Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 208


Chapter 208 Letter from Qilie

A few days after the breakthrough, Fang Dou cultivated various spells and found that formidable power had different degrees of rise.

Especially pill concocting, many gates have become much smoother, and the success rate has improved a lot, which is a pleasant surprise.

This breakthrough, Qi Refinement Pill contributed a lot.

Fang Dou expedited the purchase of a batch of materials, refining hundreds of Qi Refinement Pills, unconsciously, has spent tens of thousands of taels.

In the last fight, the loss of bean soldiers also cost a lot of materials to repair.

The three spirits of Hell Dao often need to be concocted with secret medicine. Although the improvement is very small, their strength is always slowly improving.

"By the way, you can give yourself a talisman!"

Fang Dou then remembered that in addition to cultivation, defense and fighting, Fang Dou had a The ability given to people.

Previously, Fang Dou was a weak second-rate realm, and it has not yet reached this level.

Fang Dou has been initially qualified after the breakthrough strong second-rate.

As soon as he thought of it, Fang Dou called out the Tiangang altar, and the streamer flickered in front of his eyes, interweaving into a three-dimensional outline.

"Low-level Talisman Power, Medium Talisman, High Level Talisman."

Fang Dou stared at the Tiangang altar and muttered to himself.

He doesn't need the low-level amulet, the high-level amulet has no shadow at all, so he has to try the medium-level amulet.

Tiangang altar, for today's Fang Dou, the level is too high, only the superficial functions can be found.

The countless light patterns that make up the altar hide infinite mystery, so he cannot understand it.

"Giving talismans, which one should I choose?"

The talisman that was previously seized from the King Wheel is an inferior talisman with dual functions, the first being the caster Your own spell is increased, and secondly, if there is an altar supply, you can mobilize mana reinforcements.

It has been a long time since Fang Dou added the talisman to Qilie.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou thinks of Qilie, the Tiangang altar is not fully activated, it can only give talismans, but cannot provide mana, and I don't know, how is Qilie now?

After a while, Fang Dou settled down, immersed in the altar, and started to choose rune.

"Fresh Wind Talisman, Magic Cloud Talisman, Fog Return Talisman..."

There are more than a dozen runes in total, Fang Dou's eyes stayed on one of the "Armored Horse Talismans".

Fang Dou has seen this rune more than once, and many members of the Qianqiu Society use this rune to travel.

The warlock realm, the means of transportation for everyone, still has to rely on the steed carriage.

But with the help of spells, it can travel thousands of miles in the day and 800 in the night like the ancient gods.

The 'Armored Horse Talisman', with the 'Sacred Mantra' as the core, is one of the best.

With this talisman attached to both legs, once the mana runs, it will be able to control the breeze as a horse, and walk day and night without getting tired.

"I'll choose you!"

Fang Dou is missing a movement method. Those who meet the requirements must at least have to go to the realm of the master to cultivate, and now he has to use the 'Armored Horse Talisman'. travel.

“Tiangang altar, give me a talisman!”

Fang Dou called the altar to his side, and pointed out the talisman, and began to give the talisman.

From the altar, a talisman slowly rises. Rune is the first half of the horse character, and after get off work, the wind shape, it is the armored horse talisman!

The ancient spells are not separated from each other.

"Please give me the talisman!"

Fang Dou bowed respectfully to the altar, the flowing light flashed above his head, and the rune did not penetrate between his brows.

A medium talisman!

This truth, Fang Dou has now experienced personally, finally understands it.

The armor and horse amulet bestowed by the altar poured into Fang Dou's mind the details of the cultivation and use of the spell, similar to the mystery of spell seeds.

"so that's how it is!"

Fang Dou's mind was spinning, and it took him a long time to digest the knowledge of the spell.

To cast the Armored Horse Talisman, either stick the talisman paper on the legs, or keep reciting the mantra, walking against the wind and rapid progress.

However, Fang Dou wanted to try something else.

It is too ostentatious and taboo to put talisman paper on the legs. You can't walk in the rain, and you can't cross the river, so as not to wet the talisman paper, which is too restrictive.

As for mantras, short sprints are fine, but long walks are not!

Fang Dou plans to make a spell!

If you have the 'Curse Artifact' at hand, you can try to make the magic spell into a pair of shoes, so that there is no flaw in the talisman paper, and you don't need to chant the spell all the time.

"Good way, I'm a genius!"

Fang Dou returned to the side hall and pulled out a bunch of straw sandals.

Okay, straw sandals are similar to Peach Wood Sword, and the difficulty of holding spells is greatly reduced.

In the days that followed, Fang Dou devoted himself to refining the mantra, and did not know how many pairs of straw sandals were scrapped.


A flame rose, and in the blink of an eye, engulfed the entire sandal.

Fang Dou sighed, failed again, there is a threshold for everything!

The Peach Wood Sword seems to be unremarkable, and it can only change something rotten into something magical and has the ability to slay evil spirits because of the slaying spell inside.

However, Fang Dou had difficulty making a pair of straw sandals.

"Do you have to try again?"

Fang Dou was about to start when he heard a gust of wind approaching, "A talisman?"

These days After studying for a long time, I can tell just by listening to the sound of the wind.

"Could it be that the Qianqiu Society is here again?"

Fang Dou was vigilant, grabbed the steel rod and stood up, a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and there was one more person.

"Excuse me, is this Jiming Temple, the dojo of Master Fang Dou?"

The uninvited guest is a lean guy, wearing a tight waist and narrow sleeves clothes , the trouser legs are rolled up to the knees, and a piece of talisman paper is pasted on both sides of the calf.

The content of the talisman paper is exactly the 'armored talisman' that Fang Dou can no longer be familiar with!

Isn't it just a coincidence?

Fang Dou stared at the armored-horse charm for a moment before he realized it.

"It's been renamed Jiming Temple, I'm Fang Dou!"

The young man was slightly surprised, then said, "I'm sorry, the employer asked me to send a letter, and it was clearly intended to be sent to me. In the hands of Master Fang Dou."

"This little master, may I ask, do you still remember the old man who killed the enemy together on the edge of the canal?"

Fang Dou's heart suddenly became enlightened, "It turned out to be Big Brother Qilie, he photographed you to deliver the letter?"

The boy heard nodded, "As expected, Master Fang Dou, please accept the letter!"

He stepped Write out a letter and hand it to Fang Dou.

Fang Dou took the letter, turned to the main hall, and got some rice, pickles, and water.

"Just use some!"

"Just right, I'm thirsty, many thanks, little master!"

The young man took the water Drink up, and then eat with pickles, it tastes delicious.

Fang Dou opened the cover and saw that it was intact. He glanced at the contents and hurriedly put it back. He couldn't see it at the moment.

While eating, the young man told Fang Dou that he was 'Ma Xinlang'.

This ancient profession is to send letters to and from different towns.

The boy's family passed the armor and horse talisman, which can walk around on his legs and deliver letters for others.

"I'm done, thank you little master, I still have the next wave to send, so I'll say goodbye!"

Fang Dou waved his hand, "Good luck!"

He watched the guy cast the armor and horse charm, and his heart seemed to be touched.

The talisman of cultivation in one's life, walking through thousands of households and sending letters to people, this belief is worthy of the armor and horse talisman.

“so that's how it is!”

Fang Dou finally understood that he was missing the trick.

(end of this chapter)

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