Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 269


Chapter 269 The secret is deceived

Kong Ziruo left Fang Dou's small restaurant, and as soon as he left the door, he saw someone On the street, looking anxiously here, apparently waiting for a long time.

"Emperor Dao, is there something urgent?"

He recognized that although this man was wearing ordinary clothes, he had a bearless white face, just like an old acquaintance, serving the Grand Court Eunuch beside Emperor Longguang. one.

This father-in-law, saw Kong Ziruo, as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

"My Sword Immortal grandfather, you finally appeared, come with me to the palace, Your Majesty wants to see you!" What's going on?"

"The sky is falling!"

Eunuch Knife said in a low voice, not exaggerating, "Qin Tianjian, Great General, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of War, Ministry of Household People from the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Personnel are all here, just waiting for you, the Sword Immortal of Zhenguo!”

Why is the Ministry of Rites missing?

Kong Ziruo pondered as he walked, followed Eunuch Dao, all the way unimpeded, entered the Imperial Palace, and arrived at the place where Emperor Longguang summoned his ministers to discuss matters.

"Zhenguo Sword Immortal is here!"

Longguang Emperor saw Kong Ziruo, and he was happy on the spot, "Come on, we'll be waiting for you!"

Kong Ziruo took a few steps back and apologized, "I made Your Majesty wait for a long time!"

"No problem, no problem!"

Emperor Longguang pointed to his side, " Elder Kong, please take a seat!"

Kong Ziruo noticed that there were many loyal ministers present, including the Great General Niu Wu in charge of military power, Shao Ziling of the Yang Family of Qintian Superintendent, the representative of the Ministry of Industry and the Mo Family, and the Ministry of Military Affairs. The representatives of the military family and the household department represented the farm family, the criminal department represented the legal family, the official department headed by the Imperial Family, and Qilian Imperial Tutor, who was powerful and powerful, were also present.

If Fang Dou was here, he would definitely recognize that the leader in charge of the household was the strange old man he met earlier.

Kong Ziruo saw it, and sure enough, all the six divisions are here, except for the etiquette of the famous masters.

"There must be something wrong!"

The emperor asked Kong to sit down and spoke to Shao Ziling of Qin Tianjian, "Qin Tianjian, tell everyone about the horoscope that I heard last night. Important minister!"

Shao Ziling's divide poise and sagelike features, quite has several points of cultivator on the path of cultivation, but the difference is that he cultivates the way of the Yin Yang Family.

According to legend, the theory of 'Mude' in this dynasty evolved from the theory of the Five Virtues of the Yin Yang Family.

For a long time, Qin Tianjian observes astrology, fortune, and fortune-telling for the country.

This time the emperor summoned important officials overnight because of a hexagram from the Qin Tianjian, which made the hearts of everyone present suddenly tighten.

"reporting to Your Majesty, last night I was watching the stars, the stars were gloomy, and the Purple Tenuity Emperor Star was swaying."

"There was a hexagram all night, and I found that someone moved his hands and feet, The secret is deceived."

"The mana shot is too strong, and this small official has low strength, so he can only barely figure out clues."

Speaking of this, even Kong Ziruo was surprised. Shao Ziling's yin and yang hexagrams are independent of the calculation methods of the three schools, and even he can't calculate them, then...

Qilian Imperial Tutor, broad-faced and long-bearded, with a majestic manner, took a step forward, "Your Majesty, deceive the secrets, this is not a trivial matter, it is very likely to come against our country!"

Emperor Longguang nodded, "Shao Aiqing, after all, what are you counting?"

Shao Ziling looked around at everyone present and said word by word, "This small official has calculated that someone will ascend to immortality in the near future!"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers ignored the etiquette before the monarch, and one after another bumped into each other. to the chair, stood up and exclaimed.

Ascension to immortality is the dream of all cultivators, but it is the most troublesome thing for Imperial Court.

The emperor is noble as the emperor, and has the natural legal principle of hunting hunters on behalf of the sky. Naturally, he can control the authority to confer Ghost God.

However, the Ghost God conferred by the emperor is a person who is a hundred years later, and has never been sanctified by fleshy body or ascended to immortality.

In either case, it would be a disaster for Imperial Court.

The rising of the sun and the sanctification of the fleshy body are very likely to shake the foundation of the dynasty if the common people see it.

