Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 232


Chapter 232 Passing Strange Things

On the way of the old man drinking fire, he went down to Tianchi Mountain and moved towards Qianqiu Society President Go to the altar.

The location of the Qianqiu Society's main altar was hidden in the depths of Taihu Lake, and was also traced by Daoist Steel Whip.

Fang Dou couldn't help but sigh. In this Kuaiji County, the Hangyin Temple is indeed the most powerful. Presumably, they have infiltrated many ghosts in the Qianqiu Society.

Hey, how long has the Qianqiu Society been established for thousands of years.

In the past, people didn't want to mess with you, but this time they were really ruthless, you couldn't even hide!

One thing I heard along the way made Fang Dou even more aware of the power of hanging seal concept.

It turned out that the prefect of Kuaiji County issued an official document that immediately blocked the surrounding area of Taihu Lake, and the fishermen were not allowed to enter, and even sent a document to the neighboring counties, requesting cooperation.

The size of Taihu Lake is not limited to the one county of Kuaiji. The closure of the lake this time is to mobilize several counties to work together, which shows the determination to wipe out the Qianqiu Society.

on the surface, this is to clear the water bandits in Taihu Lake, but all the old people who drink fire heard it, they all knew that this was the hanging seal temple to clear the scene, besieging the old nest of Qianqiu Society.

"This concept of hanging seals is really great generosity!"

The old man who drinks fire is envious and can mobilize the power of the government, and the concept of hanging seals has achieved many folk warlock yearn for something even things in dreams.

Qi Lie's words were a little sour, "Now that there is so much fanfare, why did you go earlier!" Qianqiu Society sits big.

The old man drinking fire suddenly changed his expression when he heard it, "If you don't want to die, don't say such weird things in the future!"

Qilie's expression shook violently, and then softened.

This sentence, the information disclosed is too dangerous.

The fact that the Qianqiu Society can be established in Kuaiji County is under the watchful eyes of the Hangyin Guan.

Anyone can guess, but no one dares to say?

This is the domineering power of the hanging seal concept!

The entire group grandiose, when passing through a large forest, suddenly saw a strange scene.

The forest in front of me is mostly not tall, with sparse branches and leaves. Dozens of colorful pheasants are parked on the canopy one or two meters above the ground.

These pheasants have dull eyes, stop on the branches and don't move, like fakes.


The fire-drinking old man pointed at these pheasants, "Do you know that this is the colorful pheasant, a local specialty of Kuaiji County!"

It turns out that the local pheasants in Kuaiji County have bright feathers and glow like clouds. Whether they are used for decoration or brocade, they are all top-quality materials.

Over time, a profession called 'bird catcher' emerged locally, which specialized in catching birds for a living.

"These pheasants, with their dull fur and slightly shorter tail feathers, are clearly female pheasants!"

"Dozens of female pheasants appear together, which is quite novel!"

Qi Lie was eager to have a try, "I'll go take a look!"

He just took a few steps closer, and with a swoosh, a short arrow was inserted under his feet.

Three or five hunters clad in leaves jumped out from the lush bushes, "What are you doing, don't disturb us to hunt birds?"

Qilie saw that they were all ordinary hunters, Don't get angry, guess that this is a set trap, shock the head.

The fire-drinking old man stepped forward and asked happily, "Are you guys 'fowlers'?"

Seeing that he was an old, fowler nodded, "Yes, These female pheasants are the traps we set up to attract colorful pheasants to show up!"

As everyone knows, among the birds, the ones with beautiful feathers are mostly males, to attract the females. Come to have sex and give birth to your own descendants.

This is part of the evolutionary theory, the more beautiful the male bird, the better the chance of producing offspring, so the bird's feathers will be more beautiful.

However, reality will break this link.

The more beautiful the bird, the more likely it is to be killed, shot, and less likely to leave offspring.

Well, the angry bird man in front of him is targeting a male pheasant with beautiful feathers.

"Is there any way to say it?"

The old man drinking fire was a little curious and asked immediately.

The bird catchers looked at each other a few times. From just now, they gradually saw that this group of people, Myriad, were obviously not ordinary passers-by.

Since the other party has a question, just answer it and send it away, don't make trouble.

"The guests don't know anything, the pheasants have a cold and weak nature. Once a bird is caught, the rest will not be left behind!"

"The method of catching geese and swans is used in pheasants. It's not working!"

"Our ancestors observed and found that the relationship between male and female pheasants can be used for one or two!"

"When the spring is warm, All Living Things to Recover, birds are eager to mate, male pheasants are looking for female pheasants to mate, now is the time to be easily hooked!"

Fang Dou rolled his eyes when he heard this, it's too much, you are a blind date trap, Bullying a single dog is going to hell!

The bird catcher continued, "In the past, there were bird catchers who went into the jungle with wooden sticks and took this opportunity to catch pheasants."

"If a male and a female pheasant copulates on the ground, They are so entangled with each other that if you hit them with a single stick, you can hit."

"It's just that this strike is also very particular. , "What is the origin of this statement?"

"If you hit a male pheasant, the female pheasant will surely spread her wings and fly away quickly!"

"But if you hit a female pheasant, The male pheasant is worried about his lover, and only flutters on the ground, so worried that he does not want to leave, it is easy to catch it!"

This is the law of the jungle, in order to compete for the right to mate, it needs to pay a heavy price .

The female pheasant flew away, and more male pheasants came to pursue, but the male pheasant was unwilling to leave and eventually lost his life.

The wisdom of bird catchers is observed from nature, accumulated over a long period of time.

The colorful pheasants on the trees in front of them are just the bait to attract male pheasants.

Fang Dou can even see that there are iron wires and rope nets hidden in the dead leaves under the tree. As long as one colorful pheasant falls, many rope nets fall, which is impossible to escape.

"It's said that birds die in pursuit of food, didn't expect, a little pheasant, and some die for the girls!"

Among the warlocks, someone The vulgar opening caused a burst of laughter.

Fang Dou did not laugh, but seemed to have a feeling in his heart.

After the bird catcher had finished speaking, he began to babble again.

It turns out that in Kuaiji County, there has always been a practice of handing in colorful pheasant feathers as tribute.

The most precious part of the colorful pheasant lies in the colorful part of the tail feathers. After degreasing and dehydration, after soaking in the potion, the colorful light is brighter. It is a good thing for the dignitaries and nobles.

It is much easier for a bird catcher to master this skill than farming.

However, in recent years, life has become more and more difficult.

The colored pheasant feathers required by the government to be handed in are more than a year old. Today, the prefectural governor's office has issued the task of thousands of catties of colored pheasant feathers in the whole county.

It's a matter of fate!

The feathers are already light and light, with thousands of catties of colored pheasant feathers, I don't know how many colored pheasant lives will be killed?

The bird catchers make a living from this, but they don't want to kill the colorful pheasants to the point of extinction.

"If this continues, within five years, the colorful pheasants in Kuaiji County will be gone!"

"In this life, we will only catch birds, and then pick up hoes to plant. I'm afraid I'll starve to death!"

The bird catchers sighed.

The fire-drinking old man stuffed a piece of silver, many thanks to them.

A group of people continued on the road, this incident was just a passing episode.

Fang Dou couldn't help but wonder, what does Imperial Court want so many pheasant feathers?

(end of this chapter)

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