Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 231


Chapter 231 The Past

Kuaiji Mountain, since ancient times, has been famous for a long time.

But nowadays, it is famous for the hanging seals on the mountain. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, pilgrims and believers come to worship the Divine Immortal.

According to legend, a thousand years ago, a great scholar in Imperial court, who had read poetry and books, became enlightened one day, and hung his seal in front of the official office.

He left the court all the way, wandered the rivers and lakes for a long time, and finally came to the foot of Kuaiji Mountain.

"This place is very good!"

The great scholar, who immediately became a family member, called himself 'hangyin daoist', and started the lineage of hanging seals in Kuaiji Mountain.

To this day, the Hangyin Temple is no longer the dilapidated thatched cottage it used to be, and has formed a huge building complex spanning several li and occupying seven or eight mountain peaks.

Sect Founding Ancestor is a scholar monk, but the concept of hanging seals is a direct line of Taoism, and the inheritance is the Southeast Dao Sect, with deep roots and long roots.

In this generation, the concept of hanging seals is even more prosperous. The master of the temple is Minggao, who has entered and exited the Imperial Palace three times to explain the Taoist scriptures to Emperor Longguang.

In the past few days, the originally lively mountain has become deserted.

In the Temple of Hanging Seals, both Taoist priests and Dao Child keep quiet out of fear and dare not speak loudly when walking.

As for the gate of the gymnasium, it is even more tightly closed, except for a notice that visitors are not allowed to visit.

A major incident happened recently, which is the root cause of this.

It turned out that, as early as last month, it was the birthday of Master Ancestor, and the whole view held a ceremony.

This ritual is extremely solemn, and everyone is very concerned about it.

However, in the process of beating up, except for one major event.

An old man of the Ming Dynasty accidentally missed and knocked over one of the seventy-seven and forty-nine bright lights for blessing.

Master Minggao was furious, and ordered the Junior Brother to be taken into the Ancestor Master shrine for reflection, and he was banned from Nine Heavens for seventy-seven or forty.

After that day, Master Minggao was in a gloomy mood, and even Dao Child served tea and was punished by him using an excuse.

In the Hanging Yin Guan, except for the Taoist priests of the Ming generation, all the other juniors are trembling with fear, for fear of touching the mold.

Many people passing by the ancestral hall showed dissatisfaction and complained that the Old Daoist Priest was involved.

"What are you looking at, don't hurry up!"

At the entrance of the ancestral hall, a middle aged daoist leaned against the stone statue, grabbed a handful of melon seeds in his left hand, and vomited while knocking .

On the right hand is a feather swatter, a device used to slap mosquitoes and flies fastened with goose feathers.

Hearing the scolding from the middle aged daoist, the passers-by hurriedly left, not daring to stop for a while.

Everyone knows that in the hanging seal concept, in addition to the master of the temple, Master Ming Gao, there is one person who should not be harassed, that is, this Ming Yi.

He was eating melon seeds happily, and Dao Child, who was sweeping the floor next to him, was in a hurry with his broom.

"Martial Uncle, I just swept this field, and you vomited so many shells?"

The middle aged daoist shrank his neck, "Sorry, this pumpkin seed After all, there is no sunflower seed fragrance, I won't eat it!"

He then waved his hand, "Let's go! I'll clean up the ground later!"

Dao Child felt greatly insulted, "How about that, the Master asked me to clean the ancestral hall, and I will clean the ground!"

"How about I go and explain to your Master?"

Dao Child wanted to be spared, but it's not that I haven't seen it before, how did you bully my Master?

After some comfort, Dao Child left with a broom.

middle aged daoist Ming, turned around and walked into the ancestral hall, and saw a Taoist priest with gray hair, sitting on a futon.

Although the man was meditating, his mind was obviously very confused, and his shoulders were shaking constantly.

"Senior Brother, your heart is in chaos, don't let it go, or you will miss the cultivation!"

The Taoist priest in front of you is the protagonist of last month's turmoil, the Taoist priest Mingjue is also Minggao's Junior Brother.