Both Shimen and Taoism are based on faith. Once the Divine Vestige is available, it will grow into an unstoppable Transcendent Influence, even the Imperial Court cannot control it.

Great General Niu Wu, exclaimed, "No wonder, they want to deceive the secrets, this is to prevent us!"

The 'them' in his mouth, everyone present You know, it is nothing more than the three schools of Shimen, Taoism and Mingjiao.

These three cultivators are most likely to become immortals, and they are also secret masterminds who are most capable of deceiving Qin Tianjian's divination.

Other Yin Yang Family, military family, farm family and Mo family have been in decline for many years, and they can continue to inherit by relying on the Imperial Court. Impossible has such a skill.

The answer is about to come out. There must be three shadows behind this incident.

"This is the trouble!"

The majesty of the emperor comes from the divine authority of the monarch. Once the immortal appears in the world, plus the power of the three companies that have been operating in the private Imperial Court for many years, it is enough to overthrow Longguang God's rule.

You must know that the three schools all have extremely radical ideas. Shimen wants to create a 'Buddha Country on the ground', Taoism tries to restore a 'peaceful world', and the famous religion wants to 'virtual ruler'.

No matter which one succeeds, it is the emperor and the nobles who suffer first.

Emperor Longguang stood up and saluted in the air, "Sword Immortal, if there is anyone in the kingdom who can resist the immortal alive, it is only you, please help!"

Kong Ziruo got up quickly, "Your Majesty is very kind, I have a duty to protect the country and protect the country."

Hearing his agreement, the descendants of the various families present, including Imperial Tutor and Great General, headed All the civil and military officials felt at ease.

Kong Ziruo, the Sword Immortal of the town, is a Sword Immortal at the daoist level. If he can't do it, everyone else is useless.

Emperor Longguang thought about it, and arranged it again.

"The Ministry of War, in the name of the Buddha's birthday patrol, will mobilize the garrison in the capital and activate the protective great formation in the capital."

"The Ministry of Industry, guarding the Futian Huabiao in front of the east gate, Together with the Jinmai Jinmen, start to activate the organs and wait for it to be activated at any time!"

"Farmers, enter the Shennong Mausoleum, please get out the Supreme Treasure Shennong whip."

"The Ministry of Punishment,... "

"Qin Tianjian..."

Emperor Longguang's gaze fell on Shao Ziling, but he didn't say the specific content of the arrangement.

Shao Ziling saluted with both hands, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Qin Tianjian is here, everything is ready!"

"Today's affairs, I hope you all keep secrets, this is the battle of national fortune. ."

Emperor Longguang wanted to say more, but after thinking for a moment, he waved the ministers to retreat.

Great General Niu Wu and Qilian Imperial Tutor were the last ones to leave. They represented the military generals and the Civilian Court Official respectively and were the most loyal right-hand men of Emperor Longguang.

It was already deep at this moment, the two walked in the empty palace city, all around was silent.

Qilian Imperial Tutor suddenly said to Niu Wugong joyfully, "Niu Great General, the 500,000 troops stationed in the capital this time are all under your command, this time you really dominate the government and the opposition!"

Niu Wu is ranked as the Great General and is a leading figure in the military. Usually, Qilian Imperial Tutor has many conflicts with him. Now Emperor Longguang ordered to prepare for war, Niu Wu was entrusted with important tasks, but Qilian Imperial Tutor did not assign it, quite a bit taste.

Now, Niu Wu has overwhelmed him, and his heart is aching, "Qilian Imperial Tutor, Your Majesty has an order, you are in charge of the security of the capital, arresting the murderers, and keeping the peace of the party, this is also an important task, I hope Imperial Tutor, don't slack off!"

Qilian Imperial Tutor, suddenly said with a smile, "Niu Wu, guess what, after Your Majesty retreats from the imperial court today, will you go to Concubine Linxin again? ?"

Hearing the word Jin Fei, Niu Wu's complexion became ugly, "old fogey, are you trying to humiliate me?"

"Hurt you?" Qilian Imperial Tutor sneered , "You are a villain who offers his wife and asks for glory, and you have the face to say this!"

At this time, a shivered little Court Eunuch hurriedly reminded, "Zhenguo Sword Immortal has not left the palace yet, please be careful!"

As a result, Niu Wu and Qilian The Imperial Tutor broke up unhappily, and this matter was also spread through the mouths of everyone.

(end of this chapter)

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