Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1691: Bloodless Blade

In the center of the mountains, the four elder elders sneered sneerfully, revealing their murderous power.

In this regard, Ling Xianyun was light-hearted and did not take a few people seriously.

If these people all come together in the six extreme realms, he will not show up at all. But a few people have reached a maximum of four extremes, and even if the number doubles, it is not his opponent.

"Before I start, I will give you a choice. One is to withdraw from the magic gate and not be evil."

"The second is death, and the spirits are destroyed, there is no possibility of survival in the slightest."

"How to choose, you decide for yourself, remember, there is only one chance."

Ling Xian's expression was calm, and his words were unwavering, showing his strong confidence.

"Joke! Are you worthy of our choice?"

"Haha, I also give you a choice, either die or be a slave to me."

"Stupid, maybe one-on-one isn't your opponent, but I'll wait until enough to suppress you."

Several people sneered, dismissive.

"In this world, there is a kind of power that ignores the power of numbers." Ling Xian smiled lightly and confidently illuminated Tianyu.

"It's true, but you don't have this ability." The old man sneered.

"That's because you don't understand me." Ling Xian smiled at the corner and didn't want to move.

Therefore, he intends to disclose a little information, so that several people can withdraw.

"My real name is not Ling Feng, but Ling Xian."

"This name must be heard by everyone."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, making several elder elders frown and felt familiar.

After a few breaths, the faces of the four changed.

"You ... you are Lingxian, the Lingxian who suppressed Tuoba Liufeng?" Exclaimed the old man, and it was not difficult to hear, his voice was a little trembling.

"Yes." Ling Xian nodded with a smile, not deliberately showing off, but she didn't want to do anything.

When they heard his words, several people stepped back unconsciously, their faces were cloudy.

Regarding the war many years ago, although they have not seen it with their own eyes, they can also imagine how amazing Lingxian, who suppresses the Tuoba current, should be amazing.

After all, Tuoba Liufeng is a world-recognized candidate for the Emperor of the Emperor.

This level of combat power, even if not as good as those legendary **** sons, is enough to esteem the same rank.

However, it was defeated by Ling Xian's hand, which can at least prove that he is the six polar realms!

And the six evil spirits add to the pole state, enough to ignore the number!

As a result, several people were shaken, but based on this alone, they were not able to defeat them and let them retreat.

"What about the six polar realms? I don't believe it. It's the strength of four of us and I can't suppress you!" The old man sneered, and a few people restored a little confidence.

"If that's not enough, then what?"

Ling Xian chuckled, and the momentum in the middle of Ming Dao was released recklessly, and suddenly the wind and the clouds trembled, and the Eight Wilds trembled.

Several of them also changed color, and took a few steps back again, their faces filled with horror.

The six polar realms can now fight beyond the ranks, regardless of quantity. Coupled with a practice that is a little higher than them, how can this battle be fought?

No chance at all!

"You ... you are actually in the middle of Ming Dao!" The old man stared at Ling Xian tightly, and it was difficult to hide his fear in his tone.

"Yes, do you still think there is a chance of winning?" Ling Xian nodded with a smile, knowing that he would not be able to leave the army, and went one step further.

"You!" The old man gritted his teeth, but could not refute.

The same is true of the others.

Although unwilling to admit, and despite being too cruel, this is the truth.

Don't say they have a chance to win, even if they block Lingxian's move, I'm afraid they are extravagant.

"Speaking seriously, I have no deep hatred with you, so I don't want to open the killing ring."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, life is more important than surrender at the feet of aliens."

"Lightly speaking, if I retreat, this life can't be saved."

The old man smiled bitterly, and then turned to senran: "Don't be afraid, don't forget, I won't win if I have bloodshed in my hands!"

After hearing that, everyone fell into hesitation.

"Sooner or later, the Xuanwu continent will fall into the hands of the saints, thinking about the benefits of following them, and also thinking about betraying them."

The old man was bewildered and made several people shake more and more.

"Being a dog is better than being a human?"

Ling Xian frowned, her expression turned cold: "Also, since this is your last reliance, then I will break it."

The words fell, and his big sleeves flung, and the patterns of the sky manifested, and he fell on the **** array.

Immediately afterwards, the scarlet pattern disappeared, and after a few breaths, it disappeared completely.

This means that this burst is broken, and between a few breaths, it is completely broken.

"Impossible! Never!" The old man growled, incredulous.

The same is true of the remaining three people, looking at Ling Xian as if looking at a monster.

"The truth is right there, believe it or not, it's not up to you."

Ling Xian said faintly. Although he hadn't seen it before, he was the master of the battle. As long as it is a formation, he has the qualification to crack, and this formation is no exception.

However, with his brilliant tactics, there are not many difficult formations. At least, the **** array is not in this list.

"You!" The old man was angry, but more, it was fear.

Even the last reliance is gone, who can change without fear?

"Last time I say, leave, otherwise I will never show mercy."

Ling Xian's eyes were cold and cold, which made a few people shiver.

As long as he said his real name, a few people were shaken a little bit. At this moment, the faith was completely broken.

There is no hope at all. If they don't want to die, they can only give in.

At the moment, one sighed, "I ... I'm willing to make an oath of heaven."

"The right decision," Ling Xian said lightly, and turned her eyes to the other three. "It's your decision, my patience is limited."

Hearing that the remaining three were helpless to sigh and chose to give in.

There is no way to not surrender. Maybe they betray the aliens and die, but at least they can live longer.


Ling Xian raised his mouth and said, "Send an oath to heaven, remember, don't play word games with me."

Hearing the words, several people sighed, and successively issued vows under heaven, saying that they would no longer have any contact with the demon outside the domain, and would not be evil again.

Seeing this, Lingxian was completely relieved.

The reason he didn't want to do it was because he found that the demon in the eighth realm left a divine thought.

This divine thought does not have any ability, but when a war occurs, this person will immediately feel it.

In other words, if Ling Xian took the shot, he would alarm that person.

After all, these are four Ming Dao monks, and even if he is strong, there will be some noise.

Therefore, he would try his best to lobby, otherwise he would have been punched.

"Fortunately, this person's spiritual thoughts did not fall on the battlefield, otherwise, I would have no chance."

Ling Xian smiled secretly and turned her eyes to a few people, and said, "Now tell me what you know about aliens."

Speaking, he added another sentence.

"This is not a negotiation, but an order."

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