Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 248


Chapter 248 The Night Talks of the Old Soldier

Fang Dou went into the house to rest and dried his body, finally feeling warm .

Since leaving Kuaiji County, he has been heading north all the way. First, he crossed the Yangtze River from Jiangning County while the river was not thawed.

After arriving in the Northland, Fang Dou found that the road conditions became more and more uneven.

The mountain tops passing by are either occupied by mountain bandits with superb skills, or there are spirits that have become the climate and entangle and devour passers-by.

Previously, Fang Dou was in the south of the Yangtze River, thinking that he was in a peaceful and prosperous age.

But along the way, he discovered that the seemingly peaceful world has long since been reborn.

Fang Dou encounters foreign businessmen, ranging from dozens to hundreds, all of which are connected in a convoy.

Passing on the dangerous roads, and even in the ravines, you can see bones, broken wood, etc. All of them are businessmen and travelers who were killed on the road alone.

"Shi Dao, what's this?"

Along the way, Fang Dou's subordinates have already lost dozens of lives, not only monsters, but also gangsters and bandits who don't have long eyes .

Sometimes, if people's hearts become vicious, their actions are more inhumane than monsters.

The only gain, Fang Dou's Flying Sword, has been sharpened.

Killing is the nourishment of Flying Sword.

The lights exploded, awakening Fang Dou's reverie.

Fang Dou picked up the scissors, cut the wick that was too long, and the candle light stabilized.

He took out an object from his arms, it was the bronze dagger presented by Bai Sancai, and put it away for a while.

Fang Dou then summoned Mi Dou's phantom.

He started grabbing rice with a handful, until at the end, he grabbed out...the fifth half of the rice.

Yes, during this time, Fang Dou has broken through the limit of four and started to grab the fifth bucket of rice.

The bronze dagger presented by Bai Sancai is indeed a treasure comparable to the daoist robe, the Tiangang altar and the light shadow money, helping Fang Dou to break through.

A moment later, beside Fang Dou, hundreds of meters have been piled up like a mountain. If the courier outside sees it, it will definitely cause trouble.

If you are still in Jiming Temple, some are filled with rice in rice jars, but now you are out of town!

Fang Dou was not nervous, pointed at Mi Dou's phantom, "Close!"

A strange scene happened, the white rice on the ground, like flowing water, gathered in the air, As if pouring into transparent pockets, gradually disappeared.

'storage space ', this is a brand new function opened after five buckets of rice.

Fang Dou accidentally discovered that the white rice he grabbed from the rice bucket could finally be put into the rice bucket, which was a great joy.

He insists on catching rice every day, but there is too much white rice, and he can't finish it.

Sometimes, Fang Dou also thinks, he is afraid that the fake Xianxia World is not here, why can't the legendary storage bag and Interdimensional Pouch be seen?

This time, the cheat has been upgraded, and the 'storage space' has finally been opened.

However, the rice bucket that breaks through five buckets of rice has very limited internal space.

First of all, in the rice bucket, only the white rice caught by Fang Dou can be put, and not a grain of grain from other sources.

Secondly, ordinary items can never enter the inside of the rice bucket, unless it is a daoist robe, Tiangang altar, light shadow money and bronze daggers of the same level of treasure.

Fang Dou was happy at first, but finally gave up when he learned about these restrictions.

This is a magic weapon of 'Aojiao', not just anything you can put in it.

Well, even so, Fang Dou was satisfied.

From the fourth to fifth breakthrough, Fang Dou has been thinking, where is the limit of Mi Dou?

If he is not bad, it should be between nine and ten!

Ten and a half buckets of rice add up to exactly five buckets of rice, um,...

Fang Dou slapped himself in the face when he thought of this, what was he thinking? Cults must not engage, this is a red line.

I just don't know, once the limit of five buckets of rice is broken, how many sky-defying functions will this cheat be upgraded?

Fang Dou is looking forward to it.

Fang Dou cultivated again after catching the white rice.

Since leaving Kuaiji County, Fang Dou has been practicing hard day and night, cultivating Qi-eating method and Purple Mansion Divine Lightning, constantly improving his realm.

“Boil the earth to produce water!”

Fang Dou took out a piece of white paper with four large characters written on it.

These four characters are hard to come by!

He passed by Jiangning County, and heard that a local old man was very effective in fortune-telling.

In his previous life, Fang Dou would have regarded him as a liar, but this time he took it seriously and came to ask for it.

The old man was also a cloud cover at first, and after a routine operation, he would send Fang Dou away as another guest.

Until Fang Dou inadvertently revealed the tortoise shell given by Mr. Wen, the old man changed his attitude and made a mental calculation for Fang Dou, giving the words 'burning earth to produce water'.

These four words, if viewed alone, have no beginning or end.

But Fang Dou knew it well, and this sentence pointed out the direction of his next cultivation.

Fang Dou was thinking about the cultivation of Purple Mansion Divine Lightning when he asked for the divination.

The burner is also fire; the soil is even more obvious at a glance.

Burning earth to produce water is precisely to combine the power of fire and earth to break through the next difficulty, kidney water Black Tortoise.

The goal is clear, is the next cultivation still difficult?

Fang Dou smiled proudly, I am not close to women, I have few desires, and my waist is absolutely intact. Is this a problem?


Fang Dou's face hurts until now.

Kidney Water Black Tortoise, from the start to now, the progress is slow, it seems to be stuck here.

"Hey, I can't force it!"

Fang Dou put away the piece of paper, took out his steel rod, and stroked it lightly.

Since the journey, the killing of thieves and monsters, the more bloody, the stronger the Flying Sword, the more aggressive the Entry Level, the perfection.

In Fang Dou's heart, he had the urge to carry out the cultivation of Second Layer.

However, reason quelled the urge.

Fang Dou has long had doubts. If Flying Sword was born to kill, then there is one thing in the world that can finally conquer this thing.

If you can't solve this problem, Flying Sword will eventually develop into a monster, or even a disaster.

The Flying Sword rests on a steel rod, humming like a tamed beast.

At this time, there was a voice of persuasion outside the house.

The courier spent all his money and bought five jars of rough wine, along with peanuts, chicken feet, pigs and other snacks.

After a little roasting around the bonfire, the aroma of the wine became strong, even with the fragrance of meat.

As soon as the wine arrives, there will be many words!

The couriers began to blow each other from the south to the north. The one who said he was a guard at the border and the other who said he was a high-ranking official.

Old Liutou desperately ate the meat and vegetables, grabbed the wine jar with his companions, and was half full in front of the crowd, and finally burped and said.

"Have you ever heard the story of someone who lost their family wealth and sought revenge for their relatives recently?" Tomb robber, Liao Wu?"

Mentioning the name of Liao Wu, a bunch of old men stopped their wine bowls and sighed.

"Hey, he's a righteous thief, and a hard worker!"

"Everyone is dead, what are you doing with him?"

Old Liu His face was flushed, and he excitedly said, "You don't know what's going on here, let me tell you one after another!"

(end of this chapter)

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