Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 206


Chapter 206 Miaojiang Shenji Village

Half a month later, a small boat floats on the bottom of the river.

Ata stood on the pole, the bamboo raft cut through the calm water, and shot arrows forward like a shuttle.

The girl hugged her knees and looked at Jiang Shui with a lot of thoughts.

On the lush trees on both sides of the strait, monkeys play and play with vines, making 'zhi zhi' calls.

However, all this failed to break the girl's mood.

"On the way back, you have been worrying all the time, what's wrong?"

The girl and Atta, after leaving Jiming Temple, immediately set off to return to Miaojiang.

I thought that Fang Dou was teasing them and would kill them on the way.

However, all the way to calm and tranquil, seeing the entry into Miaojiang, it is already my own territory, so there is no need to worry.

But the girl's mind became heavy day by day, and she was unhappy every day, and she didn't speak.

Ata knew that he was clumsy, and soon to please the girl.

On this day, I finally couldn't hold back and began to persuade the girl.

"No, nothing?"

The girl shook the head, some things, even if she said it, no one would believe it.

The day I was pecked on the head by a rooster, I didn't feel anything at first.

But later, in her daily dreams, she could see a majestic rooster, covered with golden light, walking towards her step by step.

"Is this a gu?"

The stinging star department and even the entire Miao region, using 'gu' to refer to 'spell', the meaning of being a gu means being casted on spell .

Fang Dou's impression became particularly bad in her heart. She promised to let people go, but secretly cast Gu, which was too despicable.

But Atta didn't know, so the girl had to hide it from him.

Bamboo rafts follow the river all the way, wading across the wide river bank, entering the jungle river shrouded in jungle, I do not know how many winding roads, and finally arrived at the resident of the thorn star.


The girl jumped off the bamboo raft and saw an old man with gray hair, holding a bamboo cigarette stick in his hand, waiting for a long time.

"We failed!"

Uncle saw the girl and Atta, both of them were safe and relaxed.

"It's okay if you don't kill it, the important thing is that you are all right, go back to see Eminem, and go to rest!"

The Assassin Organization is not an Assassin Organization, and there is no mission failure to accept punishment. Say, as long as clansman is safe and sound.

The Eminem in his mouth is the Old Ancestor of the Thorn Star Department, the most respected grandmother.

Among the tribes, the most mysterious place is the bamboo building where Eminem lives. Poison insects are extinct within a hundred steps, which is very rare in Miao Xinjiang.

The girl stopped in front of the bamboo building, breathes deeply, "Amu, I encountered something strange, I want to ask you to help!"

An old voice came from the bamboo building , "Come in!"

Walking along the stairs to the bamboo building, the girl saw an old woman kneeling on a square bamboo mat in front of the open door, her hands folded on her knees Before, squinting at the sun overhead.

This old woman is exactly Eminem of Supreme of the Thorn Star Department, and is also the strongest existence in the tribe.

She is not only the Eminem of the girl, but also the Eminem of everyone in the tribe, including Uncle.

According to legend, Eminem married from outside.


The girl knelt down against Eminem, spread her hands on the floor in front of her, and kowtowed on it with her forehead.

"lifts the head, let me see!"

Eminem said with a wrinkled face, "The people of the Central Plains spell all kinds of strange things, you accidentally It's okay to be hit, let Eminem see!"

The girl finally couldn't help it, loudly said, "I've been having nightmares every day these days, like something is growing in my head!"

"Good, let Eminem see!"

The old woman stretched out a finger and tapped on the girl's forehead.

As soon as the fingertips touched the white forehead, it was like opening a door and surging golden light spurted out.

The golden light is like a cloud of clouds, rolling over the entire bamboo building, and finally converging into a golden rooster. The two eyes seem to be able to penetrate the space, looking at the old woman and the girl.

The old woman was stunned, looking at the appearance of the golden rooster, and suddenly knelt on the ground, "Master Shenji, you have finally appeared!"

The girl was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth. What's happening here?


The phantom of the golden rooster only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace.

The old woman looked at the empty space in front of her, lost in thought, and came back to his senses after a long time.

"Ayue, Eminem wants to tell you about Eminem's hometown!"

The girl Ayue was a little surprised when she heard it. Eminem's hometown is among the tribes. The secret, I have never heard of it, why should I tell him today?

"Amu's hometown used to be the largest stockade in Miaojiang, called Shenji Stockade!"

The girl looked thoughtful, recalling carefully, she had never heard of this stockade!

"Of course you haven't heard of it, because this stockade is long gone!"

Eminem stared ahead, as if the silhouette of the golden rooster still remained.

"Shenji Village was the largest village in Miaojiang back then, with a population of one million!"

"What, one million?"

The girl A Yue I couldn't help but exclaimed, the Thorn Star Department only had more than 2,000 people, and it was already a medium-sized tribe.

As for the most powerful tribe in the vicinity, the Bronze Ding Clan was only in the early 20,000s, and it was already an existence that people looked up to.

The environment in Miaojiang is harsh, with steep mountains, surrounded by rivers, dense jungles, and endless poisonous insects, making it difficult for humans to survive.

Under the constraints of various factors, the population of the tribe cannot always increase.

"Yeah, the God Chicken Village back then was an existence that made everyone look up to it."

"Do you know what kind of existence allowed the stockade to be built and sheltered? Millions of villagers?"

"Could it be Spiritual God?" Ah Yue's mind was flexible.

"Yes, that is an existence that rivals Spiritual God, a divine chicken!"

Hearing the word 'sacred chicken', Ah Yue was shivered, what she saw just now Phantom, the one on Fang Dou's shoulder!

Could it be...

The more Ayue thought about it, the more confused her heart became, when she heard Amu say, "The divine chicken descended from the sky, leading the Miao people to slay the beasts and disperse the poison insect, Between the mountains and jungles, a city-like stockade was opened.”

“It taught the Miao people the skills of survival and cultivation, and created the myth of the Shenji Village.”

“Until the One day, the divine chicken disappeared, the huge stockade fell apart, and finally disappeared in the depths of the forest."

The old woman said with a vicissitudes of life, "And I, one of the witches of the divine chicken stockade, worshipped from generation to generation. Divine Chicken."

She pointed at Ayue, "The shadow you brought back just now was given by Lord Divine Chicken."

"Ayue, this is somewhere in the dark. It is destined that you should inherit Eminem's sorceress position and go to the Central Plains to find Lord Shenji!"

There was too much information, and Ah Yue's mind was a little confused, "But, Eminem, how could Shenji follow someone? People from the Central Plains?"

"We don't have the right to guess the mind of the god chicken, we just need to execute it."

"Ah Yue, next, Eminem will teach you all the abilities ."

"By the way, when you walk in the Central Plains in the future, you need to take a name from the Central Plains."

"Amu has already thought about it, your nickname is Ayue, just call it You Miao Jiayue!"

The old woman opened her eyes, her pupils were disappeared, but instead they were radiant rays of light, "I still don't accept inheritance!"

Ah Yue hesitated for a moment, saluted respectfully, and met the eyes of the old woman.

(end of this chapter)

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