Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1694: Outrageous

In the **** array, a mysterious ring emerged, beyond the bounds of the world, not in the world.

This changed Ling Xian's color, and her body suddenly became tight.

Because this means that an extraterrestrial demon in the eighth realm is about to appear.

Sure enough, after three breaths, a tall man emerged from the ring. He was extraordinary and domineering.

Compared with the previous demon from outside the country, this person is better than the invincible supreme, swallowing the world, and staring at the sky.

This shocked Ling Xian and was full of puzzles.

According to his speculation, it would take two years to talk less to illuminate all the lines of the array and lead to the out-of-domain demons.

However, after three days, how could it lead to aliens?

"Sure enough, it is a barbarous land. Such a thin aura is not as good as the place where our slaves live."

The man showed disdain, and then turned his eyes to Lingxian.

Suddenly, the two gods burst into the air, like a heavenly sword.

This changed Ling Xian's color, and there was only one word in her mind.


These two gods are so horrible. Ask yourself, even if he tries his best, the possibility of blocking is not enough.

However, Ling Xian did not panic, because he knew that in the eyes of the man, he should be attractive.

Even if this man is no longer arrogant, he won't say a word and will send him on the road.

And it turns out that Lingxian was right.

When the two gods were only an inch away from his eyes, they suddenly stopped, and then disappeared into the sky.

"Courage is good, but unfortunately not capable."

The man sneered, saying: "On average two and a half years can I pick up one person. If I wait for you, when will I conquer the basalt continent?

Hearing that Ling Xian understood.

It should be that this person can't wait and uses some special means, which is why he comes early.

But this way, no doubt put him in danger.

Zhong Lingyue hasn't arrived yet, and by the means he has prepared in advance, there is only a 30% chance of winning.

"This is in trouble." Ling Xian sighed in a dilemma.

More than half of the means he prepared were in the formation. Once the man stepped out of the formation, his means would fail, and this block would fail.

In the absence of Zhong Lingyue, if he shot, his chance of winning was at most 30%. In other words, the remaining 70% is his death rate.

In this way, can Lingxian not tangle?

At the moment, he can only adopt procrastination tactics, and laughs: "I can't compare my master's skill to the world."

"I'd say it." The man's face softened a little, and he waved a black gas, saying, "I appreciate it."

"Master Xie rewards." Ling Xian pretends to be ecstatic, but he puts black gas in his sleeve and never takes it.

Although the Elder Mormon's cultivation has improved a little after taking the black gas, it is for the people in the Mormon who are contaminated with aliens. To him, it could be a deadly poison.

"Why not?" The man frowned, his eyes were sharp like a sword, and his momentum was like an abyss.

"Reluctant, I want to take it when it breaks." Ling Xian said without panic.

"You are clever, and when you break down, it works better than usual."

The man glanced at Ling Xian and wanted to step out of the battle.

This made Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, knowing that he had to make a decision.

Otherwise, when the man leaves the large array, his hard work over many days will be burned.

"You can't control that much, even if you only have a 30% chance of winning, you have to shoot!" Ling Xian made up her mind.

He knew exactly what the move meant, but even with a death rate as high as 70%, he couldn't sit by and watch the man out of the battle.

In order to ambush this person, he kept working day and night and put in too much effort. If you do n’t give it a try, how can you be willing?

At the moment, Ling Xian was thinking, and he started the captive formation method hidden in the large array.

Suddenly, seventy-two seal arrays emerged, imprisoning men who could not be beaten.

This sudden change caused the man to be furious and yelled, "Who the **** are you ?!"

"Kill you!"

Ling Xian arrogantly opened her mouth, pinching a treasure seal in her right hand. Suddenly, thirty-six attack formations appeared, launching a stormy offensive.

The wind was rising, the sun and the moon were dark, countless attacks fell, and the man was drowned while breaking up the space.

However, Ling Xian's face did not have the slightest joy, and some were only dignified.

He didn't doubt the strength of his formation, but he knew more about how powerful the eighth realm was. The 36 attacking formations were difficult to cause damage to this person.

"If this is your confidence, I can only say that you are too underestimating me."

Shenguang dispersed, the man stood proudly, let alone injured, and his clothes were not damaged.

That attitude is like the same Supreme King, invincible and invincible.

This made Lingxian's pupils shrink and her body became tighter.

Although he had anticipated it, when this scene appeared before and after his eyes, he still caused a huge wave in his heart.

This person is too powerful to be able to achieve unscathed without being able to prevent it. What a terrible strength is this?

"The generation of ants, dare to kill me, ridiculous." The man stared at Ling Xian indifferently, without concealing his contempt.

"It's really difficult to kill you, but not necessarily impossible."

"At the very least, you are trapped by me now, you can only defend and cannot attack."

"To put it bluntly, you are now a target, and this is my chance to kill you."

Ling Xian's eyes were cold. Although the attack formation did not work, the seal formation succeeded. For a short time, the man thought about it.

"You have no chance."

The man disdain, said: "Even if I stand still and let you fight, you can't break my defense."

"Try it and you will know." Ling Xian narrowed her eyes, and threw Thunderous Thunder without saying a word.

Not one, but three hundred!


Lei Haitaotao, the void exploded, and the square miles became a sea of ​​thunder, drowning everything in sight.

The jungle dissipated, the mountains and rivers disintegrated, and everything was wiped out by the thunder.

However, it failed to shake the man.

Although he was attacked by 300 thunderstorms in a concentrated way, he stood proud until the thunder completely disappeared, and he couldn't shake him at all.

He is really too powerful, so powerful is desperate!

"There are a lot of means, but in my eyes, they are all children's toys."

The man dismissed a smile, still safe and sound, without breaking his shirt.

"It is indeed the power of the eighth realm, and it is really powerful and ridiculous." Ling Xian sighed with emotion.

"It is foolish, no matter how many measures you have prepared, in the case of a big realm, it will be futile and will only make people feel ridiculous." The man glanced at Ling Xian with contempt.

"What is it? This is just the beginning." Ling Xian said coldly.

"Then let me see, how much more can you do?"

The man smiled and said, "But I have to advise you, you don't have much time, at most, just a moment."

The voice fell, Ling Xian's heart sank, and her face was a little gloomy.

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