Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 209


Chapter 209 Attacking Qianqiu Society

In the middle of the night, Fang Dou unfolded the stationery and saw the handwriting of a silver hook painted on iron.

"Brother Qilie's words are like a man, and his writing is vigorous and powerful, like a high-spirited man with a long beard!"

"I haven't seen you for a while, brother Qilie, he did such a big thing!"

It turned out that Qilie took refuge in Martial Uncle, the old man who was drinking fire, and was first found by Qianqiu Club. When they came to the door, the outcome was not decided after a dramatic fight, but the residence was also completely destroyed.

The fire-drinking old man was already short-tempered, and after he got away with Qilie, he immediately called friends and discussed the Qianqiu Society.

Don't look at the great cause of Qianqiu's family, he acts unscrupulously and offends many people.

The forces spanned the three counties of Jinling, Weiyang and Kuaiji, and many folk loose cultivators were oppressed and dared not speak.

The fire-drinking old man has a wide range of communication, just like a fire starter, which immediately triggered this large-scale crusade.

The three counties of warlock gathered to attack the branches of the Qianqiu Society.

In addition, there are three local forces behind it to help fuel the flames. Jinling has Fuyuan Temple, Kuaiji has Lingwu Mountain Hanging Temple, and Weiyang is under the control of famous religions. They have been patient with Qianqiu Society for a long time.

Taking this as an opportunity, a large-scale siege operation started slowly.

At the time of Qilie's letter, the coalition was progressing smoothly. Two branches of the Qianqiu Society had been removed, and three powerhouses at the level of mages had been killed.

Fang Dou was slightly surprised when he saw this.

didn't expect , in this battle, there were even Mage-level participants, it seems that the level is not low!

In the letter, Qi Lie mentioned a little bit. If Fang Dou has time, he can come and see it.

The battle is going smoothly, the coalition forces take the initiative, and the danger is not too big. Fang Dou can gain knowledge in the past, and Qilie introduced some colleagues to him by the way.

Drowsiness came to the pillow, Fang Dou was just aroused by the Qianqiu Society, and was about to trouble them when he received a letter from Qilie.

This time, no matter what you say, you have to take a trip!

Fang Dou set a goal in his mind, and progressed very quickly. It took half a day to make the first pair of straw sandals.


The straw sandals in front of me, seemingly ordinary and unremarkable, are actually entrusted with the 'magic spell', once mana is input, it will turn into an invincible scud.

It's not easy, the difficulty is not the armored horse talisman and the magic spell, but the introduction to the 'magic tool'.

This spell is one of the basics of entry for refining, and it is extremely difficult to get started.

Fang Dou input a bit of mana, and the straw sandals are suspended in the air. As long as his mind moves slightly, he can jump out a hundred meters in a few breaths.

"Okay, let's practice a few more pairs!"

Fang Dou took a few more pairs of straw sandals, thinking that this time he was attacking the Qianqiu Society, the opponents were numerous and powerful, so they would definitely not be able to. Sit back and wait.

Be prepared before going to meet Qilie.

More pairs of Shenxing straw sandals, and firearms, should be made more, so you can use them when you play.

Fang Dou pointed out that according to the description in the letter, the siege of Qianqiu Society is a long-term task, and it will not be completed in a while.

It should be noted that the Qianqiu Society has been established for many years, with strong forces and tentacles all over the three counties.

I still have time to fight hard, and then rush to join Qilie to participate in the expedition.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou immediately contacted Mr. Qian to expeditiously purchase a batch of medicine ingredients, steel essence, etc.

Qian Yuanwai is an old friend. After hearing the news, he immediately launched the store under his name. After seven days, all the materials were sent to Jiming Temple.

A few days later, smoke billows from the Jiming Temple, and explosions and buzzing sounds are heard from time to time.

Although he knew he couldn't be in a hurry, Fang Dou was still a little bit cautious and made more mistakes, wasting 20% of the material than usual.

The result is also remarkable. Three iron windmills have been refined, seven or eight bottle gourds have been accumulated in Chi Yansha, and Dan Fire Thunder Bead with the largest formidable power.

Mentioning Dan's Fire Thunder Bead, which is Fang Dou's most proud, it combines Pill Refinement Technique, Purple Mansion Divine Lightning, and the formidable power is beyond the records in the book.

The last time I dealt with Wang Zhuan Lun, Dan Fire Thunder Bead formidable power was huge, but because the refining method was illegal, the erysipelas poison was severe, and it hurt itself before hurting others.

Nowadays, Fang Dou Pill Refinement Technique is even better, masters the thunder technique of huge might, and integrates the attainments into it.

A small Dan Fire Thunder Bead, the formidable power of a fixed-point explosion, is still above the iron windmill.

"When I meet Big Brother Qilie, I will definitely give him a surprise!"

Fang Dou is looking forward to it.

There are so many things that can't be delivered to beyond a thousand li by one person.

Fang Dou contacted Qian Yuan again and borrowed several trucks from him to transport many firearms including iron windmills.

Before departure, Fang Dou found Chicken Master and explained the situation to him.

"Master Chicken, I have something important to do, so please take care!"

Master Chicken already knew what Fang Dou was busy with during this time, so it's not surprising.

However, it raised its head and pointed at the stone statue twice, and its eyes were falling on the red string wrapped around the stone statue's wrist.

Valley Valley!

Fang Dou immediately understood, "You want me to take this red string on?"

Master Chicken nods!

(Something belonging to an old man might save his life!)

Fang Dou was suspicious and untied the red thread, thinking about it, it was not suitable to put it anywhere, and it was also entangled in it. on your wrist.

Then the rooster turned around and went into the mountains to find food.

In front of Jiming Temple, several trucks were parked in the open space, and the big green mules were grazing with their heads lowered and their mouths crooked.

"Daqing, please!"

Fang Dou tied a series of wagons behind the Daqing mule. The mule was undecided and just stared at Fang Dou.

"Understand, get it!"

Fang Dou took out a bag of feed, which contained fragrant bean cakes, and the big green mule happily ate it.

"Come on, oil!"

Fang Dou took out a stack of 'Armored Horse Talismans' and stuck them on the four hooves of the big green mule.

The big green mule didn't know what to do.

"Don't move!"

Fang Dou stroked the back of the big green mule, the stubby hair was extremely thorny, and the big green mule became quiet.

“Let’s go!”

Fang Dou pointed at the feet of the big green mule, the talisman paper glowed, the big green mule suddenly felt lighter, and the surrounding breeze supported it.


The big green mule suddenly lost weight, let out an 'ang' in panic, and after a few breaths, it appeared a hundred meters away.

"I'm here!"

Fang Dou stepped on his sandals, his speed suddenly accelerated, catching up with the big green mule.

In the letter, Qilie gave their current location and the next few sub-altars to attack.

Fang Dou went to County Magistrate Guan Ziqing, borrowed a map, and finally drew a rough route.

From this county, the shortest journey needs to pass through a corner of Weiyang County, and then arrive at Kuaiji County.

The water network in the south of the Yangtze River is intertwined, and Fang Dou has goods to carry, so it is best to take the waterway.

Fang Dou had already planned that the trip would pass through Weiyang County, and he could go completely by water, and then settle down in Kuaiji County.


It's not peaceful in Weiyang County!

"Fang Dou, you are here, you must be very careful!"

Fang Dou recalled that when he asked County Magistrate, the other party asked him earnestly.

I think again, when the eminent monk Haiyuan passed through Weiyang County, he was stopped by the Great Demon for a long time. It seems that the water in Weiyang County is deep?

(end of this chapter)

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