Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 210


Chapter 210 Day and Night

Fang Dou borrowed a truck outside the money staff this time, and he also borrowed opposing trade routes.

The big green mule pulled the truck and drove away all the way. Many passersby saw a flash and were fascinated by the wind and sand.

If this is not the case, let passers-by see it, and I really think it's a ghost in broad daylight.

Although the big green mule is sturdy, it is already the limit to drag a truck. It is like now that there are five trucks in a string.

The divine rune is really an excellent tool for traveling and transporting goods.

Fang Dou can't help but sigh, it's just too restrictive to be promoted on a large scale.

If nothing else, it is impossible to cross the river.

At this moment, Fang Dou is pulling a big green mule and waiting at the ferry. This river flows from Jinling to Weiyang, which is one of the routes of the water network.

Here, Qian Yuanwai's business route has come to an end.

The trade routes outside Qianyuan focus on safety. Most of them are official roads. All the checkpoints are well managed. The speed is not too fast, but the danger is the least.

But Fang Dou can't. He wants to get to the meeting point as soon as possible.

You can only take risks and take the shortest path.

Fang Dou did not forget that Weiyang County is not very peaceful, and the waterway is the most dangerous, but he has a crocodile spirit in his hand and can take risks.

This ferry is a bit remote, and the weeds on both sides are growing fast, which can be seen deserted.

But according to the map, it does traverse the corners of Weiyang County and saves time.

A little while later, it started to rain lightly, Fang Dou sighed, took off the talisman from the legs of the big green mule, and took out the cloak and hat from the luggage, and covered the big green mule and the goods. Linoleum.

Until dark, a black spot gradually approached the ferry, which turned out to be a awning boat.

There are only two people on the boat, one old and one young.

“Where are the guests going?”

The old man squatted on the boat to smoke, and when he saw Fang Dou standing at the ferry, he asked from a distance.

"I'm going to Niuyindu!"

The old boatman thought for a while, then waved, "Come up!"

The boy who punted the boat remained silent. , sent the boat to the ferry and stopped, and the bamboo poles supported the bottom of the river.

The old boatman was slightly surprised when he saw the cargo behind Fang Dou, then smiled.

"The customer is a dealer who sells goods?"

Fang Dou laughed, "Not bad!"

"The price of people and goods is different, let's settle first !"

"Please tell me!"

"People need 80 wen, animals have a strong smell, and 120 wen for cleaning excrement and urine."

"These items of yours have a heavy draught, the old man will round it up for you, a total of 500 wen!"

"Add up, 700 wen!"

Fang Dou took out a tael of silver , on the old boatman's cracked hand.

"Refreshing guests!"

The old boatman got on the board and helped Fang Dou to get on the boat, followed by the big green mule and the wagon.

The waterline of the boat gang sank a lot at a naked eye speed.

"Let's go!"

The poles propped up toward the shore, and instantly formed a bow, then slowly straightened, pushing the Wu Peng boat to break through the water, away from the ferry port .

The young man punted the boat in a muffled voice, but the old boatman was a little chatty and talked with Fang Dou.

"Is the guest from Jinling County?"

"Yes, I need to make a trip to Kuaiji County."

"Heh, Kuaiji County is a good place, and it will definitely sell for a good price!"

"Lend your auspicious words!"

Fang Dou glanced at the ship, the originally vast space had now become crowded.

"This brother, is that your son?"

The old boatman laughed, "No, this is the recipe I took with me on the boat, usually like a boring bottle gourd, so I don't say anything for a long time. Just a word."

"Young people are down-to-earth, can't speak, and nothing?"

That night, the old boatman caught a few grass carp from the river and boiled them in river water. , added a handful of chives, and simmered the steaming fish soup.

The fish soup was so delicious, Fang Dou was so thirsty that he was sweating.

"The guests are satisfied with their food. This is our daily dish for sailing boats. The fish boiled in the river is the most delicious!"

Fang Dou was satisfied with the food and rewarded the old boatman. Stringing copper coins, the other party was so happy that he hurriedly bowed to thank him.

One night passed, and the second day just dawned, the teenager said, "Master, there is a ferry ahead, can we rely on it?"

The old boatman hesitated, this time he brought Fang Dou, there are not many vacancies on the boat.

But after thinking about it, he waved his hand, "Let's go up, if it's a regular customer, and if it's inconvenient, you can also accuse the other party!"

The drizzle of the ferry, a A young woman with a pan head and a little girl waits on the shore.

"The boatman, we are going back to see the patient at my mother's house, please take a ride!"

The mother's house reported the place of her mother's house and waited for the old boatman to answer.

"Guest, do you see?"

"Bring your nobility, there is no shortage of seats for these two people on board!"

Fang Dou .

A moment later, the young woman took the little girl and sat on the boat, moved towards the old boatman and Fang Dou slightly nodding, and sat in the corner without speaking.

This young woman has a very young daughter, in her early twenties at most, and her expression is restrained.

The old boatman called her out, talked for a while, and received the boat money.

Next, the young woman, little girl, and Fang Dou sat in the awning to rest, with curtains on both sides to keep out the wind and rain.

The old boatman and the young man were outside to discern the wind direction, watch the water flow, and constantly adjust the boat's route

After a while, the little girl began to cry, and the young woman hurriedly took out the package, Take out a dry biscuit, crush it into crumbs and feed it to her.

"Sister-in-law, why didn't you come home with your elder brother?"

After getting along for a long time, the two started chatting.

The little girl hurriedly said, "My father is gone, only my mother takes me. This time my grandfather is seriously ill, let's go back to see him!"

The young woman sighed, "There are seven or eight looms in the little woman's house, and I have asked a few aunts to help, and life is still going well!"

"But this time, the father's illness is in a hurry, so he needs to see it as soon as possible. Or take the fastest boat!"

"This Little Brother, you have a lot of goods here, do you want to go out of town to sell goods?"

"Go to Kuaiji County!" Fang Dou speak frankly .

"Kaiji is a good place!"

The young woman was always worried, and after saying a few words, she hugged the little girl in a daze.

Outside the curtain, the old boatman was chucked with a dry smoke.

"Wozi, these two fat sheep are full of oil and water!"

He got up and walked to the bow of the boat, grabbed the pole, "Go sharpen the knife and eat. Don't do a setback!"

The boy squatted low on the boat, grabbed a few handfuls of river water, and gently sharpened his knife.

At this time, Fang Dou asked inside, "Old man, why do you sharpen the knife at night?"

"The edge of the knife is dull, I will kill the fish for the guests tomorrow morning!"


Fang Dou was silent again.

The boy sharpened his knife and looked at the water flowing on the river, and suddenly laughed.

Despite his youth, he is also an old water pirate who has been in business for many years. He is also an old boatman, that is, the thief, who has been in heat for seven or eight years.

The routine they are best at is to trick passengers into the boat and drive to the middle of the river where they are not approached, showing their hideous faces.

Killing people, throwing them into the river, clean, no traces.

When the goods and money are in hand, look for the next wave of prey.

(end of this chapter)

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