked, "Dare to ask my friend, what does it mean to be fat?"

Hearing the word "fat", the corpse hunter became embarrassed.

(end of this chapter)

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