"I should thank you. Without you, I wouldn't know this place." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"No, no, I should thank you." Popularly shook his head, there was a fair, I was grateful that I shared this place with Ling Xian, otherwise, I could n’t even enter the gate myself.

"Well, don't thank me anymore."

Ling Xian shook her head with a smile and said, "Since you and I have already realized, then leave."

As he said, he looked into the distance and sighed softly, "I don't know how the situation on the Xuanwu continent went after eight years."

"Eight years?" Flimbing, he was immersed in Wu Da, without paying attention to time.

Hearing Ling Xian's words now, his expression suddenly became tense.

When he entered the palace, the Xuanwu continent was already in deep water, let alone eight years. Even just one year is enough to change a lot of things.

Maybe the Xuanwu continent at this moment is already in danger.

"Don't worry too much, there is a family of God Emperor, even if the situation is even worse, it will not fall." Ling Xian comforted.

"I hope." Feng Xing sighed softly, "Let's go."

"Okay." Ling Xian nodded, then flickered, and returned as usual.

A moment later, the two appeared in the cave, and then their faces were gloomy.

Because of the huge changes in the terrain of the mountains and rivers, except for this mountain, the other peaks have collapsed, and the blood is filled with blood.

This means that there has been a vicious battle in Qing Yunzhen.

"That's ... Wind Leader and Son!"

"I'm not dazzled, they finally appeared!"

"Thank goodness, they were all right and they didn't abandon us!"

Everyone exclaimed when they saw Lingxian and popularity, and then burst into tears.

For them, Lingxian and Fengxing are not only leaders but also pillars. In the absence of two people, they lived in a state of fear, coupled with continuous fierce fighting, even more miserable.

Right now, the two finally showed up, naturally they made them tears.

But at this moment, a dissonant sound suddenly sounded.

"After being a deserter for eight years, do you two still show up?"

Qin Che sneered and walked out of the forest, arousing anger.

"Fleeing soldiers?" Feng Xing's face gloomed down, and he chuckled, "Take care of your mouth, you must know that the evil comes out of your mouth."

"Am I not telling the truth?"

Qin Che smiled and said, "For eight years, the two of you have disappeared without a trace. Are they not deserters?"

Hearing the words, the rage was popular, and he wanted to shoot.

However, it was stopped by Ling Xian.

The immediate task is to figure out the form, not to talk nonsense with people like Qin Che.

Therefore, with his eyes as a gesture of popular anger, he chuckled: "You say it's deserter, that's deserter."

"Hum, do you admit it?" Qin Che Lengheng.

"There is nothing wrong with the crime you want to add, just follow you." Ling Xian said lightly, lazily nonsense with this person.

This made Qin Che's eyes cold, and said, "Come here, grab me these two deserters!"

The words fell, and the two black men appeared in stature, both of which were cultivated in the early Ming Dynasty.

"You are not qualified to catch me." Ling Xian frowned, staring with chill in his eyes,

"You two disappeared for eight years, who knows what to do? Maybe it was collusion with the magic gate." Qin Che sneered, putting on a big hat.

This made everyone present discolored, worried and killing.

Obviously, Qin Che deliberately buckled his hat and took the opportunity to find Lingxian and popular trouble.

"You're looking for death!" Feng Xingang was angry, killing all over the country and heading for Xiaohan.

Ling Xian was also angry.

He put up with it again and again, but Qin Che pressed harder and harder.

At the moment, he whispered: "I advise you to shut up and don't force me to kill."

"Hahaha, ridiculous, because you deserve to threaten me?"

"Boy, I'm the bloodline of the Qin Huang family, if you dare to touch me, the Qin Huang family will want you to die without a burial place!"

"What's more, is it your strength that hurts me?"

Qin Che laughed loudly, full of disdain.

"You are forcing me." Ling Xian looked cold.

When he met for the first time, this person spoke well, and even now he is unrelenting. How can he not make him angry?

"How about forcing you? With your strength, killing you is easy." Qin Che disdain.

The two men in black also showed sarcasm.

"I've taken a lot of steps back and I don't have to bear anymore."

Ling Xianmu's eyes were cold, and she said, "Since you're looking for death, I'll do it for you!"

The voice fell, and he swept across the sky.

Qin Che raised a brow and was slightly surprised.

However, he remained fearless and played with the taste: "Interrupt this person's limbs and let him kneel in front of me."


The two big men in black responded and sneered and shot.

That kind of casual look obviously didn't look at Ling Xian.

Ling Xian did not take these two seriously.

Not to mention that he has reached the middle of the seventh realm, even if it is still in the early stage, he can easily suppress them.

"Two slaves, dare to stop me?"

Ling Xian's black hair danced wildly, like the advent of the devil, the fierce mighty for nine days, the momentum shocked the audience.

This changed the faces of the two, and the sarcasm became shocked.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Ling Xian was so invincible that he blasted them to a distant mountain peak with only one punch.


The mountain was cracking and blood was splattering, and the two seemed to have fallen apart, struggling to stand up.

Even if they can, they dare not stand up.

With just one punch, Ling Xian bombarded them. How powerful is this? What a huge gap?

Lend them a hundred guts and dare not stand up!

"Now it is your turn."

Ling Xian turned her eyes to Qin Che, making this person cold like a falling ice cave.

"You ... don't come over."

Qin Che was frightened. His impression of Ling Xian was that he was extremely scaly and embarrassed. Therefore, he determined that Lingxian's strength was low.

Only then did he understand that he was wrong, and he was very wrong!

"Remorse now? It's late."

Ling Xian's eyes were cold, and they immediately appeared in front of Qin Che.


Blood was stained in the air, his teeth fell, and Qin Che's half of his face was broken.

And this is just the beginning.

Ling Xian moved the real fire and shot in succession, breaking Qin Che's bones and coughing up blood.

After that, there was only one voice left in this space, Qin Che's scream.

He was trembling and mourning, but imagined how painful he was at the moment.

"Ha ha, playing well, it's been a long time since he saw him!"

"Well, something, my son taught him well!"

"Too much relief, actually dare to say that the son and the wind leader colluded with the magic gate, and tried to die!"

The crowd shouted, full of pleasure.

Ling Xian also felt comfortable and hearty.

After that, he shot more and more fiercely, hitting Qin Che's bones, and his internal organs were severely damaged.

And at this moment, a savory drink suddenly sounded, such as the voice of the avenue, shaking everyone's blood.

"Stop me!"

When the words landed, Qin Wuya came, and colorful clouds fell, wrapping Qin Che.

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