Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 211


Chapter 211 Water Pirates

That night, in the cabin of the awning, the young woman hugged the little girl and fell into a deep sleep go.

Fang Dou squinted, counting silently in his heart, waiting in silence.

The murderous aura of the two outside, can't hide it from him, this boat is actually a pirate ship.

Fang Dou lost his calculations and almost fell into the sewer. These two boatmen, one old and one young, seem to be simple, but they are extremely vicious water pirates.

This gang of thieves relies on water to drink water, and usually punts to pick up and drop off guests.

Obviously, these two people value the wealth of Fang Dou and the young woman, and decide to kill them.

The murderous-looking sound of sharpening the knife just now is a sign that it is about to start.

The trifling two mortals only have the ferocity of murder, but they are not in the eyes of Fang Dou.

Suddenly, Fang Dou noticed something was wrong, and the crocodile spirit, which was potentially underwater, found that there was Monster Qi in the water ahead.

"It's interesting, it's too interesting."

Fang Dou> nod

, are mortals and monsters colluding?

He couldn't wait to see the scene where the two old boatmen were trying to meet each other.

A moment later, heavy footsteps sounded, and the old boatman pulled back the curtain, awakening the young woman and the little girl.

The little girl was ignorant and was so frightened that she cried.

The young woman looked terrified, "Boatman, what's wrong?"

The old boatman no longer had the kindness he used to be, his face turned hideous, and he was holding a sharply sharpened knife. .

"I robbed and handed over all the belongings, don't try to hide it!"

The boy also held a sharp knife and blocked it at the other end, making Fang Dou and the young woman unable to escape. .

"Sanwazi, go look at them, hand over your money, and if you dare to leave any copper scraps on your body, you will give them a knife!"

The young woman was spinning around for a while, Why didn't expect, and set foot on the pirate ship on his own initiative.

The old boatman and the young man both work hard all the year round and have sharp knives in their hands. How can they be an orphan and widowed mother?

Fang Dou looked calm and asked, "Old man, are you seeking money or killing yourself?"

The old boatman saw Fang Dou calmly and said, "I'm sorry, money I want it, I want my life!"

The young woman cried bitterly and begged, "Please, the child is still young, let him go!"

The old boatman just sneered, He didn't let go. At this time, the boy opposite said, "Uncle, what nonsense are you talking to them, and stab this bald man and girl to death, this woman makes me happy before she dies."

Okay, If you don't open your mouth, it will be the tone of a gangster who has lost his conscience.

"Sanwazi, we are old-fashioned, robbing money and killing people but not greedy, don't break the rules!"

Sanwazi was furious, "Uncle, what nonsense rules, we and The monsters colluded and deceived the guests here, the money belongs to us, and the human flesh is eaten by the monsters."

"The woman is quite beautiful, let me kill it after I finish it, and the monsters can't eat it!"


"If you stop me, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Under these words, he actually wanted to raise a knife to the old boatman.

The ferociousness of this pair of water pirates was beyond Fang Dou's expectations. Listening to their indifferent tone, they regarded life as nothing, and they must be heavily in debt.

And according to the boy, they colluded with youkai, so that makes sense.

The crocodile spirit was underwater, and the Monster Qi, who noticed it, was waiting for them to feed.

"Sanwazi, you are a jerk, the old man doesn't care about you."

"Little life is important, don't do anything wrong, it will make the monster crazy. Send it!"

Sanwazi calmed down a little when he heard the monster son, and shook his behavior towards Fang Dou, "Bald, you are in business, you must have money on your body, hand it all over!"

After all, he is not a monk, but Fang Dou is not happy with the title of bald man!

The old boatman on the opposite side, with a sharp knife in one hand and a rope in the other, comforted the young woman, "Don't move around, let me tie it up, so as not to hurt your daughter!"

Fang Dou breathes deeply, and suddenly said, "Two, how much do monsters eat every day?"

Sanwazi smiled, "That's not accurate, seven or eight people are not too many, three The four of us are not too small, our grandfathers go in the wind and the rain, how many times before and after, there are hundreds of living people slaughtered!"

"I'm relieved, you guys are full of evil. , death cannot wipe out the crimes!"

Fang Dou shook his head again and again.

Seeing that Fang Dou couldn't calm down, the old boatman felt nervous, and kept urging Sanwazi, "Don't be long-winded, don't hurry up!"

Sanwazi held the sharp knife, His wrist was terrifyingly stable, and he stabbed Fang Dou in the chest all of a sudden, a killing move that ripped open his belly in front of him.

Fang Dou can see that this guy stabbed with a nearly straight trajectory, which shows that the swordsmanship is profound, and this is piled up with human life!

"Sure enough!"

Fang Dou turned slightly sideways, as fast as lightning.

Sanwazi saw a flash, Fang Dou disappeared, and suddenly his wrist tightened, and his heart was broken.

Wait for him to react, Fang Dou had already twisted off his palm, put the sharp knife in his hand, and put it into his chest with a backhand.

"Three children!"

The old boatman's eyes widened in shock. This child has been doing business with him for seven or eight years. Killed?

"Not good, I'm in trouble!"

Fang Dou nodded to the young woman, "Sister-in-law don't be impatient, take care of the child, I'll take care of these chores !"

He grabbed Sanwazi's body with one hand and pressed forward step by step, so frightened that the old boatman raised his sharp knife in his hand and backed up again and again, all the way out of the boat's awning and to the bow.

At this time, the wind and waves outside became stronger, and the originally calm water, all around the wooden boat, began to roll up one after another vortex.

"The monster is about to come out, you will definitely die!"

The old boatman, who only regards Fang Dou as a skilled businessman, still doesn't give up, trying to pull the monster's tiger Leather flag.

Fang Dou shook his hand and Sanwazi's body fell into the water, making two normal sounds.

The water broke, and a catfish with two legs opened its mouth full of fangs and bit Sanwazi in its mouth.

With a normal sound of falling into the water, after the catfish monster fell into the water, a bloody splash rose for a moment.

"It turned out to be a catfish monster!"

Catfish are omnivorous fish, eating water, grass, soil, fish eggs and floating corpses.

It is thought that the pair of water pirates and catfish monsters colluded, one party is responsible for robbery and murder, the other party is responsible for destroying the corpse and evidence, and it is a perfect cooperation.

The catfish monster can make waves, and it can ensure the peace of this route. It secretly cooperates with the old boatman to destroy the competitors, leaving only their family.

The old boatman also responded positively, tricking people into the middle of the river every time, killing them and throwing them into the river to let the catfish monster feast.

It's just that I was unlucky this time. I met Fang Dou, and even Sanwazi died. After his death, he became a catfish monster.

After a while, the catfish monster finished eating, and a dissatisfied cry came from the bottom of the water.

"How did you do it? You even threw down the three baby boys. When I found out, there were only two bare feet left!"

The old boatman was overjoyed when he heard this. , hurriedly shouted for help.

"The monster grandfather has encountered a thorny living person, please use your Divine Ability to kill him!"

"Avenge Sanwazi!"

When he said this, he deliberately ignored the fact that Sanwazi was still eaten by the catfish monster after his death.

To the monsters, their own people are also food!

(end of this chapter)

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