Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 230


Chapter 230 Yanshou Dan

"This Yanshou Dan, Interesting!"

Ordinary people, desires are driven by level improved.

The poor want to be fed and clothed, the rich want to be rich, the government wants to dominate the government, and the emperor wants to immortality.

Anyone who enjoys a high position and great wealth will want to live a life span of 10,000 years in order to enjoy this wealth forever.

A hero's bald head and a beautiful woman's twilight are precisely the most embarrassing things in the world.

Cultivation people, in addition to mastering the power of transcendence, the ultimate goal, isn't it the pursuit of longevity!

However, if you want immortality, you must at least become immortals, but since Pangu opened the sky to the present, recorded in the history books, there are not enough immortals with names and surnames.

Emperor, let people call you long live, you don't want to live as long as heaven, but when the time comes, you will be no different from the common people, woohoo!

Folk monasticism prevailed, and many warlocks saw the formidable power of spell, and they were unwilling to be like ordinary people. As soon as a hundred years of lifespan arrived, they would die out.

Therefore, there is Qianqiu Club!

Qianqiu Society has collected secret medicine recipes from all over the world, trying to refine medicine pills with real immortality, and even the wild talk of chasing the wind is not spared.

It should be noted that the concept of hanging seals has been practiced in Kuaiji for so many years, and I have never heard of anyone who made it into an immortality pill.

This Imperial Emperor also has superstitions of pill concocting. With the Emperor Supreme, he can mobilize the world's resources, and no one can immortality.

Moreover, the Qianqiu Society has an extreme form, as long as it is related to longevity, it can do anything to the extreme.

In the secret cave on Tianchi Mountain, Qianqiu Society did not hesitate to capture living people to test medicine pills in order to refine 'Yanshou Dan'.

This longevity pill is a kind of medicine pill that has been circulated among the people.

After the Qianqiu Society got it, it invested a lot of money and resources to refine various versions and use living people to test medicine pills.

If it doesn't work, it's poisonous in the world. Anyone who tries medicines, breathes one's last with good luck, and struggling on whilst at death's door with bad luck. People are not like people, and ghosts are not like ghosts. .

Hundreds of people were harmed, and in the end, only a stack of information was in front of them.

Fang Dou took a few glances, and the words were soaked with blood and bones.

Mi Dou phantom jumped out, swept the data, and then disappeared.

Fang Dou rubbed his fingers and burned the medicine pill of 'Yan Shou Dan', together with the information of Qian Qiu Society.

"No need to keep things that hurt people!"

'Yanshou Dan', as the name suggests, is a medicine pill that prolongs lifespan.

The Pill Recipe may be defective, and the description of the medicine pill's performance is unclear. It is also uncertain how long it can prolong life. Is it ten years, a hundred years, or a year and a half?

I just said that after taking this pill, it will remain in the current state for a period of time. During this period, the appearance will not age, and the physical function will not decline, which belongs to the extended lifespan.

Wait until the medicinal power of the medicine pill disappears, it will enter the aging cycle normally.

"What Yanshou Pill is, isn't it 'Shi Stop Capsule'?"

Fang Dou rolled the eyes, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

If I don't know how long my lifespan is, how can I prove that this 'Yanshou Dan' is really useful?

"Ah, could it be that 'Yan Shou Dan' is a scam?"

The more Fang Dou thought about it, the more likely it was.

No matter whether it is children, the elderly, teenagers and middle-aged people, there is no obvious sign after taking Yanshou Dan. How can you tell if it is effective?

Isn't it just a liar's mouth?

"Ah, what a big loss!"

Fang Dou was very annoyed. This time he attacked Tianchi Mountain and spent a lot of money to refine firearms. As a result, he got such a fake medicine pill. .

In contrast, according to the data, other medicine pills developed by Qianqiu Society are somewhat reliable.

Like 'Rejuvenation Pill', well, it sounds like a car, but it's not.

Rejuvenation refers to the rejuvenation of youth. Even an old man in sixties who takes this medicine pill will return to his youthful years and his prime.

This kind of medicine pill is most sought after by the powerful old people. If there is one, even if it costs half of the family wealth, it must be bought!

Why not all the family wealth? Just kidding, what is the most painful thing in life: people are alive, money is gone!

There are various other medicine pills, which all sound fantastic.

Qianqiu Society, as well as various secret techniques, can also extend lifespan.

For example, the 'blood transfusion method', feed the medicine person with secret technique, condense the blood essence of their whole body, and inject it into their own body.

The medicine person loses the blood essence and quickly ages and dies. On the contrary, the person who has the blood essence robs the other person of the life essence, which will delay the aging and prolong the lifespan.

"Damn it, blood transfusion is still used for such purposes!"

Fang Dou shook his head quickly when he saw this, "It's nonsense, I have blood type O, according to what you said. , do you want to show love in the future?"

There is also the 'Sleeping Coffin Method', which is to build a coffin Magical Artifact, bind living people with iron chains, and use rune to absorb lifespan.

The sorcerer slept in the coffin Magical Artifact, by which Formation plundered the essence of life.

Fang Dou sneered, this is a little more reliable, the bats in the West have been using it for a long time.

Seeing this just now, Fang Dou finally couldn't help it and set fire to it.

How stupid, he didn't even bother to think about these bizarre things.

But for Qianqiu Society, all the medicine pills and secret techniques are actually implemented, killing many innocent lives behind their backs.

"Qianqiu Society, it should be destroyed, secret mastermind, it should be killed!"

Fang Dou hated his gnashing teeth, and for the sake of his own immortality, he must let others die innocently. What is the reason for this? ?

It's a word that hurts the world, and Fang Dou now understands it deeply.

In the second half of the night, Fang Dou suddenly sensed that Mi Dou jumped in front of him and spit out a spell seed.

“Yanshou Dan!”

hehe, Fang Dou subconsciously pushed away.

But after thinking about it, Midou has never let him down. Maybe this medicine pill can be transformed into a decent way.

"Main medicine: three drops of blood of immortal!"

"auxiliary medicine:..."


"Refining method: ..."

"Effect: ..."

Fang Dou was at peace after reading this Pill Recipe.


The main medicine is the blood of immortal, where can I find immortal!

Even if you find Immortal, you politely come forward and discuss, "We want to pill concocting, can we all make a hole in your hand and let me pick up a few drops of blood?"

"I promise it won't hurt, it's just a touch!"

Guess, will immortal shoot you to death, or shoot you to death?

Let's be honest, these days, the difficulty of getting Immortal Blood is basically the same as cultivation success Immortals, well, maybe more difficult.

For another way of thinking, I have become an immortal, so what should I do with 'Yanshou Dan'?

Immortal already has infinite lifespan, but you still lack your three melons and two dates?

Perfect logic closed loop, the more you think about it, the more reasonable it is, but it still can't get angry!

"Forget it!"

Fang Dou waved his hand and sent the spell seed to his mind.

The so-called Yanshou Dan, treat it as a joke and forget it!

In the early morning of tomorrow, I will go down to Tianchi Mountain to attack the main altar of Qianqiu Society.

I have to keep my spirits up tonight, or yawning on the second day will affect my image as a spiritual guy.

Fang Dou yawned, rolled over and fell asleep!

(end of this chapter)

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