Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 247


Chapter 247 Wind and Snow Station

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!" At the post station, there are earthen walls, grass and tiles, and devastated eyes. In front of the door, there is a curved log, which is erected on the ground as a horse tie-up stake.

It was late at night when someone knocked on the door.

The post station is dilapidated, and the people on duty tonight are all old post soldiers. The youngest also have gray beards and can't walk straight.

Several old post soldiers were roasting their hands around the bonfire under the grass hut, and they were a little dissatisfied when they heard the knock on the door.

“Headmaster, who will knock on the door at this time?”

The old man known as the headmaster has white beard and hair, and carries a waist knife around his waist. This is his identity. The symbol of , he is the highest commander here, the postmaster.

"We do this business, no matter the night or day, as long as there is an emergency military situation and fast delivery, we will open the door to welcome you, old Liu, open the door!"

The postmaster spoke, The old man was reluctant and left the bonfire. The two old men next to him took the opportunity to take his place, and elated reached out to the fire.

"Who is it!"

Old Liutou was angry, so he didn't open the door, asking questions through the wooden door of the inn.

A gentle voice came from outside, "Excuse me, I'm passing by... A monk, I want to go to the capital to do business, and I want to spend the night again!"

Outside the door, Fang Dou touched the letter in his arms, thinking it was the first time to use it, this thing should be useful!

Old Liutou immediately shouted, "The inn is an important place for the government. It only accepts officials. The monks go to the temple 30 miles away to place orders!"

He muttered, just about to Turning around and going back to continue cooking the fire, suddenly there was a loud gust of wind in his ears, and the postmaster had come to his side, looking at him with horror on his face.

"Are you courting death?"

The postmaster's expression was distorted, obviously frightened, and he lowered his voice and yelled at him, "Don't look at it, what time is it, now Are you able to provoke the monks who go to the capital?"

After all, the postmaster is a small official, and the sources of information are more extensive. He has heard about the "Buddha's Birthday".

Not long ago, an incident happened at the station in the neighboring county, which all the stationmasters should keep in mind.

At that time, the post station received a batch of tribute, and it was about to be transported in the morning.

According to the management of the Imperial Court, if more than 10% of the tribute is lost, the caretaker will be beheaded immediately, which is no worse than a crime.

Therefore, the entire inn went up and down, like a great enemy.

But that night, there was a group of monks holding ultimatum, saying that they were going to the capital and passing by here to stay.

The postmaster saw that there were many of them, for fear that their hands and feet would be unclean, and seeing the monk's habit of chanting sutras at night, he euphemistically said that the post station was full and could not receive.

Who would have thought to provoke a hornet's nest.

These monks were not good men and women. They surrounded the postmaster and many post soldiers on the spot and threw them out of the post station together with the tributes.

The postmaster was beaten to the point of bleeding from the scalp and was in a coma.

When the monks left on the second day, the postmen invited the doctor and found that the postmaster was already cold.

This is amazing. No matter how young the postmaster was, he was also an Imperial Court life officer. He was beaten to death.

Everyone at the inn immediately reported to the local chief, saying that the inn had a life lawsuit.

The local chief heard the news and sent people to catch up with the monks all the way, but the result...

Nothing happened to the monks. was reprimanded.

The situation is clear. They are a group of eminent monks who participated in the Buddha's birthday. They are willing to condescend to stay at the inn. It is a local honor.

As a result, the postmaster died in vain. As for the tribute that was thrown and damaged, it was counted on the heads of many postmen, and seven or eight heads were chopped off before they stopped.

"Old Liutou, do you want to endanger us if you want to kill us?"

The postmaster was in a hurry. Brain hit.

Old Liutou is also a slick person, holding his head and stepping back, "Oh, oh!" Unconsciously, he has given up the position of opening the door to the postmaster.

The postmaster relaxed, pulled the wooden door open, and put on a flattering smile.

"This eminent monk, please come in!"

Fang Dou was stunned for a while, and when he saw the postmaster, he immediately asked, "Didn't you answer the door just now?"

The postmaster politely said with a smile, "Guests please come in, the wind and snow outside are heavy, be careful to freeze your body. There are too many people in the inn, there are always people who have no experience, don't take seriously!"

Fang Dou glanced all around, the inn was not big, there were three or five earthen huts in total, and a few old men were sitting under the grass hut to make a fire.

"High monk, I heard that you are working in Beijing, can you?"

The postmaster smiled warmly, rubbed his hands together, and looked at Fang Dou without urging him.

Fang Dou suddenly realized, and took out the ultimatum from his arms, "Please see!"

The postmaster cautiously caught it, flipped through it a few times, and confirmed it without a doubt.

The young monk in front of him is the eminent monk who entered Beijing to attend the 'Buddha's Birthday', Liu old man, who is not long-sighted, almost affected the entire station.

The local chief has already spoken, and you have to take good care of the monks who come and go.

“High Monk, please come into the house to rest!”

The postmaster raised the lantern to light the way for Fang Dou and led him into the house.

Unexpectedly, there is no one in the house, there is a Fire Pit on the ground, burning dark red charcoal, it is very warm, and it is a completely different world from the outside world.

Fang Dou turned his back and looked towards the courier outside.

"It's cold outside, why don't they come in to warm up?"

The postmaster's expression darkened, and he replied with a smile, "We are lowly officials, and we are not qualified to enter the house, only the officials from the past. Only family members can live in the inn."

Then, he explained, "We have our own homes in the local area, and when the duty is over, we can go back to each home to rest!"

After Fang Dou listened to nodded, he took out a handful of broken silver from his arms.

"I've got some work, this money, buy wine for my brothers, and warm up!"

Without waiting for the postmaster to resign, Fang Dou turned around and entered the house, slapping his body against the charcoal basin snowflakes.

The postmaster walked out of the house and came under the grass shed. The nimble old man gave up the innermost and warmest position, and roared, "Boss, sit here, it's comfortable!"

Old Liutou couldn't wait to ask, "The stationmaster, is this monk fierce?"

After asking, he stared at the left and right faces of the stationmaster to see if there were any Slap marks.

The postmaster took out the broken silver given by Fang Dou, and it shone brightly under the bonfire.

"It is our luck that we met a kind-hearted monk and gave us so much reward!"

There are good and bad monks in this world, but in general, the great Some of them, like the ones who killed their colleagues, are vicious and unprovoked, but there are exceptions. I think today's young monk is very kind and kind, and he is generous in his actions.

This piece of silver is worth four or five taels, which is a lot of money.

A bunch of old and weak people in this inn earn only two or three silver taels every month.

A group of veterans met, cheering excitedly.

Old Liutou stretched out his hands, "Postmaster, give it to me, I'll buy wine and meat!"

The postmaster ignored him and pointed to a simple and honest old man on the left, "You go!"

(end of chapter)

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