Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 207


Chapter 207 Cultural breakthrough

After Fang Dou let go of the girl Ah Yue and her companions, he packed the seeds in a cloth bag, Wait until the next spring to plant.

Although, it takes many years to wait until the germination, growth, and then the prickly ash tree can bear seeds.

But as long as the seeds are planted, there is hope for the future.

"Continue the cultivation!"

Fang Dou restarts the Tiangang altar, continues the cultivation 'Eating Qi' and 'Purple Mansion Divine Lightning', and grows himself step by step.

The Qi-eating method is the foundation, with the help of Qi Refinement Pill, constantly swallowing World's Essence Qi, strengthening the self-movement method and opening up the meridians.

Purple Mansion Divine Lightning is the method of Yin-Yang Harmony to mobilize the Qi of the five internal organs, open six bowels and condense the six spirits.

Both are cultivation techniques with a solid foundation and a solid foundation.

With the day-to-day cultivation, the Qi-eating method has also arrived at the Perfection Realm, and the third palace of Purple Mansion Divine Lightning appears.

Fang Dou's current realm, among the second-rate warlocks, is a little weaker.

But his various spell coordination, coupled with sharp tools, is comparable to a strong second-class warlock. If he plays for a long time, he can scare off a weak first-class like Qi Wuzaowang.

But the bottom line is there, no matter how you play it, it's over.

In fact, realm restricts the formidable power of spell.

For example, Flying Sword, with Fang Dou's current mana, can only release one sword, no more.

The Mountain Ghost Rune Summons, at best, can lift a 100-meter mountain, and it cannot last for a long time, otherwise the mana will be exhausted, and it will be backlashed.

Realm and strength are complementary to each other, and if either side is out of balance, it will be 'bad for performance'.


Above the altar, Fang Dou sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, swallowing World's Essence Qi, shrouded in white mist.

These white mists are World's Essence Qi gathered by the altar, and gathered around Fang Dou by the Qi Refinement Pill.

It can be said that the cultivation environment at the moment is really blessed by heaven, comparable to some 'little Celestial Grotto'.

“Eat, nourish, move!”

World's Essence Qi enters the body and is smashed into different attributes, the beneficial Spiritual Qi, which runs through the cultivation technique and turns into mana Entering the body, it is supplemented into the large air flow that opens up the meridians.

As for harmful impurities, they are excreted through pores.

This is a step by step process, just like exercising every day, at first I can't see anything, if it accumulates over a long period of time, one day I will find out that I have become so powerful!

Now, Fang Dou has reached the threshold of breakthrough.

The second layer Perfection of the Qi-eating method is where water flows, a canal is formed.

The meridian network in this area, only some of the end of the corners, are still not opened up by mana, it is only a matter of time.

With the Qi-eating method, gradually transform Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi and strengthen the mana in the body.

The torrent of mana began to impact the bottleneck on the verge of collapse, and the remaining meridian levels began to loosen.

If the sprint at this moment can be turned into a real scene, it should be a sluice, which is struggling to resist the flood that is rolling down from the upper stream.


I don’t know how long it has been, Fang Dou’s ears roared and his mind went blank.

The mana accumulates enough potential energy, like a hot knife through butter to break the switch card and open the last meridian.

The Second Layer of the Qi-eating method is finally Perfection, and the mana is unimpeded in the meridians of this area.

It's a very smooth feeling, Fang Dou feels the flow of mana, like a lubricated machine, easier.

At this moment, Fang Dou finally achieved a strong second-rate warlock realm, which then triggered a series of chain reactions, and various spells became more and more powerful.

"Take this opportunity to develop the spleen into a palace!"

The six gods are Dongmu Azure Dragon, Nanhuo Vermilion Bird, Xijin White Tiger, Beishui Black Tortoise, The upper yellow hook is Chen, and the lower soil is the snake.

Corresponding to internal organs, namely liver, heart, lung, kidney, spleen and stomach.

The temple of the five internal organs is originally the liver, heart, lung, kidney and spleen, and the stomach is originally one of the six bowels.

But among the six gods, the central loess is divided into the lower soil Tengser and the upper yellow hook Chen, and the stomach is naturally added to form the pattern of Yin soil stomach and Yang soil spleen.

Fang Dou's cultivation on Liushen started with the fire of his heart and condensed the Vermilion Bird of the south fire.

Immediately afterwards, the Yin Tuwei Palace was opened again, and the Shang Huang Teng Snake was achieved.

Third Step, it is natural to return to yin and yang, from the stomach to the spleen.

The Sovereign of the Spleen House is Gouchen and the Divine Beast of the ancients, who is in the center and is just.

Fang Dou already has confidence in how to condense and hook Chen.

Previously, Fang Dou rummaged through the book, looking for Gou Chen's records.

This Divine Beast, according to legend, in Ancient Era, presides over justice in punishment, so it lives in the center of the Quartet, representing absolute justice.

Representing the two Divine Beasts of the soil, Teng Snake is cunning and changeable, Gou Chen is just and strict, One Yin One Yang, each goes to extremes.

With Teng Snake's cunning, it must be suppressed with Gou Chen's fairness, and yin and yang balance is the right way.

Fang Dou was like a mirror in his heart, taking advantage of the imposing manner of breakthrough, he began to attack the development of the spleen palace.

In the temple of the five internal organs, the phantom of the soaring snake is surrounded by clouds and mist, which means making waves.

However, as Fang Dou's thoughts flowed, Gou Chen's phantom began to be faintly discernible in the sky above the Teng Snake.

The shape of Gou Chen, similar to Qilin, is also a horse-shaped Divine Beast.

At this time, Tengshe was unwilling to be suppressed and started backlash.

Fang Dou instantly felt that his stomach began to contract, as if there were hundreds of hands grasping, making him extremely hungry.


Fang Dou sneered, cultivation is very important today.

Among the internal organs, the central palace suppresses the Quartet, which is absolutely the primary position, and must not be chaotic.

"Little Teng Snake, let alone Divine Beast, what if it is Divine Beast?" , a branch-like thunder emerged and began to fall towards the Teng Snake.

Every time a thunder falls, the clouds and mist around the snake's body shrink by a circle, and its wings flap wildly.

"Good opportunity!"

Fang Dou took the opportunity to mobilize the essence of his five internal organs and poured them all back into Gou Chen's phantom.

With a loud bang, another mansion door opened.

Spleen soil achievement, Gou Chen Xuying stabilized and began to leap up, suppressing above Teng Snake.

At this point, the central soil, yin and yang are positioned, and the opening of the central palace has been completed.

Fang Dou felt that the imposing manner in the Five Zang Temples changed abruptly and became more stable.

Looking at the Spleen House again, it was suppressed by Gouchen, and the foundation gradually stabilized.

People all over the world use the word 'temper' to describe people's mood swings, but in fact they are very particular.

If the spleen is deficient, the qi will be weak.

The opening of the spleen house brings benefits to Fang Dou, which is to nourish qi and store essence, and fill himself up.

The three houses have been opened up, and the thunder still has the dual changes of fire and earth, but with the combination of yin and yang, the formidable power is even greater.

Nowadays, Fang Dou can achieve Power of Yin-Yang turbulence, whether it is thunder in his palm or spouting thunder in his mouth and nose. Although the speed is not as fast as real lightning, it is still enough to kill the enemy completely unprepared.

Purple Mansion Divine Lightning has reached a higher level of realm, and the foundation of internal refining has become more stable.

As long as you go down gradually, condense the six gods one by one, and finally achieve Purple Mansion Divine Lightning, break through the gap between Heaven and Earth inside and outside, and become a mage without any problem.

(end of this chapter)

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