Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 250


Chapter 250 The beasts in clothing and crowns

The next story does not need to be told by Lao Liutou, everyone knows it.

Some time ago, the local chief received a report that there was a thief, Liao Wu, who broke into the Jiang Family as a disaster, killed more than a dozen people, and was eventually killed by the 'Yi Min'.

After the incident, Liao Wu's body disappeared.

The local people privately speculated that it was Old Jiang's grandfather's family who cut his body into thousands of pieces to vent his anger.

After returning home in brocade clothes, Liao Wu scattered all his wealth and gave it to the poor local families.

He has a quirky temper. He specially selects those who have daughters at home and send them to large families to work. He sends money to the door and asks them to take their daughters home to support them.

"Those big families are all beasts that eat meat and drink blood, don't hurt your daughter!"

Although those people are strange, but Liao Wu gives a lot of money, so they have to one after another follow suit.

In the end, Liao Wu dissipated all his family wealth, leaving only the stupid Disciple beside him, and he was also chased away.

Second day, there was news that Liao Wu broke into Jiang Family and was eventually killed.

Old Liu shook his head, "Hey, Liao Wu found out that his elder sister, the Third Young Master of Jiang Family, was married for the sake of congratulations."

" This Third Young Master Jiang has been a medicine jar since he was a child. He has been sick all the time. After getting married, he has not been able to get better. He grew up doing rough work and has a strong body, but he also went with Master Jiang Third Young!”

“At first everyone had doubts, but now I finally understand.”

“Master Jiang Family , who has read poetry and books, and a moral man, he has a heart of stone!"

Everyone was amazed, Liao Wu is a tomb robber, death cannot wipe out the crimes, but Old Jiang's move, Also too vicious.

There is indeed a requirement of 'chastity' in famous religions, but it is not compulsory.

Old Jiang has a cultivation deviation in this regard, forcibly burying his daughter-in-law alive, but reporting it as 'Festive a woman's love'.

Under his methods, Liao Wu wanted to seek revenge, and was also detained as a thief. After being killed, he died without a whole corpse.

"Hey, these rich and powerful families are too dirty!"

The station chief sighed then said, "Don't say more!"

"That's right, Old Liutou, you are sincere and disgusting us, you should fight!"

Old Liutou smiled, "I will punish myself for three cups!"

"You are so beautiful, wine is already Enough, shut up!"

Inside the house, Fang Dou sighed then said, stroking the steel rod, and was about to kill again.

The famous people he has come into contact with before, whether it is the scholar Yan Sixian, the imperial envoy Xiang Guangming, or the County Magistrate Guan Ziqing, are enlightened but not pedantic.

So much so that Fang Dou has a good sense of the famous religions, but he ignores that among the famous religions, there are more beasts that eat people.

Old Jiang is an example of such beasts.

He could bury his daughter-in-law alive in order to 'keep the festival'.

Fang Dou was heartbroken when he heard it, holding the steel rod, he was about to go out to run errands at night.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

There was another knock on the door.

Old Liutou heard this and shouted in dissatisfaction, "There is another monk?"

The postmaster glared at him, "Don't say a word!" He got up and went to open the door.

Opening the door, I saw a silly boy huddled in the door, with two ice ridges hanging from his nostrils, grinning at him.

"We know the rules, don't go in, ask for a sip of hot water, or you'll freeze to death!"

The postmaster shook his head, "Don't be stunned, come in!"

The silly boy was taken into the grass hut and roasted for a while before spirit slowly recovers.

"Boy, it's so cold, you're not at home with you, what are you doing out?"

The silly boy chuckled, "I'll do things, after finishing this last thing, I will Go back to my hometown to farm and never come out again!"

He said with a smile to the postmaster, "Uncle, I always thought there were no good people in your place, but when I saw you today, I realized I was wrong. Now, there are still good people!"

"Can you drink a bar?"

There was an old man, seeing that he was pitifully frozen, handed him a small half bowl of leftover wine.

"Yes, why not?"

The silly boy took a few sips of wine, and his tears fell.

"You guys are so kind, you remind me of Master!"

From just now, Lao Liutou has been staring at the silly boy, listening to him say these words , slapped his forehead, "Ah, I remembered, you are Liao Wu's silly discipline!"

The silly boy had a dark face and threatened, "You get rid of that silly word!"

"You child, how dare you stay, Jiang Family's minions are looking for you everywhere!"

The silly boy wiped his eyes, "I know, but the Master's body is to be buried, no matter how dangerous it is , I have to finish the job before I leave!"

Several couriers thought to themselves that this silly boy was serious about friendship, and it was not in vain for Liao Wu to take him.

The postmaster was a little strange, "Your Master was killed by the Jiang Family, isn't the body gone?"

"My Master, I have a unique skill, and can transform into a corpse in front of everyone's eyes. Zuo's smoke disappeared!"

"On the same day, he was besieged by the Jiang Family's henchman, seriously injured and killed more than a dozen people. p> "He used his unique skills to escape, and he died that night!"

"Before he died, he told me to bury the body in the tomb of aunt!"

It's a foolish disciple , this kind of secret important thing, without omission and in detail, said it to a few couriers who didn't know before.

The postmaster sighed, "This Liao Wu is also a lover, and he wants to be buried with the elder sister after he dies!"

"I don't think so!"

Old Liu Tou taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, "Liao Wu's trick is too poisonous. From tonight, he will be buried in Jiang Family Third Young Master's tomb**, and every time he goes to Qingming Chongyang, Jiang Family will be killed by Jiang Family. clansman worship."

"Let the enemy kneel and worship with incense three times, and this revenge is too cool!"

The silly boy listened, pondered the taste, "It turns out that the Master planned this, I'm too smart, no wonder they usually say I'm stupid!"

He had a simple temperament. Seeing the Master's death, he was unable to take revenge, and was disheartened. He just wanted to go back to the countryside to farm. , Now listening to Lao Liutou said, I feel a lot of joy.

"I'm afraid not necessarily!"

I don't know when, Fang Dou appeared in the grass hut, picked up a wine jar, shook it a few times, and poured three or two sips of wine into his mouth. .

The wine is sour and rough, like a knife in the mouth, but it brings a warm feeling.

"Do you still remember, wet shoes over the grave?"

Old Liutou quickly raised his hand, "I said this, is there a problem?"

"It was a bad omen for a foolish disciple to make a mistake at that time and step into the cemetery with wet shoes."

"If it weren't for Liao Wu's relatives, the reunion of close relatives would offset the grievances, Liao Wu's elder sister The corpse has long since changed, and turned into a vengeful ghost!"

"Liao Wu is an expert in tomb robbing, and he must be proficient in every way!"

"Now, he has taken his corpse, Buried in a tomb."

"Everyone imagine, what will happen when the flesh and blood of the close relatives and the resentment of Liao Wu's elder sister being buried alive are combined?"

"Bury the enemy's cave and sacrifice to blood relatives!"

"This Liao Wu is ruthless!" It fell to the ground and broke into five or six pieces.

The postmaster felt chills all over his body, and the old Liutou who brought up the topic next to him was also a complexion pale, chatting with ghosts, isn't this just looking for trouble?

“Many thanks for the hospitality, the wine is good!”

Fang Dou turned and walked into the house, leaving everyone behind.

The silly disciple chuckled, "This monk speaks so nicely, my Master is supposed to be so good!"

This time, no one dared to answer!

(end of this chapter)

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