Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 249


Chapter 249 Crossing the Grave with Wet Shoes

Liao Wu was born in the local area. Due to his poor family background, he left home to seek a living when he was young.

No one knows that after many years of separation, when he returns to his hometown, he has become a formidable tomb robber.

This person has worshipped Feng Shui masters and knows acupoint positioning; worked in Yi Village, and is proficient in guarding Yin and avoiding evil;

With a sound of superb skills, Liao Wu roamed all over the world, once robbed ten tombs at night, and retreated completely, making a name for himself.

On the surface, he is a big businessman, and no one knows that the thousands of dollars in the Liao Wu family are all from his digging graves.

For some unknown reason, Liao Wu suddenly returned to his hometown after years of separation.

This person is not a taboo, the first time he goes home, the business will open overnight.

Old Liutou said here, "This Liao Wu digs graves and does all the evil deeds, should he also have this retribution?"

That night, Liao Wu brought The newly collected silly disc, all the way to find the cemetery that I stepped on during the day.

This family is a wealthy family. From the Han jade tombstone, to the shape of the tomb, and the specifications of the sacrifices, it can be seen that the family is rich.

Liao Wu's rules are to break into the yin house and never ask about Yang Sector's situation.

If the family is benevolent and charitable, if he finds out, he will make a bad move.

Liao Wu walked halfway, when he suddenly smelled a gust of moisture, he looked back and became furious.

The silly disciple who followed him, for some reason, stepped on a pond and walked all the way with wet shoes.

"What the hell are you, you've gone through the grave with wet shoes, courting death?"

Liao Wu was so angry that he cursed, playing stupidly and screaming.

Liao Wu was also in a hurry. In the past, he had followed him for five years. Not long ago, when he was exploring an ancient tomb, he was bitten to death by zombie and drained his blood.

In the end, Liao Wu used the ability of trump card to escape from zombies. Without the most important assistant, the business was temporarily suspended, so he had to go back to his hometown to do business.

This stupid recipe was picked up halfway, didn't expect to be clumsy.

"Everyone, do you know what's taboo about 'wet shoes over the grave'?"

"The place of the grave is the most taboo place for moisture and water vapor. It is because the dead will sleep forever. Death ends all one's troubles. If it is disturbed by moisture, it is very likely that the corpse will turn into a corpse."

"Ghosts are afraid of fire and love water, the same is true!"

"Everyone, everyone, I haven't seen the graves at Qingming Festival, so the whole family should dress clean and fresh, and no one dares to wear wet clothes and wet shoes. , so as not to collide with our ancestors!"

After speaking for a while, Lao Liutou returned to Liao Wu's story.

The silly disciple was tearful, threw away the wet shoes, and followed the bare shoes and socks.

Liao Wu was still in a bad mood.

But he was reluctant. This time, Liao Wu's biggest wish was to find his elder sister, whom he had lost in childhood.

I heard a letter from my hometown, elder sister married a big family and lived a happy life, Liao Wu wanted to come back to see and save some money by the way.

Since childhood, the elder sister has loved Liao Wu and prevented him from beating and scolding a lot.

When both parents died, the elder sister went into a big family as a maid and paid a sum of money, and Liao Wucai had to go out to work.

This elder sister is Liao Wu's only relative in this life.

After thinking about it for a while, Liao Wu felt ruthless. After finishing this order, he will go to see the elder sister tomorrow.

The silly disciple lit incense at the tombstone, bowed three times, and said, "Don't blame me!"

Liao Wu stood at the back, slapped the tombstone twice. push down.

The silly disciple hesitated, "Master, I think there are two people buried in this grave!"

Liao Wuqi said, "How do you know, you silly boy? ?"

"Written on the tombstone!"

The silly disciple happily said.

"Don't talk!"

Liao Wu and silly disciple, the two of them started to dig up the grave.

The coffin was exposed, it was not long after it was buried, and even the red paint was still fresh.

Although the stupid disc is stupid, he took him by his side and trained him for a long time, but he was able to help him out.

Liao Wu pushed out the coffin lid and saw the scene inside, sucked in a breath of cold air.

In the coffin, there were indeed two corpses, a man and a woman.

However, the female corpse's body was twisted and her expression was hideous, as if... she was suffocated to death.

Liao Wu's scalp was numb, and he looked at the coffin lid leaning on the side, covered with bloody handprints.

"Buried alive!"

Walking around, Liao Wu is also experienced and knowledgeable, knowing what is going on in front of him.

There are always some big families who say that the woman is Zhenlie and 'sacrifices' for her deceased husband, but in fact, most of them are buried alive in the coffin.

Of course, the daughter of a wealthy family does not have to worry about this fate. Most of the people who have suffered such horrific treatment are the daughters of poor families.

Liao Wu sighed and turned around, "Silly boy, close the lid of the coffin!"

In the coffin, there are headgear, gold, silver and jade, but he doesn't want any of them. move.

The silly disciple was anxious, "Master, thieves don't get away, this is what you taught me!"

"This woman is pitiful enough, don't let her live in peace after her death! "

Liao Wu jumped out of the tomb, walked to the side, and helped the tombstone up, and it was about to be erected again.

Suddenly, he saw a line of words on the tombstone, like being struck by lightning.

"Jiangmen Liao Clan!"

Liao Wuyi threw off the tombstone, stumbled down the tomb, pushed the silly disciple away, lifted the lid of the coffin, and hugged the female corpse with trembling hands.

Ignoring the stench of the corpse, he stretched out his trembling fingers and gently smoothed the distorted face of the female corpse.

"Sister, why are you?"

Liao Wu cried while hugging the female corpse. Over the years, the elder sister in memory has turned into a cold corpse.

"I knew that if I did this, I would be punished, so I would never marry. On you!"

"Sister, you are so wronged to die!"

"What kind of wolf-hearted thing buried you alive?"

Old Liu The head said in a leisurely tone, "Guess what happened next?"

"The corpse was cheated?"

An old man was fascinated, the wine bowl was tilted, and the wine was drained do not know either.

"Of course not!"

Old Liutou looked arrogant, quite proud of 'you thought it was a ghost story, but Lao Tzu wanted to go against the routine'.

"Do you know that Liao Wu's elder sister, married into our local, that big family?"

A courier had long disliked him pretending to be mysterious and rushing said.

"Who doesn't know, it's the Jiang family from the scholarly whole family and the official Aristocratic family?"

Someone responded, pointing to the old Liutou and questioning.

"Old Liutou, you just said that Jiang Family buried their daughter-in-law alive. This matter is too serious, don't talk nonsense after drinking a few mouthfuls of yellow soup!"

Last year, Jiang Family Family also listed on the Imperial Court, saying that the family's wife died of love after his son died of illness. The couple was born and died in the same cave.

According to what Lao Liutou said, Jiang's daughter-in-law, also known as Liao Wu's elder sister, was buried alive instead of being killed in love. It would be a shocking scandal if the news spread.

My daughter-in-law is not a slave and cannot be killed at will.

Old Liutou said again, "Liao Wu is dead, there is no one in the Liao family, and there is no bitter owner, how can I file a lawsuit?"

"Hey, this part of Black Tortoise town, Old Jiang's house, who dares to provoke?"

Inside the house, Fang Dou opened his eyes, what, Black Tortoise town?

(end of this chapter)

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