Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 205


Chapter 205 After the chicken master's old friend

Fang Dou has no interest in the girl's trade!

These two people, who are nothing but a killing knife, are they worth bargaining with?

The ability of these two people is strange, not the spell system of the Central Plains, but more like the means of frontier aliens.

Who can see the sky, invite an alien warlock thousands of miles away?

It's either Qianqiu Club or the family behind Qilian County Magistrate.

Is it hard to guess the answer to one of two?

Although the girl's methods are powerful, she is inclined to curse killing, and secretly sneak attack formidable power is infinite, but once her whereabouts are revealed, it is not as good as the second-class warlock of Qianqiu Society.

As for the brawny man beside her, she is invincible in melee combat, but that's about it.

The combination of the two may be a desperate killer against other warlocks, but in front of Fang Dou, a yawn can solve it.

Fang Dou waved his hand, and the bean soldiers were ordered to drown Ata and the girl.

Suddenly, a rooster crowed came to mind.

The Chicken Master, who always sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail, jumped in front of Fang Dou with a serious expression, and asked him to stop.

Gu Gu (stop it)!

Fang Dou stared at it, "Master Chicken, these two have to kill me!"

"What's your explanation?"

Chicken Master was stunned, Fang Dou in front of him was determined, was he still the hairless brat he used to be?

It turns out that he has grown a lot during these times.

Gu Gu (after the deceased, leave a sympathy)!


Fang Dou stared at the rooster, didn't expect Chicken Master and old friends?

He suddenly raised his hand and ordered the bean soldiers to stop and surround Atta and the girl.

In front of the temple, which had been shouting to kill, the bean soldiers stopped abruptly, holding the weapons to trap the blood-soaked Atta and the girl.

"Why didn't you kill him?"

Atta's eyes were covered with blood, and he kept wiping the corners of his eyes with his fists.

The girl took a breath and guessed in her heart that maybe the other party changed her attention.

She has a sharp calculation in her heart, what can impress Fang Dou, Qianqiu Society is the murderer behind the scenes, this is her biggest trump card, but the opponent remains unmoved at all!

The only thing left is me!

The girl is very confident. Throughout childhood, she was the most beautiful girl in the tribe.

Every night, there are young young men singing to the moon under the bamboo building.

In the early morning, I pushed open the door and found that the door was already full of flowers.

However, since the girl met that person, she has long been attached to her, and she doesn't look down on these clansman from the same tribe.

The man taught him the knowledge of the people of the Central Plains, and told her girl that she should keep her true heart and all precious things for her beloved Langjun.

The girl thinks that until now, the only one who can trade is herself.

“Fang Dou, you let Atta go, I am willing to dedicate myself to you!”

The girl was afraid that Fang Dou would not agree, so she forced herself to say, “I don’t have Alang, Still a clean girl!"


Fang Dou stood on the altar and couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, he used the power of the altar to see the silhouette of the girl from a distance, her body was extremely slender, and there was a pair of...

He was rippling in his heart, intending to agree. At the time, the chicken master pounced and pecked heavily on his head.


Fang Dou was puzzled, no matter what the realm of cultivation, he couldn't stop the chicken Master's peck!

"Don't worry, Master Chicken!"

Fang Dou's face was righteous, "I have received your teaching, how can I be a beast taking advantage of people's danger?"

"Besides, since he is your old friend, Fang Dou should treat each other with courtesy!"

He picked up the chicken Master, but he was flashed by him and jumped on his shoulders.

"You come to supervise me!"

Fang Dou walked down the stone altar and put away the Tiangang altar. Now both of them are fish on the anvil, surrounded by bean soldiers. among.

The girl waited for a long time before she saw Fang Dou poke through the grass and walked out, thinking that this Little Monk looks like Zhou Zheng, how could he be so vicious?

The moment Fang Dou saw the girl, he regretted it. If he knew she was so beautiful, he should have tried to offend the chicken master and agreed to accept the girl!

Not anymore, the chicken Master is standing on his shoulders, glare like a tiger watching his prey!

"Now, answer the question obediently!"

"Whether you survive or not depends on your performance!"

The girl seemed very docile, replied, "As long as I know, I will tell you everything!"

"Is the Qianqiu Society sending you here?"

Fang Dou picked out the most suspicious person and immediately asked.

"How do you know?"

The girl covered her mouth in surprise. came out of the club, and as expected, the heart of Qianqiu will not die, even the trick of buying a murderer and killing someone is a shame!

"What's your background?"

"Atta and I are both clansman from the Miaojiang Thorn Star Department, and we clansman have always been employed by people from the Central Plains."

It turned out to be a minority, Fang Dou voted, and the Qianqiu Society stretched far enough!

"Chicken Master! Huh?"

Fang Dou realized that the Chicken Master had been staring at the girl since just now.

"Chicken Master!"

The rooster came back to his senses and whispered to Fang Dou twice, "Gu Gu!"

It He flapped his wings, fluttered gently, and landed in front of the girl in a shuttle arc, and he looked up and pecked.

The girl sighed, the golden light didn't enter her forehead, she looked at the head, and found that there was no abnormality.

Fang Dou felt grief and indignation in his heart, seeing the fair skin of the girl, even the oily skin was not broken, and the chicken master was too unfair, why did he grow potatoes on his head every time?

Gu Gu (I solved it, let her go!)

Fang Dou thought for a while, Master Chicken’s move must have buried some kind of restriction, so he waved his sleeves , "Let's go!"

"In the future, don't mix with the people of Qianqiu Club!"

"Next time, I may not be so polite!"

"Remember, it's all in the Master's face~"

The rooster squinted and smiled, this kid, go on!

The girl didn't expect, Fang Dou let her go so easily, he was about to leave with Ata's hand, and suddenly heard Fang Dou shout, "Stop!"

It's over, This man go back on one's word and won't let them go.

The girl turned around in despair, "What more do you want?"

Fang Dou rubbed his hands and asked, "What seasoning do you have with you?"



The girl didn't react, "There are some spices, but..."

"Are there any chili peppers?"

Fang Dou can't wait to ask, in order to fulfill his long-cherished hot pot dream, he is also working hard.

"There are no peppers, only Zanthoxylum bungeanum and dogwood!"

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a native species and is widely distributed in southwest China.

The dogwood has a certain spiciness and was used to add spiciness to dishes when there was no chili.

These two distinct things add up to a spicy and spicy flavor.

"Do you have any seeds, give me some!"

The girl hurriedly rummaged through the gifts on her body, and finally found some round seeds, all of which were easy to carry after drying.

To eat, simply grind the seeds into powder and sprinkle them into dishes.

Fang Dou cautiously harvested a handful of Chinese prickly ash seeds. It's not enough for cooking. It's okay to sow seeds.

These days, the price of spices is sky high. If you want to eat them daily, you still have to sow your own seeds!

"Okay, let's go!"

The girl saw Fang Dou's big fanfare and just asked her for some pepper seeds. She was surprised, but she still helped Atta and left.

(end of this chapter)

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