Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 268


Chapter 268 Nourishing Lungs

The next person came, collected the pots and pans, and cleaned up the pavilion.

The red clay teapot, heated on a charcoal stove, emits the sound of spinning boiling water.

Fang Dou sat opposite Kong Ziruo with a respectful demeanor. This is the etiquette for asking for advice.

Kong Ziruo's remarks made Fang Dou realize his shortcomings.

Until now, the Flying Sword technique of Fang Dou cultivation is based on the Flying Sword slave, and the source of the promotion stage is the Flying Sword essence left by the half-truncated sleeve.

The former is too low, the latter is too high.

The secret technique of Flying Sword restored from the incompleteness is not a system at all. Fang Dou made a mistake in the cultivation success and never understood the defect.

If you continue to cultivate in this way, I am afraid that it will be too late to regret the day when it will be hard to return.

The Flying Sword is a killing weapon. When driven, it has strong gold energy, and it is very likely to backlash the heart and lungs. Every breath is a heavy load on the body.

If there is no secret to nourishing the lungs, it is like practicing boxing without practicing gong, and in the end it will be all in vain.

Kong Ziruo drank a cup of tea and said slowly, "Show your hands!"

Fang Dou nods, braved the wind and snow, picked a dry grass root from the gazebo, and placed it in the palm of his hand. Slight capacity.

next moment, the grass roots flew out and sank into the depths of the wooden stakes of the pavilion.

The grass roots are frozen hard and brittle, and will break with a light touch, but in Fang Dou's hands, they are like iron nails hit by a sledgehammer, deeply digging into the solid wood.

Empty nodded, indifferent expression.

Fang Dou was a little frustrated.

It was only after the fact that he realized that the gap was too large and the comments were meaningless.

“Do you feel a slight panting when you run the Flying Sword, or a dull pain in your chest?”

Fang Dou thinks about it, it really does. Several times before, he has Similar situations are thought to be normal reactions to strenuous exercise.

"That's right, your lung qi is too weak, and you force the Flying Sword to run, and you are already backlashing the body. If you force the cultivation, the higher the skill, the worse the body."

Fang Dou can already imagine that when it is really extreme, just as Kong Ziruo said, the lungs will rot or gold, or die from coughing up blood, or die from suffocation.

"Please uncle save me!"

Empty and nodded, I thought that this child was born in unorthodox, I'm afraid I still don't know, the breathing method to nourish the lungs, among the sword cultivators, It's a core secret.

Among the Sword Immortals in Shuzhong, the secret skill of Flying Sword is still second, but as long as it is related to the secret breathing skill of nourishing the lungs, once it leaks out, it will definitely set off foul wind and bloody rain.

"Forget it, I'm not the Sword Immortal in Shu. This breathing method belongs to me. I can pass it on to anyone I want?" Said, "Bareless!"

Fang Dou was slightly surprised and looked all around, "Here?"

"Yes, open air!"

Although It was a bit cold, but Fang Dou was still open-minded, his chest was exposed, and a large goose bump suddenly bulged.

"Breathe normally, don't make progress!"

Kong walked over freely, slightly warmed his palms, and pressed them against Fang Dou's chest, "Follow my instructions, inhale, exhale. !"

Fang Dou took a few breaths, then felt extremely itchy in his chest and coughed violently.

"Don't stop, keep going!"

Fang Dou gasped violently, his voice was like an old cow drinking water, and it sounded like a bellows that had been used for several decades.

Under Kong Zizao's urging, he took a deep breath and moved his lungs.

Suddenly, his throat was itchy, and he lowered his head and spit out a few mouthfuls of bloody sputum, which was mixed with bloodshot and black particles.

"This is?"

Kong Ziruo explained, "This is the damage to the lungs caused by the unlawful cultivation in the past. If you want to nourish the lungs, you must first remove these impurities, Internal injury!"

He also made an analogy, before painting wood furniture, at least the surface should be smoothed, and tree scars, wood thorns and spots should be removed before painting, otherwise the paint layer will be finished. , these paint layers penetrate deep into the interior and can no longer be taken out, but will become a hidden danger for furniture.

The first day of cultivation, Fang Dou kept breathing to remove impurities and internal injury from his lungs under the urging of Kong Zizao.

He noticed that Kong Ziruo's palm against his chest vibrated slightly, guiding the peristalsis of his lungs and further guiding Fang Dou's breathing rhythm.

"In two or three days, your lungs will be clean and you can study formally!"

After saying goodbye, Fang Dou familiarized himself with the rhythm of breathing while using jade With the combination of buddhist fat, nourish the lungs and cultivate subtle internal injury.

After a day or two, Fang Dou felt that his lungs were extremely pure, and every breath of the air he inhaled in his body was like going through hundreds of essence processes, and there was no impurities at all.

Although this is an illusion, it can also prove how powerful the method of nourishing the lungs is!

Three days later, Kong Ziruo came to visit and continued to teach the method of nourishing the lungs.

"My platinum breath, what I taught you earlier was the method of pulling out impurities and internal injury, and then absorbing Seventh Gold Qi to strengthen the lungs, thus driving the Flying Sword, not Take backlash!"

The empty platinum breath was moved towards the eastern sky at dawn, watching the trajectory of the 'Chang Gung Star', swallowing the Seventh Gold Qi in Heaven and Earth luck, and expanding the heart.

"Chang Geng, also known as Taibai..."

Fang Dou listened to Kong Ziruo's explanation, and suddenly recalled, what Taibaixing is, isn't it Venus!

Very good, cultivation Seventh Gold Qi, need to visualize Taibai Jinxing, it's very scientific!

At dawn on the second day, the stars faded away, leaving only the morning star, Taibai Jinxing.

Fang Dou began to slowly move in accordance with Kong Zizuo's urging, breathing out the vitality in the air.

"Beginner, can't sense the existence of Chang Gung star, you need to leave Taibai alone at dawn to observe this star."

"When you become proficient, no matter day or night, All of them can spontaneously cultivate!"

At this time, Fang Dou finally separated a trace of Seventh Gold Qi from World's Essence Qi and sent it into the body for warming up. The rays of light in the lungs changed from dim to dark. A bit brighter.

“hu hu!”

Kong listened attentively, Fang Dou’s breathing revealed a lot of information, at least his lungs began to become stronger, obviously cultivation played a role .

“student that can be taught!”

He shot Fang Dou's 'Platinum Breathing Method', and also cherishes talents. Now that Fang Dou is learning fast, he feels that he is not wrong .

Fang Dou cultivated all night, and didn't wake up until noon, and thanked him in the sky.

"No need to thank you, you teach me how to make hot pot, and I will pass on your Breathing Technique, fair trade!" 、Cultivation is personal, the next thing is very simple, I will not come.”

Fang Dou was a little reluctant to part, and wanted to hold back a little.

But Kong Ziruo is very firm, "You can probably guess that I still have a position in Imperial Court, so I can't stay away for too long, the past few days are my rare holidays, so I can stay in the palace. Go on."

"After today, you and I have no chance to see you again, take care of everything!"

Fang Dou sighed, "The gift of teaching art is unforgettable for a lifetime. If there is a chance in the future, I will Fang Dou will definitely double the rewards!"

Empty laughed, he didn't take this sentence seriously, with his cultivation base and status today, no matter how he looks at it, Fang Dou can't be rewarded!

(end of this chapter)

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