Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1695: Gold and silver swords

In the **** array, a man came as the emperor, overlooking the Eight Wastelands.

Although he was imprisoned by seventy-two seal arrays, he didn't panic, but instead looked at Ling Xian with a joke, as if looking at a threatless prey.

"Are you running out of time ..."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed. The man's meaning was obvious. The seal formation method could not hold him for a long time, at most a moment.

In other words, he must kill the man within a moment, otherwise the dead person is him.

"Treasure the last time, you should be on the road when I get out of the battle." The man did not conceal his contempt.

"You don't have this chance." Ling Xian's eyes were cold, waved with runes, thunder and lightning.

At the same time, he pinched the Emperor's fist in his left hand and gazed at his right hand, launching a stormy attack on the man.

Boom boom!

The fist prints turn skyward, God means radiance, release the immortal light of God, and diffuse the power of heaven.

However, it failed to shake the man.

The gap is really too big, just like the cloud and mud, you can't even break the defense!

"Give up, let alone kill me, you are not qualified to shake my hair."

Men disdain, like the only true God, proud of the world.

"I always get the final result before I know it." Ling Xian's expression remained firm.

Unfortunately, no matter how he attacked, he could not harm the man.

He is too powerful. With Ling Xian's current attack intensity, he can't break his defense at all.

"Don't struggle, even if I let you fight for three days and three nights, you can't do me any harm."

The man smiled proudly and said, "Not to mention, your time is short."

After hearing that, Ling Xian was silent.

Originally, he thought he had a 30% chance of winning. At this moment he realized that he was too underestimating the power of the eighth state.

It was an indescribably powerful, incalculable gap, and the means he laid out seemed so ridiculous and so powerless.

"It seems that only three swords can be used to kill."

Ling Xian sighed. From the beginning, he laid down the three swords as a killer.

According to his original vision, this array is used as a decisive move, and will be used when the man reveals his flaws. But at this moment, he had to change his plan.

There is not much time left for him. Once the man shatters the imprisonment array, he will face a humanoid dragon!

Therefore, Ling Xian had to use this array in advance.

However, just as he was planning to activate the three sword kills, a cold voice came from above.

"Sorry, it's late."

Upon hearing this, Ling Xian suddenly smiled, and at the same time, she also dispelled the seal of law that urged the three swords to kill.

Because, this is the voice of Zhong Lingyue.

"Another ants." The man looked up at the sky without any movement, some just disdain.

"If I were a ant, what would you be about to die in my hands?"

Zhong Lingyue fell down, and if Luoxian was in the dust, he was above all beings.

With her, there was also a woman.

The woman has a tall figure, exquisite facial features, and a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, giving a sense of spring.

By appearance alone, she is on par with Zhong Lingyue, but Zhong Lingyue is too cold, but she is as gentle as water.

"Want to come, she is Zhong Lingyue's sister, Wu Wu is weak."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, but the person who didn't expect to come is not the strange fairy, but Zhong Lingyue and her sister.

"Dead in your hands? People on the Xuanwu continent are so blunt, so stupid?"

The man dismissed a smile, and stared at Zhong Lingyue and Wu Weak weakly, saying: "However, she looks beautiful. So, if you two would be my sister-in-law, I will spare you your life."

"By you too?"

When Zhong Lingyue's eyes were cold, her hands were shaking, and the horrible gravity was strongly depressed. It was like a hundred thousand mountains, which was heavy and outrageous.

This caused the man to frown, but soon he stretched out and laughed, "Enough taste, I like it."

"Let me pick you up later." Zhong Lingyue glanced at the man, then turned his eyes to Ling Xian, and said, "I have something to do with my master, so I can't get out, so I brought my sister.

"So it is,"

Ling Xian nodded slightly and hesitated: "Are you sure?"

"Not coming without it."

Zhong Lingyue looked calm, pointing at the gentle woman: "This is my sister and sister, weak and weak."

"I've seen Daoyou." Wu Weiwei smiled mildly, beautiful and generous.

"You're welcome." Lingxian reciprocated, a flash of strange color flashed in the eyes.

Because, this woman is no less good than Zhong Lingyue, whether it is foundation or cultivation. Moreover, there is a mysterious power in the body, even if he used the sky eye, he could not see it through.

"Peeping in secret, but impolite behavior." Wu Wei smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry, I'm used to it." Ling Xian was a little embarrassed, but she didn't expect to be discovered by this woman.

"Your habit, it's better not to use it on my sister and sister." Zhong Lingyue glanced at Ling Xian and said, "Well, let us do the next thing."

"Okay, he is trapped by my formation at this moment. You better use your strongest attack during this time." Ling Xian nodded, not stubborn.

He knew that with his current strength, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hurt the man. Therefore, he simply retreated to the side and handed the battlefield to Zhong Lingyue and Wu Weak.

"I know."

Zhong Lingyue nodded her head slightly. Her trip was for a demon, not for discussion.

Therefore, she will naturally seize this rare opportunity.

"Does the beauty want to do it with me? I like to be in bed more than the battlefield right now." The man smiled lightly.

"Okay, wait until I interrupt your third leg." Zhong Lingyue's eyebrows were cold and cold, and the jade hand swept across the air. Suddenly, a golden excalibur emerged from the world.

At the same time, a silver excalibur emerged in front of Wu Weak.

As soon as these two swords came out, they became the only one in the world.

"It's interesting, it's a sum." The man's eyes narrowed and he said, "Unfortunately, it can't shake me."

"It's not up to you to shake it."

Zhong Lingyue's eyes flashed cold electricity, and said, "Weak, let's get started."

The voice fell, and the Excalibur rose into the air in the hand, turning into a golden golden day, bright and immortal.

At the same time, the silver excalibur also rushed into the sky, turning into a bright and bright moon, mysterious.

The next moment, the big sun and the bright moon began to turn, and the endless sword screamed out, and each one could kill the strongest Mingdao peak!

Boom boom!

The void bursts, the trembles of the heavens and the sky, the sword suffocates everything, leaving only the peerless murderous, it is frightening.

Even Lingxian shuddered.

It's terrible, and he asks himself, even if he fights hard, he can't stop even a sword.

"Finally it is no longer a child's toy, but unfortunately, it is still a little bit worse."

The sky's sword energy dissipated, and the man still stood still, standing proudly.

This made Zhong Lingyue and Wu Wu weakly frown, but he did not expect this person to be so powerful.

Ling Xian didn't have any accident. He looked at a man like a devil, his mouth slightly raised.

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