Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 229


Chapter 229 Convergence

Fang Dou breathes deeply, spread his palms, a total of 137 living souls.

This is not an ordinary wandering soul, but refined with secret technique, full of resentment baleful aura, and those who touch it die.

Ou Qinghe just let it out, and the three mages, Daoist Steel Whip, were almost unable to resist.

It is conceivable that if Ou Qinghe can manipulate these living souls like an arm, he will definitely be able to kill the three of them.

Among the Magical Artifacts of the evil sect, there are Soul Gathering Banners and Soul Evocation Bowls, which are usually kept in them and released when facing the enemy.

An army of living souls that obeys the command, the cultivator of the mage realm, also feels a headache.

These one hundred and thirty-seven living souls just backlashed Ou Qinghe. At this moment, it was the headless flies that were swept away by Fang Dou.

"For the past, don't pursue it anymore!"

"I'll send you back to reincarnation one by one!"

Fang Dou meditated in his heart, turned and walked down the mountain go.

Tianchi, originally a place of beautiful scenery, is now full of corpses and bloodstains.

The demon of the Qianqiu Society, now without a leader, is being hunted down by the folk warlock.

The Daoist Steel Whip was annoyed that Martial Nephew was killed, and hated Ou Qinghe for running away, so he ordered 'even chicken and dog doesn't remain' on Tianchi Mountain.

As a result, the battle became more and more tragic.

Fang Dou walked to the mountainside and saw flames billowing ahead, and explosions sounded from time to time.

He took a few quick steps, and sure enough, he saw Qilie and Brother Hou Liu.

"Brother Qilie!"

Just as Qilie used his firearm to kill seven or eight demons, he suddenly heard Fang Dou's voice and was overjoyed.

"Fang Dou brother, I finally found you!"

Qilie quickly stepped forward and hugged Fang Dou's arms, "Seeing that you are safe and sound, big brother, I am also relieved! ”

Fang Dou saw this eldest brother, with big and small wounds on his body, he must have gone through many fierce battles.

"Brother, there are some wound medicines here, you can use them!"

Fang Dou shot out a bottle of Jade Buddha Fat, because there are too many refining, it is usually used as a moisturizing cream use.

In other words, this product maintains the skin, and the effect is first-class!

Qi Lie waved his hand, "No need, my injuries are all from spell injuries, and normal medicines don't work."

"With my physique, after a few more Heaven will be fine."

Brother Hou Liu also said, "To treat Spell's injury, especially the Jade Buddha grease from Fuyuan Temple is the best, but unfortunately, these monks lost their money, and a bottle of Jade Buddha was the best. The fat is sold at a sky-high price!"

"But I am the Jade Buddha Fat!"

Fang Dou pulled the cork off the bottle, and a sandalwood scent wafted out, making Qi Lie suspicious.

"Try it!"

Qilie gritted his teeth, "Fang Dou brother, I can trust it!"

He dug a piece of jade Buddha fat with his fingers and smeared it on On a wound on his arm, the wound is about half a meter long and two fingers wide at its widest.

The cool feeling came, the wound began to shrink, and the everted flesh began to close.

It works wonders.

Qilie clearly remembered that the murderer of this wound was a demon who was good at using flying forks. His steel fork was made of dirty iron, and the cut wound was difficult to recover completely.

However, after just a few moments of application, the wound stopped bleeding and shrank a lot.

This kind of effect may really be the legendary jade Buddha fat.

"Fang Dou brother, this is too precious!"

Qi Lie was a little moved. Jade Buddha Fat is a holy medicine for healing. For warlock, who is walking in the world, sometimes it can save lives. of.

Fang Dou waved his hand, "It's not worth anything, it's important for eldest brother to take care of his injury."

"Don't worry, I have a connection with Fuyuan Temple, and you can buy Jade Buddha Fat at a low price! "

Qi Lie was relieved after this, and he shared this bottle of Jade Buddha Fat with Brother Hou Liu.

Later, they listened to Fang Dou's introduction, mixed with water and drank a little, and found that it really healed internal injuries.

"The Jade Buddha Fat in Fuyuan Temple is indeed a famous holy medicine in the world!"

After the three of them converged, they started to walk down the mountain, looking for the trail of the Chihuo Banner.

Later, through the guidance of the sound of the pipa, they finally found the place of the old man drinking fire.

The number of people in the Red Fire Banner was lost, and only less than 40% of the previous ones were left.

There were also some warlocks, who left Tianchi Mountain in the chaos and ran for their lives.

This deep water is getting more and more turbid, and it is difficult to save lives if you are involved in a second-third rate warlock.

Those who were quick to see the opportunity have long since escaped!

The fire-drinking old man sighed, "Qilie, Tianchi Mountain is over, I guess next, we will directly attack the main altar of Qianqiu Society!"

"What, then Help the old facetious, why don't you let us stop for a moment?"

Qilie was furious, he had jade Buddha fat on his hand, and the injury was barely under control.

The rest of the folk warlocks, although they have the unique skills to save their lives, must have suffered serious injuries after this fierce battle.

The main altar of Qianqiu Society is the place where hidden dragons and crouching tigers are.

The two Elders on the left and right are the characters of the mage Peak, and there are many powerful warlocks under their hands.

Not to mention, the rumored Altar Master of Qianqiu Club has already touched the threshold of daoist.

Attack the main forum of Qianqiu Society? Just relying on these stragglers, is it possible?

Fang Dou suspects that the Steel Whip Daoist deliberately sent them to die.

The fire-drinking old man sighed, "Don't think about it, they have already said, above the mage, let the three solve it, and the warlock below, we will deal with it?"

Qi Lie's expression slowed down a little, that's about it.

However, Fang Dou raised a question. He had seen Daoist Steel Whip and other three people. At best, they were at the level of ordinary mages. Even Qinghe who besieged a district was surrounded by perils. How could he have the confidence to deal with the two left and right? Elder?

"According to legend, this time, the determination to hang the seal has been determined and vowed to pull out the Qianqiu Society!"

"In addition to Daoist Steel Whip, there are other helping hands, we don't need to worry about it. !"

After the fire-drinking old man said this, he gave everyone a reassurance and left a sentence.

"Don't envy those who escaped, you are much luckier than them!"

That night, everyone rested on Tianchi Mountain, and the other men and horses also converged one by one, and the sound of musical instruments condensed. stand up.

Fang Dou was leaning on the stone, looking at the sky was full of stars and seemed unable to sleep.

He refused the invitation of Qilie and Brother Hou to sleep together, and found a place to lie down by himself.

Fang Dou couldn't accept this classical method, similar to a pillow party.

Moreover, Qinghe's body in the scavenging area of the poisonous spirits, returning in the middle of the night, cannot be seen by them.

Clap, a slight flap of wings.

The Poison Spirit is back.

A moment later, in front of Fang Dou, there were three more earth-yellow beads, a stack of books for recording data, as well as some miscellaneous money, medicine bottles, etc.

The earth-yellow beads, which Fang Dou has seen before, are earth-yellow beads that require a mage realm to use.

In fact, the Five Elements Escape technique is a very brilliant spell, and the threshold is the start of a mage.

However, when Feng De holds a talisman, he can use it by leaps and bounds. This is where Taoist children with backgrounds can make people jealous and gnash the teeth.

Fang Dou put away the Tuxing Dunzhu, opened the book, raised his eyebrows, this was the information he had collected from Yao Xinzi.

'Yanshou Dan', which is a Taoist elixir, can increase lifespan when taken.

The purpose of Qianqiu Society is to pursue immortality, and it is not surprising that it wants to refine this medicine pill.

(end of this chapter)

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