Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1688: Sitting

Looking at the big sleeve and waving the proud shadow of the world that bounced back to the sky, everyone stopped.

In particular, Su Xiu was caught in a state of loss.

For her, two people in this life can't forget, one is Grandpa Su Qin, and the other is Lingxian.

The man who almost became her husband.

For Ling Xian, Su Xiu can be said to love and hate.

The love of him is light, and the waves of hating him are not shocked.

The former is elegant, while the latter is indifference to her.

Therefore, goodbye Ling Xian, Su Xiu suddenly lost his mind.

"With a big wave, he bounces hundreds of tricks. How did he do it?"

"It's too powerful, it's like a god!"

"Haha, we are saved. With him there, the magic army is vulnerable!"

The eyes of everyone in the city gathered on Ling Xian, with awe and gratitude.

There is another kind of emotion, which can only be seen in the eyes of female nuns, that is obsession.

Whether it is the young girl in the poem or the woman who has already appeared in the cabinet, she is full of radiance.

There is no way, whether it is his unrivaled demeanor or his strength to wave the enemy, it is a fatal temptation for the nuns.

For people in the magic gate, this is a deadly threat.

Looking at the Lingxian who looked down on the earth like a god, all the people in the magic gate shivered, even the leader was cold all over.

It's terrible, just a wave of their hands will bounce their attack, which means that beating them is a matter of thought.

Therefore, all the people in the magic gate knelt on the ground, begging Ling Xianrao for his life.

"I have no intention of killing. As long as you make a vow of heaven, withdraw from the magic gate and do no more evil, I will let you go." Ling Xian said lightly.

This is just a group of little puppets. It is at the bottom of the magic gate. It is useless to kill, it is just to create evil.

Hearing his words, the Momen crowds were silent.

"Wouldn't you?" Ling Xian glanced at the people lightly. "Then don't blame me for killing."

The words fell, and the world suddenly became cold, making everyone cold.

Especially the people in the magic gate, could not help shaking.

At the moment, one person trembled and made a vow of heaven, saying that he would withdraw from the magic gate and stop doing evil.

One or two, one after another vowed to make the leader's popularity iron-colored and iron-blue, but inwardly, he was somewhat shaken.

He knew that Ling Xian wasn't joking. If he didn't make an oath, don't want to leave today.

Therefore, the leader sighed and made an oath of no more evil.

At this moment, everyone no longer had scruples, and soon they all made vows. Then he stared at Ling Xian with hope.

Ling Xian did not live up to their expectations.

These people are just stunned, there is no need to beheaded. At this moment, they have already made a vow of heaven, and there is no reason for it.

At the moment, he said lightly, "Remember today's vow, leave."

It was said that everyone was as if pardoned, and one by one was flying, for fear Ling Ling would repent.

"I'm not a cannibal tiger."

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. It was a self-talk to herself. She never thought about it, but heard a response.

"You are not only a tiger that eats people, but also a stealing thief."

Su Xiu's lips are slightly open. Although her tone is light, her eyes are full of resentment.

Her words also resonated with women in the city, making men jealous about going mad.

Ling Xian couldn't laugh or cry.

He watched the demeanor better than the old Su Xiu, and laughed: "I haven't seen you for many years, but your cultivation has improved a lot."

"It's nothing, it's you, it's getting more and more unpredictable." Su Xiu slammed the green silk down to his forehead, inadvertently showing the style of the country.

This made many men's eyes hot, and even had a short breath.

No way, who makes Su Xiusheng's national colors and heavenly fragrances and styles so diverse?

However, Lingxian was indifferent.

Although Su Xiu is beautiful, he can be described as stunning, but he is not interested, naturally.

"Where is Mr. Su? Why didn't you see him?"

Lingxian released her soul and swept her brow after sweeping the city.

Because he didn't feel the breath of Su Qin.

There are two possibilities. One is that the former is not in Qicheng, and the other is falling.

"Grandpa ..." Su Xiu's eyes darkened.

"What's wrong with him?" Ling Xian's heart sank, with a bad hunch.

"Three years ago, Grandpa sat down." Su Xiu looked sad, with grief and self-blame.

"Zhihua? How come?" Ling Xian froze.

Falling down generally refers to being killed by people, while sitting down means end of life.

Ling Xian remembers clearly that he gave Su Qin five Yanshou Dans before he left, which is enough to extend his life span of twenty-five years. At this time, it was clearly less than twenty-five years, that is, Su Qin could not die.

"What's going on, tell me clearly!" Ling Xian looked cold.

"Grandpa is to save me. The elixir of elixir you left behind is not taken by the grandfather together.

"So, at the time of the accident, there was one left."

"Three years ago, I burned Shou Yuan because of fighting with people."

"In order to save me, Grandpa gave me the only remaining Yanshoudan and saved my life."

"And he died because he had reached the limit."

Su Xiu's expression was sad, full of guilt.

"So it is." Ling Xian sighed longly, without blame Su Xiu.

This was not Su Xiu's fault, nor was it someone's fault. It can only be said to be accidental.

"After all, it's late." Ling Xian sighed, quite sorry.

After that, he suddenly thought of something, and asked, "An Yanshou Dan can only increase its lifetime by five years. When it was served to you, it was three years ago. That is to say, you still have two years to live?"

"That's right." Su Xiu nodded gently, without fear, and some were just relief.

"It's not too late for me to come, at least, to save your life." Ling Xian smiled lightly, and made Yanshou Dan with his mastery, and it was easy to make Yanshou Dan.

With him, Su Xiu could not die.

"Don't save me. For the past three years, I have always lived in self-blame, and it is just relief to die." Su Xiu smiled arrogantly.

"What stupid thing to say? Mr. Su gives you a chance to survive, is it to let you go down with him?"

"You are not a fool. You know exactly what he wants."

"So, I don't want to say more, and I have no mood to persuade you."

Ling Xian looked indifferent, and slowly spoke a domineering discourse.

"You just need to understand one thing. I'm here and you can't die."

"This is my wish. How can you be so overbearing?" Su Xiu's eyebrows were cold.

"If it wasn't for Mr. Su Lao's last wish, would you think I would?" Ling Xian said lightly.

Hearing that, Su Xiu froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

The meaning of Ling Xian's sentence is very clear. If he did not look at Su Qin's face, he would not care about her life or death.

"Don't think too much, wait quietly."

Ling Xian was too lazy to say, the elixir emerged from her hands, and the fire was rising.

After that, he started to practice alchemy, which was on his palm.

Two hours later, Yanshou Dancheng, the all-in-one Jiucheng effect, shocked everyone.

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