Mingjue raised his eyelids, "Why, you, the number one expert of Hanging Yinguan, don't feel at ease, for fear that I will run away?"

Ming sighed, "Senior Brother, are you still persistent in your own wrong doings?"

"To tell you the truth, there is news from Tianchi Mountain that Feng De is gone!"

Feng De is Ming Gao One of his beloved disciples, this time he went out with Daoist Steel Whip to gain knowledge, and no one didn't expect him to die.

Mingjue's body was slightly trembled, and asked back, "Who is it?"

"Tianchi Mountain, Ou Qinghe!"

"Impossible, he didn't do that Great ability!"

Mingjue was furious and said angrily, "What is Mingming doing, even a Junior can't be protected?"

The Daoist Steel Whip is just a cover-up nickname, This person is actually a Taoist priest of the generation of hanging seals and Guanming characters.

"The spectator Senior Brother, I'm not in a good mood. Go and confess to him. Let's have a fight with the senior and junior brothers. Let's reconcile, okay?"

Mingjue slightly sighed , "Junior Brother, if you want me to say, we Masters really won't take the path for me!"

"I call the name 'Mingjue', but I always persist in your own wrong doings, how can it be? Can't 'Mingjue'?"

"Minggao imprisoned me here, and sent Mingyu to destroy the Qianqiu Society. This is a two-pronged approach, to completely cut off my roots?"

Ming sighed, "Senior Brother is also for the good of Taoism. If outsiders know that the chief leader of Qianqiu Society is actually a Taoist scholar who hangs the Yin Temple, what will it look like?"

The Taoist priest Mingjue is actually the Altar Master of Qianqiu Society!

If this matter spreads out, I am afraid it will cause an earthquake.

"The Guanzhu is here to protect you, and he will not hesitate to help you and the Qianqiu Society. The reputation of our hanging Yinguan must not be tarnished in the slightest!"

Mingjue was angry, " Then kill me, it's all up to me, nothing to do with hanging Yinguan!"

"How can it be so simple?"

Ming Xin shook his head, "Don't say anything about it. Men and famous teachers glare like a tiger watching his prey, that is, within our Taoist school, why is there a group of harmony?"

"The concept of hanging seals has occupied Kuaiji County for hundreds of years, and how many people are jealous of it and want to replace it! "

"Don't blame the watcher Senior Brother for being cruel, he has worked too hard in this position!"

"This time, he can ground you, it is already It's very kind!"

Mingjue was silent for a long time, staring at the ancestral hall, where the rows of spiritual seats were piled up like a wooden mountain.

"Junior Brother, is it wrong for you to say that I am pursuing longevity?"

"The purpose is right, but the means are wrong!"

Ming He said, "We are authentic Taoists. If we want to live forever, we should be dignified and righteous, and ascend to immortality. Why should we study the unorthodox way?"

"Well, let me ask you, since Ancestor Master created Taoism, thousands of years later, how many people can ascend to immortals?"

Hearing Mingjue's questioning, Ming was silent, and then said, "Cultivation and longevity are all about perseverance, how can it be like crossing a river? carp, car weight?"

"Haha, I will never be able to 'consciously' in this life."

Mingjue laughed, and then asked back, "Junior Brother, Do you know why I named it 'Qianqiu Club'?"

Ming Xin thought for a while, "But the nickname of Senior Brother is 'Longevity'?"

"No, you reverse the word "Qianqiu"!"

Mingyi thought about it for a while, and his expression suddenly became crazy.

A few decades ago, Ming Gao, Ming Xin and Ming Jue were Small Daoist Children who had just entered Taoism.

Besides the heavy homework, sweeping, and work every day, the greatest joy is to make a hastily swing with two straw ropes, a piece of wood, and under the crooked neck tree in the mountainside.

The three of them took turns stepping on the swing and shouting against the mountain wind. At that time, it was the happiest time in their lives.

However, no one can go back!

(end of this chapter)

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