Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1689: Magic door

In the air, Lingxian refining the alchemy took just two hours to produce six Yanshou Dan.

And without exception, they are all 90% effective.

This made everyone in the city stunned, staring at the proud shadow of the world, full of incredible.

For them, the alchemy on the palm is already a dream, and the efficacy of Jiucheng is more like a legend.

At the moment, when the two appear together, how can we not make everyone horrified?

"Alchemy on the palm can make Lingdan up to 90% effective. His elixir is really unfathomable ..." Su Xiu sighed.

"Six Yanshou Dan can let you live for thirty years, this time is enough for you to break through."

Ling Xian opened her mouth lightly, six Yanshou Dan cut through the sky, suspended in front of Su Xiu.

"I don't want to eat, you take it back." Su Xiu shook her head.

"Can't help you." Ling Xian's brows frowned slightly, her heart moved, and Su embroidered.

Then, her mouth opened involuntarily, and six Yanshou Dans all went into the abdomen.

The next moment, the medicine was released, nourishing her nearly dead organs. In just a few breaths, it returned to normal levels.

"What Mr. Su hopes, you know better than me."

"I have done what I have to do, and if you insist on dying, I will not stop."

"That's it. Are you worthy of Mr. Su Lao? Don't forget, you lost your life for his life."

Ling Xian glanced at Su Xiu slightly, and let her return to freedom.

"I see." Su Xiu was silent for a long while, her eyes turned firm: "I will face it bravely, and I will not run away."

"You can think of it this way, Mr. Su Lao is staring at death." Ling Xianmu Lu Xinxin said, "Let's go, take me to Mr. Su Lao's tomb."

"Come with me." Su Xiuyu stretched her hands flat and flew towards the mountains behind Su's home.

Half an hour later, Ling Xian saw a tombstone, Su Qin's tombstone.

"I haven't seen each other for years.

Ling Xian sighed, took out the spirit wine, and sprinkled it on the ground.

After that, there was a long silence.

He was thinking, how many old people would leave this road to build the fairy road slowly? In the end, will you be alone?

"Everyone says that Xiuxian Xiu is cruel and ruthless. How many people can really sever the seven emotions and six desires?"

Ling Xian was sighed, and she turned her eyes to Su Xiu, saying, "Live well, don't let down your grandpa's hard work."

"I will, I will." Su Xiuqiao's face was firm.

"Very well, keep these things and practice them."

With a wave of Lingxian's big sleeve, several kinds of elixir and magic weapon appeared. Suddenly, the light filled with fragrance and the fragrance overflowed.

"This is too expensive, I can't accept it." Su Xiu nodded slightly.

"Hold on, to me, these things are nothing." Ling Xian waved her hand, although the tone was light, it was unquestionable.

This caused Su Xiu's lips to move, but didn't say any more.

"I remember that you were a very ambitious woman."

Ling Xian showed nostalgia, and said, "See you today, your ambitions seem to fade."

"How can there be ambition?" Su Xiu laughed at herself.

"It's true that you have ambitions, and you will go a little by any means."

Ling Xian took a deep look at Su Xiu and said, "That's all you can say, please do it for yourself."

With that said, he rose into the air, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Su Xiu suddenly thought of something.

"What else?" Ling Xian said lightly.

"Three years ago, I fought with people because I discovered a secret, the secret of the magic gate." Su Xiuqiao turned serious.

"Huh?" Ling Xian frowned.

"Three hundred miles east of Qicheng, there is an unknown mountain."

"There the ferocious beasts dormant and there are few people, and within a thousand miles of this area, it is considered a forbidden land."

"I broke through to the third realm at that time, when the spring breeze was proud, I moved my mind to practice."

"As a result, I discovered a big secret."

Recalling this past, Su Xiu's face was horrified, and Jiao's body was shaking.

Seeing this, Ling Xian took out the ancient Buddha relic, and the light of the Buddha fell, soothing Su Xiu's mood.

After a while, Su Xiu got rid of his fear and talked about the whole thing.

"There are countless monsters lying in that mountain range, but when I entered, I never saw one."

"Finally, a mountain of dead bodies was seen in the center of the mountain."

"Their blood has been drained and formed a **** array, very weird."

"A large array of people from all corners of the magic gate chanting bizarre magic spells and don't know what they are doing."

"Originally, I planned to stay and spy, but unfortunately was found. As a last resort, I could only burn Shouyuan and escape to Qicheng."

Su Xiu told the story, Ling Ling frowned.

From what she can tell, there is no doubt that the magic gate must be planning.

Therefore, Ling Xian wanted to visit.

At the moment, he asked, "What are the strengths of the demons?"

"I don't know, it just feels terrible to me." Su Xiu smiled bitterly and hesitated: "Do you want to investigate?"

"Just don't know, since you know, you have to take a trip." Ling Xian nodded slightly.

The war has come to a critical moment, and no trace of it can be let go, even if it is dangerous, he has to go.

"Then ... can you bring me?" Su Xiu hesitated.

"The enemy's strength is unknown. It's not good to take you." Ling Xian shook her head.

"I guess, I will follow you, it will indeed become a burden." Su Xiu smiled bitterly.

"Rest assured, but I can leave." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Then ... take care." Su Xiumu was reluctant.

"You too." Ling Xian smiled and said, "Okay, I should go now."

Then, his body flickered and disappeared.

When it reappeared, it had reached the unknown mountain range three hundred miles away from Qicheng.

Once here, Ling Xian felt a strong **** smell.

This made him sure that Su Xiu was right.

Had it not been for the beasts that slaughtered the entire mountain range, it would never have been so bloody.

"It's a remote, inaccessible place, and a lot of monsters dormant. It's really the best place to do something out of sight."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, and the wave pattern that appeared between her hands was the simplified version of the heavenly **** array.

The enemy's strength is unknown, so he must be careful.

Afterwards, Lingxian got into shape and flew towards the center of the mountain.

Along the way, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger. If he was not afraid of scratching the grass, he would definitely take out the ancient Buddha relics and purify the place.

But for now, I can only endure.

And when he came to the center, he suddenly saw a pile of dry corpses, four people in the magic gate, and a strange **** array.

"this is…"

Ling Xian frowned, searching for memories, but couldn't recognize it.

"What a weird formation, what exactly do they want to do?"

Looking at the four people in the magic gate who chanted different curses, Ling Xian's brows froze, he couldn't figure it out, and couldn't guess.

At the moment, he was hiding in the bushes, watching a few people silently.

Time passed by bit by bit. Two hours later, he finally found the secret.

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