Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1693: Three Sword Kills

In the center of the mountain, Lingxian was immersed in his mind and focused on modifying the **** array.

In other words, it is to join the formation.

Not only the seal formation, but also the attack formation. He even attached toxins to the formation.

No way, this time the opponent is the eighth state of power, if not ready, Ling Xian will not even know how to die.

Therefore, even if it is as difficult as ever, he is unswerving.

In the end, he successfully joined 36 attack formations and attached toxins from coincidence.

However, Ling Xian still does not have much confidence.

In the face of absolute strength, all calculations are futile, and for him, the eighth level of power is undoubtedly absolute strength.

"I want to kill an eighth state power, only the eighth state powerhouse can do it. It seems that Zhong Lingyue has to be summoned."

Ling Xian murmured to himself, and then sent a message to Zhong Lingyue, saying his plan originally.

The content is very simple, asking her to ask Master Tengxian Weixia to take action and slay the upcoming alien powerhouse.

"This is a rare opportunity, I believe, she will not refuse." Ling Xian said to herself, her eyes gradually became firm.

Even if Zhong Lingyue refused, he wanted to let go.

This opportunity is too rare. If it can really kill an eighth state power, it will undoubtedly relieve a lot of pressure for the Xuanwu continent. How could he give up?

"You can't control that much. This opportunity must be seized."

Ling Xian's expression was firm, and the lineup of the highest lineage appeared in his mind. Then he looked for a suitable lineup.

Similar to the Confucian classics, in addition to recording Feng Qingming's experience, Zhenjing also includes more than 300 arrays. Without exception, they are powerful and mysterious.

Therefore, Ling Xian browsed one by one, looking for a suitable formation.

After a while, he found an attack formation called Sanjiansha.

Perhaps the name of this array is bad, but it is powerful but there is no doubt that even if it is placed in all the attack formations included by Feng Qingming, it is enough to rank in the top five.

You should know that Feng Qingming is the first person in the Vanguard Frontier. His array of formations is extraordinary. Even the worst, it is very powerful. This array can be ranked in the top five, which proves how extraordinary it is.

Although there are four arrays in front of it, Ling Xian can only arrange this array.

Not only is there not enough tactics, there is not enough material.

Take the shocking array that ranks first, there are thousands of materials alone. Not to mention that time is not allowed, even if he is given ten years, he may not be able to get it all together.

In this way, the three sword kill is the most suitable formation.

Just like its name, its core is a three-handed sword, and it only needs a three-handed sword.

However, these three-handed swords must be cast by Supreme Immortal Gold. Only in this way can we truly exert our power.

Ling Xian didn't have these three-handed swords, but he only needed to ask out the fairy sword.

This sword is made of three kinds of immortal gold, and from a certain point of view, it fully meets the conditions of this array.

Of course, Lingxian has to change the formation slightly, and can't always split the questioning sword into a three-handed sword?

Therefore, he can only change the Three Swords array.

It is not difficult to achieve such a thing with his grand master level accomplishment. It took only two hours to come up with the perfect solution.

At the moment, Lingxian began to line up, and the lines appeared between his hands, shaking the wild.

If someone with a deep path is present, it will certainly exclaim, and then whether it is worship or jealousy, it depends on the individual mind.

No way, he is too strong in line formation, raising his hands to cast his feet, showing the line of uprightness, grand master power.

Therefore, it took only seven days for Lingxian to complete the formation. Not only was his prestige not inferior, but he was a bit more powerful.

"Three sword kills are already in place, but there is no news from Zhong Lingyue, don't you want to come ..."

Ling Xian frowned, then depressed her thoughts, and continued to arrange her back.

First, whether Zhong Lingyue will come or not, his decision will not change, and second, he does not like to put hope on others.

Therefore, Ling Xian continued to arrange the backhand, and all he could think of and do was integrated into the **** array.

At that time, he only needs to think about it, and these means will break out!

"If it is a monk of Ming Dao Jing, even if it is the peak, these means are enough to kill him. But in the face of the unfathomable eighth state of power, it still seems a bit insufficient.

Ling Xian sighed, he didn't know how strong the Eighth Realm Monk was, but he knew that in the face of absolute strength, these means were just gossip.

It may be icing on the cake, but it is not enough to determine success or failure.

"Never mind, do everything and listen to destiny."

Ling Xianguang turned firm, and then began to refine a magic weapon called Zhentian Lei.

Although this treasure is a one-time item, it is very powerful, and it is very simple to refine, requiring almost no materials.

The only requirement was a hint of thunder.

For others, this is difficult. After all, the horrible existence of Thunder is not available to everyone. But for Lingxian, it is very simple.

Because he had a thunder rune.

This rune contains the Thunder Road, in other words, it can release Thunder.

"let's start."

Ling Xian whispered to himself, waved electro-optically, thunder.

Time passes, bit by bit.

Two months later, Lingxian refined a total of 300 thunderstorms, and the terror filled the whole mountain.

If someone is present, he will be scared and scared.

Even Ling Ling was a little bit nervous.

Of course, it's more joy.

There are three hundred thunderous mines, and the chance of winning can increase by at least 10%!

But don't underestimate this odds. With the power of the seventh realm and the strongest in the eighth realm, even if you only add a little chance, it is quite incredible.

Just as he was rejoicing, Zhong Lingyue suddenly heard a message.

The content is only two words: location.

"It did not disappoint me."

Ling Xian smiled more and more rejoicing.

Although he had the best preparation for Zhong Lingyue's refusal, it is naturally a good thing for him to have a powerful eighth shot. At the very least, it can increase the odds by 50%.

"Originally, my chance of winning was only 30%. Now, my chance of winning has reached 80%."

Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction and passed the address to Zhong Lingyue. After that, he drew the blood of the monster and activated the battle.

The old man said that in the past five years, two eighth-state aliens have been attracted in this array, with an average of two and a half years. In other words, it takes at least two years to successfully attract an alien.

When Zhong Lingyue arrived, it took only three days.

Therefore, Lingxian did not wait for her to re-activate the array, anyway, the alien will not come immediately.

However, when he activated the third day of the big fight, an accident happened.

At first, only a few lines of **** arrays were lit, and all of them suddenly lit up, and the dazzling blood flooded everything.

In that **** light, a mysterious circle emerged, independent from all realms.

Suddenly, the world changed color, and Ling Xian moved.

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