Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1690: Inductive

In the center of the mountain, a large array of blood was imprinted on the ground, which was strange and mysterious.

In a big round, four old men in black sitting cross-legged, chanting different curses, weird.

The spell was obscure and spurred the blood of the beast into the formation.

As the formations gradually light up, the array becomes more and more strange, and when the formations are illuminated, an incredible scene appears.

I saw a circle appearing in the center of the large array, with dark air inside and hidden heaven, giving people the feeling of being an independent world, not controlled by this world.

This made Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, and there was a little shock.

In his perception, this circle is like his inner world, the true self-contained avenue, and the independent world.

The next scene made him shake.

I saw a man suddenly appear in the circle, his black hair draped to his waist, tall and mighty shore, heroic and aggressive.

At that station, it was as thick and dense as a mountain, and as vast and endless as a starry sky, unfathomable.

"This is ... the extraterrestrial demon!"

Ling Xian's heart-shock is huge, although from the appearance point of view, men and human races are no different. However, he has played against the Demon of Outer Land many times, knowing that the Demon of Outer Land has a unique charm.

This man has this temperament, and he cannot see through the man's cultivation.

In other words, this person is an extraterrestrial demon, an extraterrestrial demon in the eighth state!

Therefore, Ling Xian shook and confirmed the role of the Scarlet Array.

Obviously, this is a teleportation array, which can attract extra-terrestrial demons here.

"My guess is indeed correct. The extraterrestrial demon cannot descend freely. Only by some special means can he descend on the basaltic continent."

Ling Xian sighed, and then her eyes turned cold.

Since this array has the ability to lead the demon outside the domain, it must be destroyed anyway.

Although this is a cure for the symptoms and not the root cause, it is impossible for the Demon Gate to lead this large group, but destroying it will at least cause some trouble to the outer demons, and even delay their pace.

However, at present, Ling Xian can only dormant and wait for opportunity.

The man is in the eighth state of power. What is the difference between trying to die in front of him?

"Wait a minute, this person can't stay here, as soon as he leaves, I will destroy this array immediately."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed and a cold mang emerged.

Although the four old men in black are the seventh strongest men, they are only in the early days of Ming Dao and pose no threat to him.

So he held his breath and waited patiently.

"Is this the Xuanwu continent ... a place where my tribe has repeatedly come back from the feathers." The man's eyes were deep, looking at the sky with emotion.

"See lord." The four elder elders gathered their luggage, respectful and charming.

This made Ling Xian's eyes cold, and as a person from the Xuanwu continent, he actually bowed to the aliens, which really made people shameless.

"Get up." The man waved and stepped out of the circle.

Suddenly, his feet collapsed, as if a hundred thousand mountains were resting on his shoulders.

"Huh, **** heaven." The man snorted and waved a black bead above his head, waving the pressure from heaven.

"Adult be calm and restless, when the holy tribe dominates the basalt continent, the heavenly path will be like a chicken and a dog, and it will be vulnerable." An old man said charmingly.

On hearing that, the man's complexion eased a bit, and asked, "Have you found out the bottom of the families of the imperial emperors?"

"This ..." The old man looked bitter, and the others remained silent.

"Waste!" The man sank, and said, "Even intelligence work is not good. What do you want?"

"Adult anger!" Said the old man in fear. "It's not that we don't have the ability, but that the family of the Emperor of the Gods is hidden too deeply.

"Yes, the family of the Emperor does not accept outsiders, and our eyeliners cannot be mixed at all."

"It doesn't work to probe on the side. The family of the Emperor God rarely joins the WTO, only knowing that it is unfathomable, but how strong it is, but it is unknown."

Several people spoke, for fear that the man would be angry.

"Well, there is no such thing as an iron plate, but you didn't find the right way."

The man's expression was cold, and he said, "It is important to deal with men with great benefits, beauty, and magic. If you treat women, let them be emotional. Do you want me to teach you?"

I heard that several people were looking bitter, they also knew these methods, but they all needed a premise, that is, people who were close to the family of the emperor.

And they can't do anything near it, naturally there is nothing they can do.

"It's not that you haven't found the right method, but that you haven't found the right person. If you meet Qin Che's merchandise, he'll say everything in a minute." Ling Xian laughed secretly.

"Forget it, don't waste your energy exploring."

The man waved his hand and said, "My clan masters will come one after another. At that time, no matter what the power of the God Emperor Family is, it will only be crushed."

"The words that adults have said are, how can a few families of **** emperors block the footsteps of the saints?"

"Yes, everything is futile in the face of absolute strength."

"The holy tribe is invincible, and the divine emperor family is only worthy of stepping stones."

A few people complimented and looked charming.

"Haha, okay, you guys keep picking up, I go around."

With a big wave of the man's hand, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "This is a reward for you. Do it well. My tribe will not treat you badly."

Said, four groups of black gas emerged and poured into the body.

Suddenly, a few people became more powerful, and their faces also showed joy.

At the moment, they again baggage and said in unison: "Thank you for your reward."

"I'm gone, remember, I can't afford to lose anything here. If something happens, you won't have to live." The man cautioned, and then disappeared.

Seeing this, several of the elder elders were relieved, and the entire back was soaked.

There is no way, this person's power is too strong, they are too afraid, naturally the pressure is like a mountain.

Ling Xian, however, smiled.

On the one hand, the man left, and on the other hand, the man said that there is no room for loss.

In other words, if this array can be destroyed, at least it will make the magical jump outside the heavens.

At present, Lingxian stepped out of the bushes, looking cold.

"Who ?!" An old man drank swiftly, and the back gloomed down.

The same is true of the others.

For Lingxian, Elder Momen is no stranger, and can even be said to be unforgettable throughout his life. They had thought about it more than once, smashing his skin and bones, and breaking up dead bodies.

Therefore, immediately seeing him, several people suddenly revealed their intentions to kill.

"Although I don't remember you, you must remember me if you want to come."

Ling Xian took a calm pace and chuckled, "So, let's say nothing more."

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no way to vote."

The old man looked somber and chilled, "Boy, no one can save you this time."

"Since I dare to show up, it means that I have full confidence. You don't understand this simple truth." Ling Xian smiled.

Although several people have improved their points due to the mysterious material given by the man, there is still a big gap between them in the middle of Ming Dao. Moreover, even in the middle of the seventh realm, it would not pose a threat to him.

Therefore, he is light and windy and calm.

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