Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 233


Chapter 233 Taihu Lake

Taihu Lake is misty and blue, with no end in sight, like a gateway to the sky.

Usually, the boating lake is full of tourists.

More fishermen go in and out of the lake to catch all kinds of lake freshness and sell them at the fish market.

However, it is calm now. There are government cards everywhere on the edge of Taihu Lake, and it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter the Taihu Lake area.

Good people and pedestrians, if they approach without knowing it, can persuade them to leave.

The old man drinking fire led the team of the Red Fire Banner all the way to the edge of Taihu Lake.

"Wow, I heard that Taihu Lake in Kuaiji County is famous throughout the world. When I saw it today, it really was a different sight!"

There are not many people yet, so don't rush into the lake rashly , The fire-drinking old man took a group of folk warlocks and found a lakeside pavilion to rest.

The local wealthy businessmen and officials like to build houses and courtyards on the edge of Taihu Lake. It is indeed a first-class enjoyment to watch the lakeside scenery and enjoy wine in the breeze.

There are pavilions and pavilions everywhere on the edge of Taihu Lake, full of rich and noble scenes.

It's just that it's uninhabited at the moment, and it seems extremely deserted.

A group of civil warlocks took out iron pots of firewood, dry food and rice and started cooking.

The water quality of Taihu Lake is excellent, the rice is heated, and the tempting aroma of rice rises in a moment.

In addition to rice, some people also took out the wind chicken and bacon, cut it into pieces and boiled it, adding seasonings as appropriate.

More water-based, use the means, fishing from the lake, plentiful harvest.

"It's time for dinner!"

Qi Lie also reacted, and began to pile up soil for the stove, collecting firewood everywhere.

"Taste the good rice from my hometown!"

Fang Dou immediately summoned a rice bucket and grabbed handfuls of white rice from it.

Everyone couldn't see Mi Dou, but Fang Dou pulled out a real hundred meters from the void.

The fire-drinking old man couldn't help sighing, "Fang Dou, your hand-carrying technique has already left no trace and created something from nothing. It's really the pinnacle!"

Qilie Brother He Hou Liu also clicked one's tongue in wonder, and they couldn't see it. Where did Fang Dou grab the white rice, he was like the old man drinking fire, thinking that Fang Dou had cultivated this skill to the point of perfection. .

Fang Dou grabbed two buckets of rice one after another, which he estimated was almost enough to eat.

Qi Lie put down the package, took out the jerky, and the vegetables he bought along the way.

"How can you not eat fish and shrimp when you get to the water's edge?"

Qilie, Fang Dou and Brother Hou Liu walked to the lake together.

"It's better than us, who catches more fish?"

At this time, there are already many warlocks by the lake, either fishing or netting, all of which have made a lot of money. .

The three of them looked at it quite interestingly, so they discussed and tried it out.

The sixth brother waited eagerly, "I'll come first!"

He opened his sleeves, and the crabs flew out one by one, landed on the meeting surface, and spun a few times and sank.

Brother Hou took out a pair of glasses, stared at the bottom of the lake, and manipulated the crabs to wander back and forth, catching passing fish and shrimp.

After the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, the crabs surfaced one after another, and the hollow chest and abdomen were filled with lively fish and shrimp.

Brother Hou took out the bamboo basket, poured the fish and shrimp into it one by one, and filled five or six bamboo baskets in a moment.

"Brother Qilie, it's up to you!"

Qilie stood on the surface of the water, stared at the direction of the water, and saw the dark shadow passing by the bottom of the water.

Suddenly, his wrist shook, and a handful of red flame sand was kneaded into a ball and bounced into the bottom of the water.

When the sixth brother saw him, he shouted badly, "Big brother, you are cheating!"

Qilie's firearms are powerful. They are used to fry fish, which is comparable to his organization. Crabs are awesome.

As expected, the red flame sand ball was like water, and there was a muffled sound. After a while, countless fish and shrimp corpses floated on the water.


Qilie rubbed his hands together, "Monkey, you let me win!"

Sweeping away, fish and shrimp on the water , which is several times more than that of Brother Hou Liu.

Brother Hou Liu hurriedly said, "Brother, I'm afraid your method won't work!"


Qilie looked around all Around, I found that the warlocks on both sides were glaring at him.

The frying fish was too loud, scaring away the fish and shrimps nearby. Qilie returned with a full load, but it caused them to get nothing.

"Even so, I'm still better than that. Next, let's see Fang Dou brother!"

Fang Dou put his hands behind his back, sorry said with a smile, "The two It's too polite, it makes me invincible!"

Qilie said in disbelief, "Fang Dou brother, although we have a good relationship, the biological brother still has to settle the account of the gambling. "

"If you want to win, just go into the water to catch fish!"

Fang Dou shook his head, "I have a spell, specializing in catching fish and shrimp, so you can see and see!"

He stood on the lake, pretending to be with both hands, pinched a hand gesture, and said in his mouth, "one, two, three, four..."

At the same time, the alligator was under the water. , restored the original huge size, opened his mouth to swallow the lake water, the fish and shrimp could not dodge in time, and were sucked in one after another.

Qilie and Brother Hou Liu looked at it and felt a little bit incomprehensible.

Although Fang Dou said it mysteriously, how can there be a special fishing spell in the world?

"Come on!"

Fang Dou pointed to the water surface, the giant crocodile opened its mouth, breaking the water surface, and the fish and shrimp turned into a waterfall, falling from mid-air to Fang Dou's feet.

The smell of fish fills the air, and in the blink of an eye, there is a hill of fish and shrimp piled up beside Fang Dou, and there are live fish and shrimp everywhere.

The warlocks next to them saw each other and exclaimed, "What a great handling technique!"

Under broad daylight, it is possible to transport hill-like fish and shrimp from the bottom of the water. The accomplishments are truly extraordinary.

The giant crocodile spit out the fish and shrimp, and re-drilled into the bottom of the water, never to be seen again.

Qi Lie and Brother Hou Liu looked at each other with a wry smile, "Hey, you and I both lost!"

The fish and shrimp beside Fang Dou were even better than their catches. up more.

"Eat, eat!"

Fang Dou greeted and began to cook rice, hot dishes, fish soup, steamed shrimp.

The old man who drink fire saw the fight just now, and at first thought it was a play between the juniors, but later, when Fang Dou brought so many fish and shrimp from the water, his expression changed slightly.

In the world, the most famous transporting technique, called 'Five Ghost Transporting Technique', is indeed very powerful, but it also has flaws and cannot be performed during the day.

Fang Dou's handling method seems to be unknown, but in fact it is extremely powerful. It does not avoid the sun and is not afraid of entering the water.

"Let's start the meal, start the meal!"

The three of Qilie came over with steaming food and greeted the old man drinking fire to start the meal.

The fire-drinking old man smiled. In any case, Fang Dou was Qilie's good friend. On their side, why should he think too much.

Fang Dou was eating rice and had another thought in his mind, which he couldn't stop from just now.

The crocodile spirit was fishing on the bottom of the water and saw a strange thing. Under the Taihu Lake, there were actually several mountains that were faintly discernible.

This is not normal. Under the Taihu Lake, I have never heard of any hidden hills!

The scene in front of you must be someone doing it, don't think about it, it must be the Qianqiu Society behind the scenes.

(end of this chapter)

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